Unexpected Event and Love

7 months, 14 days ago
2014 1

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It was funny how fate could be. Eros spent most of his life in the bedrooms of strangers, believing there was love awaiting him. Instead he was greeted with cold beds or screams of disgust. The latter when his partner learned of his...well other loversWhile he couldn't blame anyone who reacted poorly to this news, it still left a mark on him mentally. Sometimes he was fortunate just to be yelled at. Other times his partner for the night would get physical. Not pleasant, but straight on attack. When that happened Eros just merely sat there and allowed it to happen. Because if he were to leave now, who would face the boiling rage he had just left behind? It became a cycle of empty beds and anger for the following years. Everything changed when he met his mate, Asmodeus, during a speed date. They fit so well together that Eros often thought that their meeting was a dream. That he would wake up...alone. Yet it wasn't a dream, it was real. His entire would change after the event as they began to spend time together. In the beginning, Eros had been a bit hesitant though did his best not to show it. Despite his best efforts the prince caught on and comforted him. The immortal felt bad for his dear prince being stuck with someone so broken. Feeling that Asmodeus could have easily found someo better then Eros. Every time he brought it up the other would reassure him that he was perfect as he was. There was nothing needed to be changed about him or fixed. While the words did make him feel better, it didn't fix the hole in his heart from previous relationships. 

Though Asmodeus was too good for him, as he promised to keep things slow until Eros became comfortable. Those words broke Eros down. Never had he thought that he would find someone so understanding of his concept of love. Yet here he was, right before him. They spent the night simply holding each other tight. No words were spoken when Eros tightened his hold, afraid of what could happen if he let go. Would Asmodeus go? No matter how much the prince told him that he wouldn't leave there was still that nagging feeling in the back of his mind. They were both immortals, they would live for a very long time as others would fade away. There could be a chance which Asmodeus could grow bored of Eros in the future. But he practiced in hiding that worry away.

Time passed and more dogs joined his household so it was no longer him and Orthrus. Bandage came first, and later introduced his boyfriend to them. Claws was a very nice looking fellow, and was delicate when handling Bandage, the injured-prone dog that he was. It was around this time when Orthrus found themselves a mate, as they had been unlucky during the speed dating. Both the speed dating days. Surprisingly enough the dog who showed up was the very same dog that picked him during the blind date, Sweater. Though he was happy that his room-mates were finding true love, well he believed it to be true love. He hoped that neither of them would have to suffer any sort of heartbreak in the future. Another dog followed a few weeks later. A trembling tall dog that went by Dandere. While at the beginning when Dandere moved in, he was very shy and often avoided him and the other two. Of course the day came when the shy dog became more comfortable with everyone in the house, even finding himself a mate. Surprisingly enough the said mate was another prince, Belphegor. He learned that Belphegor was Asmodeus' brother, one of them that it. It wouldn't be much later when he'd meet another. Eros was happy that Dandere found someone so sweet and caring. Even though the times when Belphegor came over, Eros would spot him sleep against the shy dog who was reading from his book. While it didn't appear as much, Eros could feel the love between the two. Next came in Soulmate, who became like a son to Eros in a sense. Just like everyone else in the house, Soulmate found true love a month later. Soulmate's mate reminded him a bit of Dandere's boyfriend. Insomnia was a very sleepy dog who looked as if he could easily nod off to sleep. 

The next few months were peaceful as he became more familiar with the dogs he lived with along with their partners whenever the visited. One day came when a newcomer came. Morbid. Eros regretted ever letting him inside when he was smacked in the face with the small dog's tail, who exclaimed he wanted to share his tea with him. After that he made Morbid live in a doghouse outside, as he didn't need to bother their housemates. It was better for everyone if he stayed outside. Yet there were times when he saw rare moments in which the dog wasn't what he appeared to be. Even watched him get into a relationship that ended poorly. Even so it didn't look like it affected Morbid too much...? Eros couldn't tell much when it came to that dog. But Eros wondered if Morbid was actually sane deep down inside, as he could recall the time GA brought the freak of nature home. 

Then camp came, and he left with Morbid in two alongside Dandere. It was a relaxing three weeks away from home, though he made sure to check in often. That and also calling or texting Azzy while he was away. When the three of them came back, two new dogs joined the house. Reel and Daydream. Morbid ruined the first impression. Screamed and ran straight to his doghouse. Eros was confused and awkwardly welcomed them inside. It was shocking to learn that Morbid was afraid of something. Maybe the immortal could use it to his advantage? Mostly when he went to visit Asmodeus. Daydream, he later learned, often got lost. Not on purpose lost, but lost because her ability was often out of control. As long as she got home safely then it should be fine...

Eros' life had changed so much with the additions to his household. There was never truly a dull moment, sometimes quite literally, as the the days ticked by. At this point he had a small routine in place as it changed with the more dogs that came into the picture. Yet everything would change when he got a call from Asmodeus to come over, and hurry. When was the last time he had heard a panicked Azzy? Never when he began thinking about it. So before he left, he made sure Reel watched out for Morbid...ignoring the creepy stare. Eventually he arrived at his mate's household and went straight inside, ignoring the glare from Levi. He knew the inside of the home from the many times he had visited which made it easy to make a quick beeline to his mate's room. Once he got to where he was standing in the doorway of the room that he could understand the tone Asmodeus has during the call. In the middle of the room Asmodeus was sitting, his fluffy scarf was removed and on the floor. Why it was on the floor in the first place, Eros didn't find out until he got closer. Time stopped as the scarf......moved. Hidden underneath were two wiggling bodies. Puppies. He hadn't seen puppies since Witch and Ghost revealed their parenthood back in February. So seeing two puppies in the middle of the room was truly a wonder. Asmodeus was in shock as well from the sight of the two. What was more surprising was looking at their little chests, the X's were pure black. That sight made something break in Eros. These puppies would grow up and die one day. He and Asmodeus would outlive them. That growing fear came to a halt when the little pups squeaked. Eros looked down at the two. One of them look to take more after Asmodeus, her name was Imp, and the other well she had a few similarities with Eros, her name was Hedone. Two lovely daughters, ignoring that Imp attempted to bite his paw. 

He stayed the night with Asmodeus, to sleep of course... Only thing that was different now was the small little bodies that nestled between them. It was hard to believe that something like this could ever happen to them. Eros didn't know if he could be a good father with how broken he was. Yet the awe in Asmodeus' eyes looking at the two...made him feel that he could do fine. Of course the next day he awkwardly sent a text to Witch to ask some questions, as she had more experience with puppies. Not only that but he sent a text to Lust telling her the news. It was in mere seconds he got a text back from the sin exclaiming the surprise of the news. There was a point when some of Asmodeus' housemates passed by open doorway, spotting the puppies themselves. Eros had a good laugh at the sight of Leviathan's reaction to the sight. Overall there were a lot of positive reactions at the newcomers. 

The next few minutes were spent discussing what would be done. Seeing as they weren't exactly living together. In the end it was decided that Hedone would stay with Asmodeus while Imp went back with him. Ignoring how many times the young pup tried to bite him. Imp was successful on some of her attempts. Putting that aside, Eros spent the rest of the time he was there playing and interacting with his daughters. It wasn't something he accepted right away. Him, an immortal who has been alive for a long...long time, being a father to two pups. But even so, Eros was happy. If he were start a family he was happy to start one with Asmodeus. There had been times when he wondered how much his life would be different if he didn't meet the prince. Would he still be like he was now? Maybe, though not completely like how he was presently. His train of thought interrupted once Imp bit him once more. 

When the time came, Eros took Imp to his home. He waved farewell to his mate promising to keep him updated. Eros was a bit worried how everyone might react when he came back with a puppy in tow. Some of the dogs he was sure to have a positive reaction...others he didn't know what to think. One thing for certain he would do his best to make sure Morbid would keep away. Finally at home his prior thoughts were correct. Imp was welcomed with open arms. After everyone got to meet his daughter, they went straight to the immortal's room. 

As night came, Eros finally managed to get Imp settled down as she tried to bite him again. He watched with an amused expression as she wiggled and struggled to keep away before drifting asleep. Eros recounted everything that happened so far. Happy despite the fear that awaited them in the future. Yet he was happy that he fell heads over heels for Asmodeus. His life has never been better since the other entered his life. And so he held his daughter tight as he thought.

Hoping that everything would be fine. Dreaming of the upcoming days with Asmodeus and their daughters. He knew that he and Asmodeus would teach them what they knew...excluding certain aspects. Watching them grow and becoming their own dog following their hearts wishes instead of what others might say. That they grow up happy and healthy unlike how Eros had been back in the past. Maybe he could tell them of the wonders he saw when he was wandering. Tell them how he and Asmodeus first meeting. 

He never felt happier as he drifted to sleep.