Profile T.O.S // OUT OF DATE

7 months, 14 days ago
7 months, 14 days ago
2 746 1

Chapter 1
Published 7 months, 14 days ago

Any Rules or general warnings for my profile !! <3

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General Profile/OC Rules! <3

These Are a set of rules that I’d prefer you follow by when interacting with my profile/Ocs!

You are free to;

• Draw fanart of my ocs! Literally I do not mind in the slightest, it’s super sweet <3

• Link our ocs together! Just be sure to tell me what your ideas/intentions are with said linking! If you aren’t a mutual/friend, then chances are the link will not be considered canon! However, if you ARE a mutual/friend, I’d be more than happy to bring the relationship to life <3

• Ask questions! Idm what the nature of them may be (as long as it isn’t asking for Personal Information because…duh.???) 

• Share headcanons of my ocs! I think it’s another super sweet gesture and I love reading what people can come up with when it comes to my ocs! <3

• Ask for a Fav 4 Fav, Follow 4 Follow, or anything of the sort! Idm Doing that kinda thing <3 it’s fun!

You are NOT free to;

• Be racist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist on my profile!! That is super uncool and not something I wanna be around! Educate yourself, man! (Unless you’re able to reclaim a slur, then idrc - I say the f slur + t slur becuz I myself am both Gay and Trans, sooo Yea)

• Interact with me if you ship CandyBats/BitterPopcorn or support the ships listed - this ship makes me anxious, feel gross, and generally makes me upset due to my attachment to Kevin and Rick (as well as me headcanoning Kevin and Streber as related.) CandyBats (especially) makes me abhorrently uncomfortable and would appreciate if it isn’t brought up around me. Also, please don’t interact as much if you are friends with any CandyBats shippers, i look at everyone’s profiles when I interact with them and if I see any CB shippers, it just makes me feel icky icky gross gross yuck 

• Insult my ocs unless given permission to, that makes me feel bad ):

• Compare my Designs to other characters, this is another thing that makes me feel bad

• Steal my designs 

• Insult/belittle my interests

• Traumadump onto me if we aren’t friends, you do NOT know who I am, that is very dangerous behavior man ): you might end up getting hurt (not by me ofc!! Just as a safety thing <3 be safe on the Internet!! The internet sucks sometimes!!!! HHGE)

• Interact with me in a genuinely sexual manner, very yucky

• Interact a lot if your name is Aaron, nothing against you personally!! Seeing as how I have an oc named Aaron; but the name gives me anxiety due to an incident with someone with the same name, that I’d rather not talk about in this space