Stick it to 'Em

7 months, 22 days ago

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"Alright, so I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you all here." Genkaku glanced around the group excitedly.

"Uh, yes." Prism glanced around. "And why we couldn't say anything to the others."

"Are we doing something bad?" Kiseki hummed.

"No no." Genkaku waved it off. "We're in fact actually doing something good." He grinned, showing off his sharp teeth.

"What are we doing?" Charcoal starting moving from foot to foot in excitement.

"Something... good?" Digit tilted his head.

"Yep." Genkaku chuckled and pulled out a sticky note, briefly flashing it to the group. "Found something interesting when I was... admiring the job board in the library. Apparently some cops think it's cool to abuse their power and are taking in pokemon as 'feral' even if they're not." The grin slipped off his face as he put the sticky note away. "Some other cops want them dealt with. Whatever it takes." His gaze traveled over the group. Of the five, or well six technically, of them three were feral. Some way or another forced to deal with losing themselves sometimes. It had never really bothered Genkaku much before, but since reuniting with his other kids he'd been... more aware of it. Also more aware of how it affected others. Knowing the struggles that actual feral pokemon faced firsthand he didn't really like the idea of a bunch of pokemon abusing their power under the pretense of them arresting feral pokemon. It wasn't exactly hard to tell when a pokemon was feral. "Even though we're not associated with the guild we don't have to be for something like this." He flexed his claws. "You all with me?"

"One question." Prism raised a paw and Genkaku nodded. "Aren't I just going to get in the way? I'm still not used to... this." He gestured to himself.

Genkaku hummed. "Oh right." He crossed his arms and thought for a moment. "Eh you can just sit on the sidelines and observe then, stay out of the way and don't get hurt or whatever."

"I-" Prism blinked. "Ok." He slumped slightly. Kiseki pat him on the back consolingly.

"Do you know where they are?" Charcoal flexed her claws.

"Of course I do!" Genkaku looked proud. "I did my research before bringing you all out here. So?" The others looked at each other before there were several nods. "Wonderful." He grinned and once again showed off his teeth. "Follow me then."


"Over there." Digit perked up as he pointed to the group of growlithe and arcanine that were sitting around and laughing about something.

"Good work Digit." Genkaku pinned his ears back. "Let's see if we can show them that they can't abuse their power. We'll show them how scary real feral pokemon can be." With that he jumped out of hiding and charged towards the unsuspecting pokemon. Several sets of footsteps behind him told him that the others were following. Things devolved into chaos after that. The group of police pokemon were scattered from the initial charge and had no chance to really regroup. Genkaku did his best to keep an eye on Prism during the fight, he really didn't wanna get an extra lecture from the others if the still inexperienced pokemon got hurt.

He knocked aside a couple charging growlithe with a double shock. His head whipped around when he heard a yelp of pain. Prism was on the ground with an arcanine over him. A quick glance around the battle field showed that no one else had noticed yet. As Genkaku charged over there he saw Prism's form change to Feral. Well perhaps the scrappy deino fusion would be better in a fight. He collided solidly with the arcanine, pushing them back. The barred their teeth and Genkaku barred his own. Some little threat display didn't scare him.

Behind him Feral shakily got to his feet. "Look alive, we're in the middle of a fight." He let electricity spark around his body to hopefully keep the arcanine away for a moment. The other pokemon did seem weary of him, probably because they were realizing he was an actually feral pokemon.

"The hell's going on?" Feral shakily stood up.

"A fight!" Genkaku crashed into the arcanine with a close combat.

Feral looked around the battlefield frowning. "How did-"

Genkaku snatched him up and glared. "You sure ask a lot of questions for someone who wanted to fight the first time we met. Put some of that rage and angst to good use and fight them!" As Feral struggled in his grip he aggressively pointed to a group of approaching growlithe. When Feral said nothing Genkaku huffed and opted to throw the smaller pokemon in the direction of the approaching growlithe. He was already gonna get a lecture for letting the kid get hurt, it didn't matter now so long as he lived. The pokemon they were fighting weren't aiming to kill anyway.

Feral unceremoniously smacked into one of the approaching growltihe. Both of them collapsed into a heap and he sighed. At the very least the other growlithe were surprised enough to stop. Surprisingly though Feral recovered rather quickly turning a glare on Genkaku briefly before jumping at the growlithe he'd been thrown into. It wasn't a very confident attack, but it was a start. Genkaku quickly dealt with the other growlithe by tunneling underground and taking them out with a dig.

He looked around the field. Digit was shocking a few of the dwindling number of growlithe with a thunderbolt. Charcoal was dishing out bulldozes to any enemy that got too close. Kiseki was doing a lot of damage with some rock slides. Genkaku felt proud of his kids and how well they were doing. This fight should be over pretty soon at this rate. With his sweep of the battlefield done he turned back to Feral. The deino fusion was shaking and he couldn't really tell if it was from him still not being used to walking on four legs or if it was because of the strain of the battle. Genkaku came up beside him and looked him over. Oh, it was neither of those options.

His eyes were blown wide, gaining the spiral pattern that indicated either an uncured feral pokemon or a cured one losing control. "Focus on me." Genkaku snapped. Slowly wild eyes turned to him, it looked like Feral was about ready to pounce. Genkaku wasn't really worried about Feral hurting him, but if it could be avoided that would probably be better.

"What's happening?" Feral managed to grit out. Good he wasn't so far gone that Genkaku couldn't pull him back without fighting. Even if he sort of wanted to fight him.

"Just a fact of your new existence." Genkaku chuckled. "Focus on me, not whatever the hell caused this to start. Don't let something that stupid control you. You don't strike me as the type to want anyone or anything controlling you."

Feral growled. "Course not."

"Then tell that stupid feeling to fuck off. You're in control and it only gets to come out when you say it can." By now the others had wandered over, having apparently finished the fight up.

"How?" Feral squeezed his eyes shut.

"Prove you're stronger than it. Plus there's no need to get all wild on us now. They're all down." Genkaku nodded over at Charcoal. The larvesta fusion came over to his side quickly. "Stay with him, help guide him through coming down from a full on feral attack. I have to go make sure these... upstanding members of society won't make the same mistakes again."

"You can count on me dad." Charcoal nodded and took Genkaku's place at Feral's side.

Kiseki trotted up to his side as he scanned the battlefield looking for the arcanine that he thought was in charge. "There a reason you're following me?" He glanced down at his daughter.

"Those two have it." Kiseki smiled up at him. "You need someone to support you too."

He gently ruffled the fur on her head. "Fine. Just stand back and let me handle being intimidating got it?" She nodded her head. From there it didn't take long to find the arcanine that was in charge. In fact they were already trying to get up. Couldn't have that now could they? He pinned the arcanine to the ground by their neck, they struggled but were too weak to get away. "Let's have a quick chat hm?" The arcanine glared and said nothing. That was fine, they didn't need to talk just listen. "You're going to stop arresting pokemon that clearly aren't feral and saying they are. If you don't? Well let's just say I can do far worse to you then just knocking out you and your people."

"Threatening me?" The arcanine managed to get out, despite the pressure Genkaku was putting on his throat.

"Yes." Genkaku scoffed. "How else am I gonna get you to stop? Sure people can change but that takes time." He narrowed his eyes. "You don't have the luxury of that."

The arcanine eyed him for a second, possibly trying to gauge if he was serious or not. Finally the larger pokemon shivered. "Fine. I agree to stop and will my my team stop as well."

Genkaku abruptly let go of their neck. They coughed as they tried to catch their breath. "Glad we could come to an understanding then. See you around officer." Genkaku motioned for Kiseki to follow him and she did so happily. Once they were approaching the others he turned down to his daughter. "Not a word of this to Unleashed got it? They'd have my head if they knew I brought you out here like this."

Kiseki nodded. "My lips are sealed!"

"Good girl." Genkaku nodded and looked back at the rest of the group. It seemed Feral had calmed down enough that Prism was back; though the eevee was currently passed out. "Alright, let's get out of here."