Stick it to 'Em: Team Sly

10 months, 23 days ago

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"Let's have a chat shall we?" Chai strut across the table in front of the magnezone that they had grabbed.

"I don't have to say anything to you." The magnezone looked away.

"Well that's not very kind of you." Carmen hummed.

Chai held up a wing. "It's alright Carmen. If this fine gentleman doesn't want to talk that's alright. Enigma? Perhaps you might be able to convince him."

The zoroark fusion walked around the table and placed a hand on the magnezone. "We suggest you cooperate." It drug it's claws along the metal that made up the magnezone's body. It made a horrible noise and had the magnezone cringing.

"You work with the guild and you're acting like this?" The magnezone narrowed his eyes.

"You work with the police and you're acting like this?" Carmen huffed. "You have no right to act all high and mighty here."

"I really must know officer." Chai walked forwards, getting close to the magnezone's face. "Why do you think you can get away with this? Better yet! Why do it at all?" The magnezone said nothing. "I see." Chai hummed. "Then perhaps we will simply cut to the case if you have nothing to say about your actions. You will cease using your power to arrest pokemon under the false pretense of them being feral. The issue of feral pokemon is well known enough that just about anyone nowadays can recognized one on sight. Even those that have a more subtle expression of it." He started to pace slowly. "If I find you continue to abuse your power well..." He nodded to Enigma and the zoroark fusion once more drug it's claws over the magnezone's body. This time hard enough to leave scratch marks. "It would of course be very... poor of a team such as ourselves to let something like this continue. I'm sure it would be much similar to resolve this between us rather than well... perhaps getting the guild involved?"

"Fine." The magnezone finally grit out. "I'll make sure my team knows."

"We'll be holding you to that dear." Carmen grinned.

"See to it you stick to your end, because we will most certainly stick to ours. Just know we'll be keeping an eye on you for some time, just to make sure." Chai flew over to land on Enigma's shoulder. "Good day to you officer. I hope we won't have to meet again."