Someone I have Loved, But Never Known

7 months, 20 days ago
503 1 2

A collection of unsent letters, stashed amongst Grover's belongings. He must have written these down one night while the others were asleep...

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To my wife and kids,

I think about you most often, almost daily. I say your name to myself as a reminder. Why, I don’t know. Cherry. I say their names as well. Hawkins, Frazie. Wherever you three are, I will never forget you.


To my loving family,

I still remember the day I came home to our empty house. No lights were on, the furniture was covered in dust, and all personal belongings were gone. I couldn’t remember why the house was empty or why you and the kids were gone. So my memory chalked it up to something fabricated. Maybe it was an argument, a dispute. Maybe we have been fighting for some time. Maybe I did something to hurt you. You never liked my adventures, even though you supported me. I knew why, I just never listened. I think I did that a lot at times. You were scared of losing me, of having the kids grow up without a father. And yet, why would you leave me if you didn’t want them to be without me? There was no point in staying in an empty house, all I could do was move on to a new area. Life begins again.


To my family,

I hope the kids are alright. I don’t doubt your parenting in the slightest, but it must be hard at times. Kids are always a handful, I know that still. And to think I will never see those days any parent would never skip. Those first moments as they progress through life. I will never see them grow up as we grow old together. I’m not even sure if I can grow old now. Your names still stick with me, however, I’m afraid I can’t recall much else.


To Cherry,

My darling wife, I know that I have loved you very much. I will never forget your name, your eloquence, your lips against mine. But I can’t seem to remember. When did we first meet? When did we get married? When did we decide we wanted kids? What made you fall in love with someone like me? And why was I so lucky to have you in my life?


To Hawkins and Frazie,

Now that I think about it, I can’t remember how old you are. Unlike your mother, I can barely remember what you look like. It's all so blurry to me. You both were halflings like us, but what else? You had to have come from somewhere. When did we adopt you? What were you like? How old were you two first came home? How old are you two now? Do you even remember your own dad?


To whoever you are,

I think that’s why I keep reminding myself of your names every morning. I can’t afford to forget that when I have forgotten everything else.
