Mig treasure hunt pt 2

6 months, 6 days ago

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Hard at work trying to find treasures, the pirate mig and Lullaby are searching all around the beach to find anything to give them a hint. Treasure can be found anywhere but all the good stuff was hidden under the sand, you just needed to know what to look for. After searching for a while, Lullaby found a spot in the sand that felt like it could have something underneath. The two started to prepare to start digging talking about what they may find. Once they started, they couldn’t stop. The two were determined to find what was hidden under the sand! Slowly but surely it started to revel its self, and at first the two couldn’t figure out what it was until the pirate mig just let out a small “oh.” What was under the sand wasn’t any treasure but a bunch of bones, the two looked at the bones in disappointment, all these hours of work for nothing! The two tried another spot, the hunt wasn’t over until they found something of value! They dug at another spot, more bones, and then another, just more bones, again and again all they found was bones! Sometimes it would be a bit exciting, it would be more than one set of bones or it would have some meat left over on it. But no matter how hard the two tried it would never be anything good. After hours and hours of searching the two gave up, there was nothing but bones in the sand. On the way back to their campsite the two wondered what could have happened on the beach for there to be so many bones. The two talk about it coming up with a bunch of theories of what could have been happing. “Do you think it was just some weird animal?” “Or could it be some insane person who lives in the woods?” “Maybe people lived on the beach hundreds of years ago?” The two keep bouncing off each other for the whole time back. All though they kept on trying to make light of the situation in the back of their mind the thought of “could we be next buried in the sand?” Kept on lingering.