
7 months, 13 days ago
7 months, 12 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 7 months, 13 days ago

The story of the Round Table knight, Gaheris Orkney, and the world-eater.

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Three of them stood at a place that seemed to be the edge of the world. The sky itself was falling apart, being consumed by a force so strange and powerful that none of them could truly perceive it. Queen Artura had sacrificed herself to provide the three with a safe place to hide, and they were determined to make good use of it. It really was the end of the world. Gaheris couldn’t help herself but stare out at the ruinous Camelot, and the troupe of knights defending their little bubble— Lancelot, Gawain, Galahad, working against the strange creatures brought by the destruction… Gaheris saw, too, that her mentor, Dame Bedivere, was shaken thoroughly by the recent occurrences. 

Merlin turns to Gaheris and grinned with that same whimsy that she's always had. “Well, Gaheris? Are you ready? It’s now, or never!” 

Gaheris gulps and stares deeply into the portal that Bedivere and Merlin had ripped through time and space itself. She gazes over her shoulder at the death and destruction behind her, her nerves shot.  She grips her sword tightly and gives one last tearful hug to her mentor, who looks to be on her last stand.  Bedivere clasps her tightly, with a hint of desperation. It’s been a while since she said anything at all, since she saw into the other world, but she forces a wise smile and looks Gaheris in the eye. She nods, hugs her again, and lets go. Then, Gaheris faces the sorceress, who looks, for once, a little worn and battered behind her smile. "I'm ready. Thank you for all you've taught me, I'll... do my best!"

Merlin smiles wisely at her, and pats her on her head. “Oh, little Gaheris. We know you won’t let us down, you know? Ah, I still can’t believe I didn’t see this coming. All that clairvoyance, and for what?” She shakes her head. “No more time for lamentations, though. It’s time to go!” 

The portal, a literal gash in the flesh of space ebbs rhythmically. It’s a little disconcerting, but what choice does she have? She takes a final look back at her friends and family, fighting with all their souls, just to survive. Gaheris stares into the portal and watches as small rocks and debris fall through, hopefully to a world that can save them. She stands right at the very edge of the portal, a fate unknown even to Merlin... She takes a deep breath, and steels herself. She turns to Merlin and Dame Bedivere, and summons all her strength, to speak, to say anything. She chokes a bit as she says, "I'll find warriors, I'll make sure to defeat this evil, and... And, I'll come right back!" She wipes away the tears clouding her vision. "It won't take long, I promise!" 

Then, the little knight started to run. She forced her wobbly legs to carry her as she leapt into the strange abyss. Feeling an overwhelming sensation of dizziness as vertigo consumed her, she desperately clutches her bag as she falls, deeper and deeper. Her head spins with sickness and fear, the feeling is overwhelming. Her nausea, her dizziness, and the sound of strange voices— Gaheris is helpless as the darkness takes a stranglehold on her, and her consciousness leaves her.