A Meeting

11 months, 2 days ago
1377 2 1

A young Banetai is exploring the forests like any other night. Though it was disrupted when a mysterious figure appears...

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Author's Notes

Hi, This is honestly a short thing I wanted to write for the fun of it! Plus uhhh lore as to how these two met!

I might post more short oneshots in the future but for now, I hope you enjoy!!

Hydie can be seen wandering around The Forests...there is no light shining here. This is the place where shadows roam freely...and her home. But something didn't feel right this time around, a sense of unease...perhaps a feeling of another set of eyes staring deep into their soul...

It was enough to cause this small banetai to freeze in place.


The voice was demanding, yet perhaps there was a sense of nervousness hidden within that voice. Alas there was nothing but silence in response to their very question. This caused them to feel a sense of unease, for she feels those very eyes staring back at them. She couldn't see anything...


They shout again, trying to sound tough...

"Ah....no need to be...so hostile.."

A response, finally but it wasn't anything they expected, a voice that was soft spoken...but before they could react a tall cloaked figure stepped out right in front of them…causing her to jump back a little.


The stranger appeared to look down at them, tilting their head as if they were amused by the mere question…

“Depends on who…is asking I suppose…”

They answered, though it wasn’t enough to satisfy Hydie. The expression on her face went from a nervous expression to one of annoyance.

“So you’re not going to tell me your name?!”

A soft chuckle came from the figure as Hydie stared at them from the darkness the two were standing in. From the corner of her eye she noticed a slight movement which caused it to glance at it. What they can make out seems to be some sort of…fluffy mass…no…they squint in attempts to get a better look at it. While doing so they could make out what it was…a big fluffy tail.

Though…that is what they think it is as they glance back at the figure’s face, well what Hydie could make out, The hood is covering the majority of the stranger’s face.

“I suppose I…could tell you my name…” The stranger responded as they slowly moved their hands from underneath their cloak, up to their hood. While they were doing that Hydie noticed…a soft glow emitting from their chest…





Hydie felt their heart sink as she recalled the tales of the “ring-eyed vanishing beasts”...before she could react, the figure removed their hood, their large ears spring up, and a singular glowing ringed eye can be shown, the other appeared to covered by the bangs that covered the majority of their face. They stare at the vani for a bit..as they take a step back, slowly….

“Now now….no need to be….frightened……I’m not…going to hurt you….”

They spoke to Hydie in a soft voice, it was oddly gentle sounding. Not what that banetai was expecting at all in the slightest. They are frozen in place, unsure what is going to happen to them.

“My name….is Neliotte….and you…must be Hydie….correct?”

They would introduce themselves however Hydie was shocked to hear her name come from their lips.

“Y-yes but, how did you know?!”

A pause…..and then Neliotte answers with,

"Your name…was brought up…through the words of others…along with another…You two…aren't to…well liked..it seems…"

Hydie looks at the ground upon hearing those words. They were true, though it is not her fault. She can't help but to cause mischief, and trouble…it was never malicious. But others don't seem to agree with that…

"What does it matter to you?" Hydie spat.

Neliotte steps closer in a slow manner.

"....and it leaves you….alone doesn't it?"

Hydie's eyes still stay fixed on the ground as they shake their head in response. They weren't alone, they had their beloved friend Jekyll with them…how could they possibly be alone?

"I see…" Neliotte whispered as she began to quietly circle around Hydie.

"But…what if I were to offer….you…something…?"

This caused the banetai to lift up her head.

"What could you possibly offer me?!"

They asked as their eyes would watch as Neliotte moved in a slow yet graceful manner around them. 

"Safety…a place to hide….I caught word that you…and your friend are in some serious trouble…perhaps…made the wrong being angry no?"

Hydie felt their entire being freeze for a moment, thoughts running through their mind on how this being even knew about that. She can't even deny it. The two were in serious trouble and have been on the run for a while now. Hopping from place to place in the cover the night. And soon they will eventually be cornered. Such is…it was mostly Hydie's foolish recklessness that put the two in that situation to begin with. 

Neliotte tilts their head again as she stops in front of Hydie. Their tail laying on the ground sort of curled next to the small banetai.

"As I thought….I can see the troubled…look in your very eyes.."

Hydie stares at Neliotte's face.

"Why bring it up? What does it matter to you?"

Neliotte would answer her…

"Ah…I mean no harm my dear….simply offering to help…after all…I too know what it is like…to be afraid…to worry about…someone you hold close to..your very heart."

Hydie would go quiet after hearing that. Giving what Neliotte said some thought, at least that is what the expression upon her face is showing. The thought of consideration. She did care about Jekyll very much. The banetai couldn't forgive themselves if anything happened to them. He is the most important being in her life…she knows that she would be lost without their friend. 

After a moment they inhale, and softly exhale.

"Okay…how could you..provide that? Where would we even go?"

A small hum can be heard from Neliotte.

"Hm…help fend off things that wish to..harm you. Perhaps…lead them astray from your path..

As for where to go…there is…another section of..the forests…untouched by anyone…"

She would point in a direction behind Hydie.

"It is where…I stay..unbothered…nothing ever…wanders through..there."

Hydie would look behind her to where Neliotte was pointing. It was…odd, to think of a place she hasn't explored but that didn't matter right now. Their head returns to looking back at Neliotte.

"And…Jekyll…he'll be safe there too?"

The only response they got was a slow nod.

"Then…I'll  consider it…it feels like the only choice we got…and…his safety is very..important to me…I'll do anything if it means he'll be safe."

Neliotte has a somber look to their face that goes unnoticed by Hydie….

To do anything for…a loved one.

In a strange way it reminded her of herself. It is a feeling that is way too familiar to them. 

"I see…you must…care about him very much…"

They would walk around Hydie in the direction they pointed to earlier.

"I do a lot." 

The banetai would turn around and watch as Neliotte would walk in a slow manner before stopping to glance back at Hydie.

"Then…come…There is no time…to waste.."

Neliotte would continue walking as Hydie followed closely behind her. Though as reckless as even this decision is, it felt like the best option. Once again thoughts flooded her mind as the two walked in silence. Thoughts such as how she was going to convince Jekyll about going along with this. And how peculiar Neliotte's behavior was…she didn't understand it, that gentle tone she carried when talking to her. It felt…unnerving in a way yet comforting in another.

No matter, Hydie will consider keeping a close eye on her behavior as time goes on. Perhaps she can get a better understanding of Neliotte…and maybe uncover some hidden truth. After all…not many offer help without expecting something in return in Hydie and Jekyll's experience. 

For now…her only focus is finding a safe haven. The rest will be a worry saved for later.