a small moment

7 months, 15 days ago

Mild Violence

raaa first time officially posting any writing,, hope it’s passable lol

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chris is arguing with what looks like ryan.

“well i wasn’t the one who got us stuck here in the first place!” he yells, arms spread high at the surroundings for emphasis. the figure stomps up to chris, slamming him into a wall, pining his arms down.

“just shut up” the voice is callous, clear malice in it’s tone.

“stop, you’re hurting me!” chris struggles in vain. ryan smiles at this, eyes turning pink and taking on a bright unnatural glow. he presses farther.

“why? this is what you want, right?” his grip tightens, leaning closer. chris’ eyes are wide now. “you don’t care about him” half of not-ryan’s face glitches away, to reveal a dark shadowy writhing mass, it’s circular dot of an eye still glowing bright pink. half of its smile jagged white lines, constantly shifting but always in a grin like shape. “at the end of the day, this is all you are.” it growls with triumph. chris shuts his eyes and gives his head a weak shake, tears forming.

“chris?” ryan, the real ryan, questions in a tone of shock. chris’ eyes fly open, both him and the thing whip their heads toward the voice. ryan, appearing through a new doorway, white light glowing brightly from behind, casting his shadow before them.

“ryan, help.” chris chokes out, while the thing is still assessing this new threat. ryan’s eyes darken, taking on a serious expression so unlike him, he steps forward swiftly. breaking into a run as he closes the slim space left between them, arms raised, staff in hand, he strikes the thing, sending it flying. chris, now freed, sinks to the floor, shivering. ryan moves with bold strides, lifting his staff, again striking the thing, once, twice. chris winces at the last blow, the entity letting out a glitchy boom, then metallic shriek as it fades from existence. ryan pivots and the staff drops to the floor, clanging when it hits solid ground. he rushes to chris, kneeling down in front of him at a respectful distance, reaching with a hesitant hand.

“did it hurt you?” he asks, breathless, worried.

“no, i-“ chris falters as strong arms slip around him with gentle firmness.

“thank god.” a few moments pass before chris reaches his own arms up to return the gesture. words of the thing echo in his mind. ‘“you don’t care about him”’ eyes narrowing, then shutting as the tears from before finally slip out. his inner voice makes a defiant reply. ‘no, you’re wrong.’

“ah- i’m sorry was that too much…?” having noticed the reaction, ryan begins pulling back, wiping chris’ tears with now free hands. before he can think to stop himself, chris grabs ryan’s forearms, keeping him from drawing away any farther.

“it wasn’t…” ‘enough.’ silence follows. hands still resting on chris’ face, ryan’s eyes stray downward slightly, chris’ soon follow. he inches forward, a movement so minuscule it’s almost undetectable, and then…

a loud metallic roar rumbles from somewhere nearby, causing both boys to tense, swiveling their heads up, now on high alert, the moment slips away. ryan rises to his full height, holding out a hand to help chris up. after a quick detour to grab his staff, which rolled a little ways, he rejoins chris’ side as they walk through the door from whence he came. both silent, in mutual understanding of the danger at hand.