Latimas AU: Alien Abduction

7 months, 14 days ago

When Lati-Ingo and Lati-Emmet awoke that morning, they would never have thought their day would end with them being abducted by Beheeyem.

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Lati-Ingo awoke, groaning as his senses became aware of the pounding headache he had, and how uncomfortable he felt. When he tried to move his limbs they battled against an unknown barrier. Jolting him to a more aware state as he realized that he was in a strange rectangle container and looking around quickly he saw his brother was in the same situation next to him.  

It was only then did Lati-Ingo notice that he wasn’t using his ability and he didn’t feel his dragon or psychic power coursing through his body. He felt void, empty and helpless, something that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. So quickly swallowing back a need to panic he wondered how they ended up here together; they had been on separate missions that day, in completely different dungeons from each other.  

Despite the pain in his head, Lati-Ingo thinks back to what he remembers last-he had been using his Pokemon explorer badge to send back the rescued Pokemon along with his teammates, when something happened, the usual light that engulfed him to go home, changed colour -there had also been an odd buzzing sound before darkness overtook his senses and he awoke here.

He’ll make a large assumption that the same must have happened to his brother.

As Lati-Ingo tried to get Lati-Emmet’s attention, he discovered that this container must be blocking sound as well, because Lati-Emmet didn’t seem to hear him, only taking notice when he waved his claws around.

They greeted each other briefly before turning their attention back to the room they were in. It was odd, many computers and strange machines, with blinky lights that flashed and flickered which was surprising in itself. While he and his brother were interested in human tech, they had never seen anything actually working before, most were rusted or partly destroyed these days. 

When the humans disappeared, most Pokemon didn’t care much for the human devices and their upkeep, only select groups managed to keep certain old tech running like the Pokemon Centers that the Chansey and similar Pokemon were in control of. 

Lati-Ingo suddenly notices movement to his right and turns to see a large Beheeyem along with many others, coming in through a doorway, some already heading towards the computers and pressing buttons on the keyboards. 

Why had they captured him and Lati-Emmet? He tried to ask them this question, but again the container kept him from being heard or the Beheeyem chose to ignore his question as they didn’t respond to him. 

Lati-Ingo feelings about this situation were getting worse, he recalls his Uncle mentioned once that Beheeyem had the power to control Pokemon minds and tamper with their memories. These Pokemon could do who knows what to him and his brother and they wouldn’t even remember…then a terrible thought occurred to him…was this even the first time this had happened?