A little place for my pce brainrot

10 months, 16 days ago
10 months, 16 days ago
1 870

Entry 1
Published 10 months, 16 days ago

Basically just a place with lil stories I came up with for my not cats

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Author's Notes

Not cats mentioned:




An Unwanted Kitten

A ginger and white tabby cat walked up to a humble a little house, they sighed in relief as they reached the door, they knocked once and pushed it open and stepped in.

"Kia! I'm home...?" What started was a cheerful call, drifted off as they spotted a unfamiliar kitten standing before them. The fluffy red tabby kitten looked at them with scared wide eyes, and they just stared at each other until the sounds of pawsteps filled the air.

A dilute calico appeared through the door, "Grigio! You're home!" She exclaimed excitedly and bounded over to the ginger tabby, rubbing her muzzle against their cheek. "I missed you." She purred affectionally. Grigio smiled, but couldn't stop looking at the kitten, "Kia, I missed you too but..." They pulled away from their partner, "Why is there a kitten in our house?" They said, flicking their ears at the little fluffball.

"Oh right!" The calico turned to the kitten, "This is Cherry, I found xem in the woods and decided to take xem in." Ae explained. Grigio let out a hollow laugh, but stopped when they realized that their partner was serious, "Yvkiasha, you can't just bring a kitten home like that!"

Yvkiasha sighed, "I know but you have to understand! Xe was being attacked by a hawk! And xe barely survived, I couldn't just leave xem!" The calico explained. Grigio grimaced, looking at the long scars Cherry had on xyr back, "Okay...but couldn't anyone else take xem in?"

The calico shook aer head, "Everyone else was too busy, plus I wanted to take care of xem myself." The ginger tabby rubbed a paw on their face, "I-ugh! Kia you can't be serious right now!" They looked exasperated. Yvkiasha looked at them with slightly squinted eyes, "I'm very serious Grigio." She stated firmly. Grigio softened a bit, maybe from tiredness or something else, "Yvkiasha..."

The dilute calico took a step back so she could wrap her tail from the kitten, "Grigio, I know you don't like Cherry, but I promised xem a safe place here, and that's what I'm going to do." Ae looked at them in the eye, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this first but I'm not going to kick xem out."

"I don't expect you to..." Grigio replied tiredly, "Kia I'm just...not ready for a kitten, and it's gonna take me some time to get used to the...new addition." There was slight edge to their tone, but it was almost unnoticeable.

Yvkiasha gave a small smile, "That's quite alright, you must be tired, do you need anything dear?" Grigio shook their head, "I just need a nap." They moved over to their bedroom, still feeling distaste for the small kitten when they walked past xem. Yvkiasha nodded understandingly, "I'll be outside if you need me then." Ae called out softly, then padded out the front door.

Cherry stayed completely silent as the two adults talked, xe wasn't sure what to think of xyr other parent's behavior and attitude towards xem. It was understandable, their reaction, but it still hurt. Cherry tailed after Yvkiasha, not wanting to be in the same place as Grigio at the moment. 

Yvkiasha sighed as ae reached the small farm behind the house, a golden fantail chirped happily when it noticed the not cat, Yvkiasha smiled, reaching out with a paw to ruffle the bird's feathers. "Hello Paz, you doing alright honey?" The golden bird cooed softly in response. "That's good to hear, keep me company while I work, okay?" But before the ae could even raise another paw, a small timid mew made aer stop everything ae was doing. "Mom?" 

"Cherry! What are you doing here? Did you need anything darling?" Yvkiasha turn around to face the small kitten. Cherry shook xyr head slightly, "No...I'm fine, I just...don't want to be inside right now..." Xe explained quietly.

The larger not cat pressed her lips into a thin line as her tail and ears drooped down, she moved towards her child and rested her chin on xyr head, "Darling...I'm so sorry about that, they'll come around eventually, just give them time." Yvkiasha mewed softly.

"It's okay..." Cherry lied, it was not okay, xyr other parent looked at xem with such strong negative emotions and xe doesn't think that time could make them disappear. But xe will put on a smile for Yvkiasha, she didn't need to know about xyr doubts.

Yvkiasha pulled away from Cherry, "Sweetie please, trust me, it'll be alright." Ae said, it looked like ae could detect xyr feelings. The small red kitten just hummed softly in response.

The calico sighed, turning back to the farm, "Why don't you help me around here then? It'll get your mind distracted." She offered with a smile, her eyes looking bright. Cherry perked up, "Um okay." Xe nodded, still looking unsure, but did what xe was told, not wanting to worry xyr adoptive parent.

The rest of the day went on quietly, Grigio didn't spare another glance at their new kitten, but it seemed like they weren't so repulsed to xem as much anymore. Cherry still had xyr doubts, but maybe, just maybe, it'll be alright.