Hey, kid, you're working with me.

7 months, 10 days ago

Mild Violence

How Pepsi and Leather meet. (Not canon)

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It was beginning to turn dark as well as the temperature dropping as Pepsi quickly made her way down a quiet street. She would usually take her time getting home, enjoying the warm breeze and the sight of the trees turning from green to orange, but this time it was different. She felt like someone was following her, but each time she looked back there was nothing… No one.

The tall, dark figure had a half grin on her lips as she kept her distance from the young, unknowing woman. She made sure to keep her footsteps light and her breathing low as she followed behind her, and hid behind corners each time the young dog looked back. What a silly girl. The woman thought to herself when she came out from hiding and got closer. She kept her hands in her pockets, rubbing her thumb on the smooth, steel handle of her switchblade as she stared daggers into the back of the young woman’s head.

When Pepsi turned her head back, she jumped, causing a book to fly out her hands when met with an unusually tall woman.

“Whoa, hey, didn’t mean to scare ya!” The woman said with a small laugh, raising her hands up in defense. “Here let me get that for you.” She bent down and picked up the book Pepsi dropped then handed it to her with a friendly smile.

“Oh, uh, thank you,” Pepsi breathed out, her heart racing and hands trembling as she slowly took the book back.

The woman nodded, “You shouldn’t be walking out alone by yourself at these hours.”

An uncomfortable silence filled the air for a few seconds until Pepsi muttered, “I know.”

“I can walk you home if you would like,” The woman responded, her expression relaxed and hands in her pockets.

Pepsi paused to think about it for a few seconds before agreeing. Even though she was spooked by this woman just a minute ago, her tall and masculine appearance made her feel somewhat safe.

They walked alongside each other, creating small talk for a good 5 minutes until Pepsi stopped. The area they were in did not look like the direction to her home. It was dark and closed off even in daylight. Pepsi’s heart began to speed up again and she took a step back away from the tall woman, studying her closely. The woman’s expression was almost hard to read, but when she spoke her tone was calm but firm.

“I have a job for you, Pepsi,” The woman spoke calmly as she took a step closer.

Pepsi didn’t know whether to question her about how she knew her name or ask about this job. She glanced down at her hands which were still in her pockets.

“A job?” Pepsi asked, “What kind of job?”

At this point the woman got closer and she looked slightly angry like she knew Pepsi might try to take off.

“It’ll pay you very well and I have the proof,” She opened her leather jacket and pulled out a stack of cash that looked like it held thousands in there.

Pepsi’s eyes widened at the sight and so many questions flooded her mind, but the main one being what she had to do to earn that money. Her mouth must’ve been agape for some time when the woman spoke up again.

“It’s a lot, isn’t it?” She slightly raised the hand that held up the money then tucked it back into a pocket in her leather jacket and zipped it up.

Pepsi was at a loss for words, all she could say was, “Yeah.”

The woman nodded in understanding then asked, leaning into Pepsi slightly. “So what are you willing to do for that amount of money?” She asked, her lips curving into a sinister grin, showing off her fangs.

“I… I don’t know, it depends…” Pepsi answered carefully. With her living situation she was willing to do almost anything, even if it was risky.

The woman stared directly into her eyes for a few seconds before speaking up again.

“Well, Pepsi, you can work alongside me and it can be really simple,” The woman started.

“Okay, what is it?” Pepsi asked, she was starting to grow impatient.

“For this amount of cash that I showed you and I’m talking thousands, enough to pay your rent… You have to help me kill people.”

Pepsi’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her eye sockets as she put a hand over her mouth. The tall woman couldn’t help but smirk at the expression on Pepsi’s face, but she didn’t react out loud.

Pepsi couldn’t believe what she heard and she didn’t want to believe it either. “You said what?”

“You heard me. Kill people,” The woman replied, looking directly into her eyes as she repeated herself. “But listen, you most likely won’t have to get your hands dirty. It’ll be all my work, you just have to be the distracter or whatever else I’ll tell you to do, but don’t worry. I’ll try to keep blood off your pretty little hands.” She finished with a light chuckle at the end as if her comment was funny.

Pepsi’s face cringed slightly at her comment but it was quickly replaced with shock.

“I don’t think I can do that,” Pepsi mumbled.

“Oh, well it’s funny you say that,” Her hand moved out of her pocket and a small ‘click’ sounded below. Pepsi glanced down, a switchblade was gripped tightly by the woman’s large hand, pointing directly at her stomach. “Cause if you can’t, I’ll just find someone else.”

“You’re gonna kill me?!” She blurted out.

“Why shouldn’t I? You’ll just go tell someone.”

“No I won’t,” Pepsi stammered, making the woman’s lips quirk up into a smirk before her expression turned serious again.

Pepsi was pretty much backed into a corner at this point. She was small compared to the woman’s towering, muscular frame. Was it even worth a try? Only one way to find out.

She quickly raised her elbow, but she wasn’t fast enough. The woman wrapped her hand around her whole elbow, whipped her around, and harshly slammed her against the cold brick wall that Pepsi was once leaning against. The woman’s breath warmed Pepsi’s neck as she held her wrists behind her back.

“Nice try,” She rasped into her ear.

“Please don’t hurt me, I’ll-” Pepsi was about to begin rambling but the woman squeezed her wrists so tight that it could’ve left a bruise.

“I’m giving you another chance. What’s it gonna be?” She asked, her grip not once letting up.

Pepsi was silent for about a minute. Was she really going to say yes to being a criminal? She really needed the money though… Maybe she can outsmart her somehow.

“Fine… I’ll do it,” Pepsi finally answered.

The woman released her wrists but kept a hand on her small shoulder. She stared down into her eyes for a moment, searching for any kind of untruthful glints, but all she saw was fear. The woman gave her a half smile, her claws digging into her shoulder, “Good.”