Halloween Trick or Treating 2023

7 months, 17 days ago
7 months, 17 days ago
1 180

Entry 1
Published 7 months, 17 days ago

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Author's Notes

October 25: Spiders, oh my!

Your ketucari was just minding their own business when suddenly SPIDER! How does your ketucari react?

October 25th Prompt

Livius at first doesn't see the doom coming his way as he walks with Traya down the park for training. The branch looms closer, ominous, and he ducks like usual, not expecting it to be any different than other times. A large dangling something hits him square in the face, and upon realizing what horror was now on him, he let's out a frantic scream. He can feel the sticky web as it clings to his muzzle. Traya squawks in alarm, looking for whatever it was that had startled him and ruffling her pinfeathers. He's left frozen in fear as the spider, as startled as he was, frantically crawls around on his face. After what felt like an eternity, he manages to swipe the spider off his face onto the stone path. He let's out a shaky breath as the spider tries to move towards safety, and away from him. Traya, upon seeing it, promptly snaps it up. Livius is left staring at her in both shock and relief. With a chirp she snuggles up into his side, crisis averted.