October Patrol's

8 months, 7 days ago
8 months, 1 day ago
6 1636

Entry 5
Published 8 months, 7 days ago

Patrols during the month of October!

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Author's Notes

Your pokemon are exploring when they run into a Ponyta/Copycat+Shadow+Terrarium and a Growlithe/Terrarium. The two seem to be arguing about who's faster. they notice you and ask you to judge them in a race! they agree they'll run to a certain location about 30 feet away and back, and whoever gets back fastest is the winner

The Fastest

"I'm faster!"

"No, I'm faster!"

Magicpaw frowned, perturbed by the escalating argument not too far from their current location. Why, oh why, did they have to get involved in this dispute? They longed to be back at camp, wrapped in the comforting embrace of sleep—a far more appealing prospect.

With a weary sigh, the Abra floated lazily in the direction of the quarrel, their psychic powers propelling them forward. Entering a small field, they were met with the sight of two fiery Pokémon locked in a heated confrontation. A Ponyta and a Growlithe stood nose to nose, locked in a dispute over their speed.

"Why in the world are you two fighting?" Magicpaw grumbled, their irritation palpable.

"This ridiculous Growlithe thinks it's faster than me! I'm a PONYTA, the embodiment of speed!" the Ponyta declared vehemently.

"Wrong! Arcanines are the fastest, and I'm a Growlithe, so that settles it—I'm faster," the Growlithe countered with equal fervor.

Magicpaw let out another deep, exasperated sigh. "You both have it wrong," they declared, causing the fire Pokémon to freeze and turn their attention toward the hovering Abra.

"I'm the fastest." With a swift, graceful motion, Magicpaw activated their teleportation abilities and whisked themselves away from the brewing dispute, leaving the quarrel behind. It wasn't their circus, and those Pokémon weren't their monkeys to deal with. All they craved at this moment was a peaceful nap, far away from the bickering Pokémon of the world.