Patrol: Pokenapped!

7 months, 30 days ago

As your Pokemon carefully scale a cliffside in the Northern Range, an Aerodactyl/Demonic with a SenOricorio/Delta(Steel) in its jaws flies past. The SenOricorio/Delta(Steel) cries for help, claiming it is being Pokenapped! The Aerodactyl/Demonic seems to be flying off to its nest nearby, on top of a large, rocky spire. What does your patrol do?

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Maskpaw stood silently just outside of camp. This was it’s warrior assessment. It needed to do good on this. It looked up at the sky, the sun was right in the middle of the sky. It started to move forward when suddenly it heard a shriek come from above. It looked up and spotted an Aerodactyl in the sky. Upon closer inspection it had a small Oricorio hooked on its mouth. Maskpaw watched as it lowered itself from the sky. The Oricorio screamed out for help again. Maskpaw thought for a moment, on one hand, it wasn’t a warrior's problem to intervene wif pokemon outside of the clan unless they’re on our territory plus it was happening right in the middle of its warrior assessment. But on another, a poor pokemon was in trouble, and it thought about how its mother Oceanmoon had once helped it despise not being a clan pokemon. It decided to chase after the Aerodactyl. The Aerodactyl flew into a cave just off of clan territory. That must be it’s nest. Maskpaw braces itself for battle and charged into the cave. The Oricorio was sitting in its nest, shaking. Maskpaw hid as the Aerodactyl took flight again and flew out of the cave. “Hey. Um. You! Oricorio!” Maskpaw whispered loudly. The Oricorio took notice of Maskpaw and sighed in relief. “Someone heard my cries for help. This Aerodactyl just pokenapped me!” Maskpaw got closer to the nest and held out a paw. “Let’s get out of here.” Maskpaw whispered as the Oricorio took its paw. The two of them ran outside of the cave. Looking around carefully for the Aerodactyl. The two ran back to clan territory. The Oricorio thanked Maskpaw before taking to the sky to fly back home to its own nest. Suddenly Maskpaw’s mentor appeared. Maskpaw looked disappointed. It had not proven itself worthy to be a warrior. “You passed.” Maskpaw looked up astonished. “But, i didn’t prove myself” It’s mentor chuckled. “You helped a pokemon in need instead of focusing on your own wants and needs. That is the making of a true warrior.” Maskpaw eyes shined bright wif pride. “Come now, I’ll make sure Snowstar gives you your warrior name immediately” Maskpaw jumped up wif excitement and followed its mentor back into the camp. Thinking hard about what it’s warrior name might be. This was the first time it didn’t feel timid at all