A Lore

10 months, 25 days ago

Valentine is actually an idiot✨

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Cold air swirls around the quiet clearing, the rustle of trees in the wind the only sound in the dead of night.

A young man stands alone in the middle of the clearing, unbothered by the chill. The faint glow of his Essence casts a comforting red hue on the plant life around him, the only thing familiar on this night. Stars glitter and flash within the confines of the long strands of red hair shifting around in the breeze, mirroring the sky above him.

The full moon sits high above in the sky and the lone man observes its slow journey across the sky. 

Glowing ears flick in impatience as his eyes cast downward to the clearing, as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Go to the clearing in Malfain Forest and wait for the moon to reach its peak. You’ll find what you seek there when she visits you.

The words of his friend rings in his mind as he examines the space around him once more. This wasn’t the first time he’d been given advice that went nowhere and he doubts it will be the last. The thought of returning home passes through his mind more than once.

She? He remembers asking. The Vexis. He was told. An ancient creature of immense power. A Fragment of long forgotten gods, like from the stories. His friend explained. He couldn’t shake the feeling that she was disappointed, like he should’ve known. The Vexis can grant wishes. Though it’s more like favors.

Favors. He was used to favors.

“Do you come seeking answers?”

A voice startles him from his thoughts. It echoes around the clearing, breaking the silence.

Turning to face the source of the voice he finds a beast, staring at him with curious eyes. Stars shimmer around the clearing as if brought forth from the creature itself and its Essence casts a similar red glow around its body. The Essence on its body is like fractals or the stained glass of ancient cathedrals, the comparison is apt given its supposed origins.

“Do you come seeking answers?” It repeats, its mouth unmoving as it blinks slowly at him. The silence as he finds the will to speak is tense. This creature seems patient but he can’t help but feel it won’t last long.

“A favor.” He finally answers.

The creature blinks once more but doesn’t respond. The world feels deafeningly quiet as they stare each other down. Its purple fur shifts in the wind and its tail flicks back and forth like the pendulum on a clock, the glow on the end like a lure in the dark.

“And what are you looking for?” It asks.

It’s said that if The Vexis doesn’t like what you ask for it will strike you down instantly. His friend's voice comes back, almost warning him against speaking. It seemed so ridiculous until now.

As the man looked into those otherworldly eyes, he felt a shiver down his spine.

“Knowledge.” He answers. “Power.” He corrects himself.

The creature continues to study the young man, its gaze unyielding. It’s unlike anything he has ever seen. Its fur seems to absorb the very night around them, while stars shimmer around its form, an ethereal halo of power.

“Knowledge and power.” The Vexis repeats.

“The desire for personal gain for mortals is not lost on me. I will warn you as I warn everyone else; these things often destroy those who seek it.”

It’s silent once more. It would be a lie to say he’s considering his options. It was decided long ago, the Vexis is just the answer to what he needs.

“I see.” It responds, as if his silence spoke more than anything he would’ve said.

“Then you shall have power.” Its voice echoes as it vanishes, the stars in the clearing winking out one by one until the only light is the moon above and his own Essence.

The worst part is… you never know when the Vexis will come calling for you to return the favor.