October Patrol's

7 months, 30 days ago
7 months, 23 days ago
6 1636

Entry 1
Published 7 months, 30 days ago

Patrols during the month of October!

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Your pokemon are exploring when they run into a Duraludon/Slime. They notice it has its foot stuck between some branches and the poor thing can't get it out, it spots your pokemon and begs for help getting unstuck

Puddle Stuck

It was such a beautiful day out! It had been a rather cold and rainy couple of days. Normally Dreampaw wasn't one to be upset when it came to cooler weather, but after having caught a cold on top of the cooler weather, the shadow fox was more than happy for a nice warm day. She was finally feeling better too!

It was just a perfectly beautiful day! Not too cold, and not too hot. It was just perfect.

So of course she agreed to go out on a patrol! How could she not want to go out on such a beautiful day.

When suddenly she heard something. It sounded like a cry. Dreampaw froze, her ear twitching slightly towards. Trying to figure out if she had actually heard what she thought she had.


Dreampaw shrugged a bit, and began to move along with her patrol.

But then she heard it again.


Dreampaw's ear twitched again, and she began rushing towards the sound.

In a small clearing not too far she saw a large Duraludon stuck in a mud puddle.  

"Oh no!" Dreampaw cried. "Are you alright?! What happened?"

"I got stuck." The Duraludon said in a rather flat tone. Dreampaw rolled her eyes a bit.

"Well duh!"

"Never mind the how's, just help me out!" The Duraludon practically begged.

Dreampaw looked around for a moment to find a large stick to help pull the dragon pokemon from the mud puddle. After about ten minutes of attempting to pull the pokemon from the puddle, they finally managed to help pull the Duraludon from the puddle.

"Thank you so much." The dragon pokemon panted. "My name is Stryker."

"My name is Dreampaw! How did you get stuck there?"

"I think from the rain just caused too many puddles, and I was just walking around. I'm a heavy 'mon too, so it just sucked me in." He chuckled. "Well, thanks again! If you ever need anything, you come find me. I'll take care of it!"

Dreampaw nodded her head, and began to head back towards camp. And as she entered the camp, Cherrystar walked past her slowly with a grin on their face. Dreampaw looked confused for a moment, what in the world?

"Someone's warrior name will be announced soon. I wonder who that would be...."