Order 66

7 months, 15 days ago
7 months, 15 days ago
1 3209

Entry 1
Published 7 months, 15 days ago

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Don't Look Back

Two speeders move swiftly through the dark jungle of Umbara; their way lit by only their headlights and the soft red glow of the bioluminescent plant-life around them. The Herglic on the larger speeder grunts to the Cathar on the smaller speeder, “Soluha,” and points up to a clearing on a cliff overlooking the jungle. Soluha nods in silent agreement and they change course, riding up the hill.

At the precipice, they turned off their headlights and silenced their speeders engines. Even in complete darkness, Soluha could still see her robed padawan companion beside her. Melchi’s are closed, opting to instead use his enhanced marine hearing to scope the jungle below. Even though her eyes are accustomed to seeing in such dim lighting, the mists of Umbara make seeing deep into the forests nearly impossible.

Melchi tilts his head abruptly and huffs, sending a plume of condensated breath through the blowhole at the top of his head. He opens his eyes, black beads glistening in the dim red lighting, and points again down to the right of the cliffside.

“A squad of droids,” he says, his deep voice reverberating through his voice box, “maybe fifty of them.”

Soluha grins a wide fanged smile and revs her speeder's engine. Without a second thought, she takes off down the hill letting gravity drag her even faster toward the sound of the droids. Melchi sighs and does the same, but turns his speeder to make an approach from the side.

Shouts of B1 Battle Droids echo through the forest.

“A Jedi!”

“Get her!”

“Shoot! Shoot her down!”

Soluha turns her speeder to the side, drifting at top speed through the platoon of hapless droids. They leap out of the way, sending themselves splaying across the ground in piles of metal and dirt. Others fire chaotically trying to hit their aggressor, most missing entirely or only hitting the back of her speeder. With another rev of her engine, Soluha turns the speeder fully around to face the group and readies her violet lightsaber.

Melchi bursts out of the mist, flinging his speeder into the crowd of droids and leaping back off of it; his great lightsaber in hand filling the mist with its blue glow. He rushes forward after his speeder making wild swings and slicing cleanly through the droids around him.

A droid tries to leap out of the way of his oversized speeder, but its foot catches on the handles causing it to flip rapidly into the air and then landing in the pilot seat.

Its head whips around frantically. “I wasn’t programmed for this vehicle!” It exclaims as it clumsily slaps at the buttons and levers until it finally starts firing haphazardly into its own platoon in the attempt to take down the towering Jedi.

Soluha speeds into the battle, slashing at droids on each side and rearing her speeder up into the air to catch a swath of lasers. It sparks dangerously and sputters, attesting the damage it’s taking. Soluha abandons the bike and leaps deftly into the air flipping over Melchi’s speeder and making a swift swing at the droid seated on top. She lands expertly before its remains even touch the ground.

“Kill the Jedi! Shoot them!” A specially painted droid shouts, frustration rising in its robotic voice.

Melchi alters course, singling out the painted droid as the commander and barrels toward it, making a commendable show of his Shii-Cho form. Wild unpredictable swings with his extended lightsaber take out a dozen droids but with his attention split, he’s hit by the chaotic fire. He shrugs them off and makes a wide swing at the commander, cleanly slicing off its head. It sputters orders until it falls and hits the ground.

Confusion rises in the rest of the B1 droids.

“Who’s in charge?”

“What are our orders?”

“The Jedi are still here!”

A droid near Soluha sparks and stands upright. Soluha grins at it. The droid shivers violently.

“Look who’s been promoted~” She taunts. A light swing brings down the new commander easily.

With their commanders being taken out the instant one is reprogrammed, the rest of the droids fall into a mass confusion, and the two padawans take out the rest of the B1 droids with ease.

Melchi limps over to Soluha who is studying her sparking speeder.

“Master’s not going to be happy about this,” she mumbles.

Melchi grunts and takes her arm in his hand, turning it up to reveal a burnt gash across her forearm. “You’re hurt.”

Soluha pulls back unsuccessfully. “I’m fine,” she insists, “Really. I don’t need any help.”

Melchi huffs and holds her arm cupped between his hands. A soft white glow emanates from his palms. Soluha lets out a soft sigh of relief, but quickly tries to cover it up by clearing her throat. “And what about you?” She gestures aggressively with her free hand to the burnt spots on his robe just barely covering his thick sizzling hide.

He smiles and lets her go. “I’ll be alright. I just need a moment.”

Soluha hums in disapproval but doesn’t push the subject.

Melchi leans against his functioning speeder and presses a few buttons on his wrist comm. A hologram of a talz appears above his wrist and she makes a pleased Talzian sound. Melchi speaks, but not in common. He instead chooses to speak in her native Talzi language.

“Master Ontuga. I am reporting to let you know that we have completed the droid interception. There were more droids than we were expecting but after a short rest to recover we will be returning shortly.”

Ontuga shakes her head thoughtfully. “It is disappointing to hear that there were more droids than expected, as it means there will be even more droids in our future exploits. I am, however, pleased to hear of your success, and I do have some good news! I hear that Obiwan Kenobi has joined the battle on Uta’pau to confront General Grievous.”

“Knowing Master Kenobi it should be quite easy for him,” he smiles mischievously.

“Yes, quite. I look forward to your safe return.”

“Thank you, Master. We will not keep you waiting long.”

Melchi closes the hologram and sits on the edge of his speeder.

“I’m not even going to pretend I know what you two just said,” Soluha scoffs. “I don’t know how you even manage to copy those sounds.”

“It’s not as hard as it seems actually. My accent is a little off, but with my blowhole I can mimic them quite well,” he explains, pointing to the two small slits atop his head.

“Hm. My turn then.” Soluha calls up her own Master. The asian human strokes his long white beard upon seeing his padawan.

(conversation not completed)

Melchi begins another call. This time a clone Captain with reddish-orange whales painted on the sides of his helmet as well as a second set of eyes to represent their Talz Jedi General answers the call.

Soluha leaps up, holding onto Melchi’s neck to ensure she was in the hologram, and waves emphatically. “Hey, Captain Scab!”

The clone waves back and his stature relaxes. “Padawans! Glad to see you’re alright!”

“We were about to start heading back,” Melchi pipes in, “But I wanted to ask if there was anything useful we should bring back with us when we return? Memory banks? Weapons?” He gestures at the smoldering droid remains at their feet.

Scab’s laugh echoes in his helmet, left on to hide the evidence of a previous burn accident, “No, I don’t think there’s anything useful you could bring back from those cheap clankers.”

“What about something for Ace, then?” Melchi grins, “I know how he likes to collect things.”

Scab crosses his arms making an X symbol. “Do not bring back anything for Ace. We shouldn’t be condoning his hoarding habits.” He sighs and chuckles. “But I appreciate the thought.”

“We should be back soon, then.”

“And we’ll have some age appropriate drinks ready for when you get here.”

Soluha groans and rolls her eyes. “Are we sure they have to be age appropriate?”

“You know how Comander Kelsea keeps a strict ship around here. Besides, you’re barely of age, and I’m, what, five?”

“Fiiiine,” Soluha waves him off, “Age appropriate it is.”

“See you soon, kiddos.”

The hologram minimizes into the wrist strap. Soluha grimaces.

“We should call Commander Kelsea, huh?”

Melchi sucks in through his teeth and surveys their surroundings. Soluha’s speeder sparks again and makes a shrill wheezing sound.

“If we do, we should probably move away from… this,” he says, waving an arm at the smoking debris.

“Probably a good idea,” Soluha agrees. She steps away from the wreckage and begins another call. A clone in Commander armor painted with decals resembling foliage appears in the hologram. His helmet is off, showing his graying short cropped hair and newly forming wrinkles that reveal his age as a clone.

Melchi, still not quite aware of how their power dynamic is situated, salutes awkwardly. “Hello, Commander Kelsea, Sir!”

(conversation not completed)

Melchi sits down heavily beside his speeder and meditates. Slowly, his wounds begin to glow with the same light that healed Soluha until all that's left is the singed cloth on the surface.

Soluha paces around her own speeder, scratching behind her pointed ears and mumbling about how much trouble she was going to be in. Melchi opens one eye to peer at her through his meditative healing.

“Take it easy, okay?” He assures, “I’m sure it won’t be so bad.”

“Easy for you to say,” Soluha huffs, “your speeder is basically untouched. I don’t even know how I’m going to get back to base with it in this condition.”

Melchi stands back up, testing his weight on each leg, and then stretching his shoulders. “We could attach your speeder to mine with a cable and you could ride with me?”

Soluha taps her cheek. Her lower lip juts out slightly in a frustrated pout.

“It would probably be safer than driving yours.” The speeder lets off a sharp bang in agreement.

Soluha sighs. “It would probably be safer.”

Melchi smiles sympathetically and he sets up the cable attachment. He steps onto his speeder and then holds out his hand to help Soluha up. She takes it and hops onto the seat behind him. With the rev of his engine they take off toward the base.

The walls of the base come into view over the glowing red trees. Melchi’s telecomm beeps, signaling an incoming message. Carefully holding the speeder's handle with one hand, he reaches over and opens the call.

Master Ontuga’s figure appears, her lightsaber drawn and deflecting laser shots.

“Melchi, Soluha!” She shouts in Talzi, “Do not return to base!”

“Master, wha- what’s happening?” Melchi stammers, trying to make sense of what he’s seeing. “What’s going on?”

Ontuga swings her saber, slicing down an oncoming attacker. A clone body falls to the ground. “Just after we spoke with you, we received a message from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. All of the clones then turned on us!”

“O-okay, we’ll loop around and meet you at our ship to leave for-”

“No. Do not return to the base. Do not come anywhere near here. Find a way to get off the planet with Soluha and-” she’s cut off by the sound of rapid gunfire and the image goes dead. Similar gunfire can be heard in the distance, becoming louder as they near their Masters’ base.

Soluha’s grip on Melchi tightens. “What in the universe did I just see?”

Melchi veers the speeder, whips out his saber, slices the cord attached to the Soluha’s broken speeder, and takes off back the way they hand come.

“Melchi! What did she say? What’s happening!?” She tries to shake him out of his silent shock but her movements are useless against the six foot Herglic.

She turns in her seat and readies herself to jump. A feeling blurs her vision. She feels her Master. She feels his confusion, his panic. She can feel her heartbeat rising with his. There’s a sharp pain in her chest, and then it all fades. She gags on her own breath and forces herself to sit back down.

Melchi continues his course, the speed gauge rising dangerously quickly. Soluha has to wrap her arms around his waist in a desperate attempt to not get flung off the back of the speeder.


Melchi drives over the remains of their battle with the droids and deeper into the forest.

Soluha grabs his shoulder, digging her claws in. “Melchi, stop this speeder or so help me I’ll-”

She’s cut off by a jolt as their speeder hits something underneath them. Vines rise above them, grabbing at the speeder and lifting it into the air. They tumble to the ground, dodging the carnivorous plant’s limbs. Without missing a beat, Melchi grabs Soluha, lifting her into his arms, and runs.

Eventually, Melchi begins to calm, finally noticing Soluha kicking and writhing in his arms. He places her down beside a rock cliff and he leans against it. He wheezes through his blowholes.

“You can’t just drag me into the jungle of a dangerous planet with no explanation!” Soluha screeches. “What in the universe is going on!?”

Melchi swallows heavily. “Master Ontuga said… they received a message from the Supreme Chancellor. Something he said set off the clones. They’re… they’re attacking us.”

“We have to go back,” Soluha demands, turning on her heel.

Melchi grabs her arm. “No. If we go to the base we’ll just be putting ourselves in even more danger.”

Soluha rips her arm from his hand, eyes dilating in anger. “I felt my Master in there! He’s hurt, or-”

“I know. I felt it too.”

“I’m not going to just abandon my master to fight on his own!”

“And I’m not going to disobey my master’s last orders,” he bellows, standing up to his full height; an act that he rarely does.

The holocomms on their wrists blink at the same time.

“Do not answer that.” Melchi shucks off his own comm and hurls it into the jungle.

Soluha’s hand hovers over the answer button, but she does the same. The beeps fade into the distance.

Melchi, standing in his usual slumped position, steps gently over to Soluha. “We have to find a way off this planet. We can tell someone what’s happening; get help.” He tries to place a consoling hand on her shoulder.

Soluha tenses at his touch, but finally nods stiffly. She leaps into a tree and silently navigates through the tops of the trees. Melchi manages to follow, yet much less stealthily, on the forest floor.

A bright white light flashes over Melchi. He freezes, raising his hands to shield his eyes. The unmistakable thuds of an AT-RT Walker approaches, spotlight directed at Melchi.

“Commander Kelsea, I’ve found the rogue padawans,” the reddish orange painted clone in the control seat says into his commlink.

He fires the flamethrower at Melchi, setting fire to the forest around them as well. Melchi leaps, deftly flipping over the flamethrower and landing with a heavy thud. Soluha drops from the overhanging tree branch, slicing at the clone with her saber. She lunges back into the tree before he has time to react.

Melchi barrels toward the vehicle and wraps his arms around the legs of the Walker. He flexes and pulls, and the entire AT-RT slams to the ground. Soluha slides down the trunk of the tree leaving deep claw marks in its flesh. The clone scrambles to escape the fallen machine before the padawans reach him, flinging off his cracked helmet. The paintings of the whales on each side rolling and scuffing in the dirt.

“What did the Chancellor order you to do, Chickie!?” Melchi growls, doing his best to seem intimidating.

Chickie pulls his blaster from his belt and fires at Melchi. Melchi grits his teeth, taking the hits directly, and keeps marching.

Soluha kicks the clone back against a tree trunk and raises her violet saber to his throat. “Why are you doing this!?” She shouts.

“What. Are. Your. Orders!”

Chickie only smiles. “Good soldiers follow orders.”

Melchi raises his hand, hovering it in front of Chickie’s face, and closes his eyes. He focuses into the force, reaching into the clone’s mind. But there’s nothing. Melchi’s brow furrows and he reaches further. He finds nothing. It’s as if everything about Chickie was taken away and hidden, leaving nothing in its place.

Melchi stumbles back and looks to Soluha. “He’s… Chickie’s gone.”

“What do you mean?” Soluha asks. Her lightsaber lowers slightly.

Chickie takes advantage of their hesitation, drawing a dagger and slicing into Soluha’s arm and then firing again at Melchi point blank. The padawans falter and Chickie sprints in the opposite direction.

Melchi coughs and falls to his knees. “We just need his comm!” He shouts to Soluha.

“I got it.” She raises her hand and clenches her fist. The clone lifts off the ground, kicking at the air and begins scratching at his throat, choking.

Melchi’s eyes widen. An eerie silence hangs in the air as Soluha focuses her powers. A bead of sweat falls down her temple. Her fingers twitch. The clone’s head snaps to the side and his body falls limp. Soluha gasps and lets go, letting Chickie drop to the ground. She glances between Melchi and Chickie.

“I didn’t want…” Her voice cracks, “I didn’t mean to…”


Melchi struggles to his feet and slowly approaches the fallen clone. He unclips the comm from his belt and returns to Soluha. “The others aren’t far behind,” He whispers, “We have to move.”

The whir of propellers, followed by an abrupt wind, fills the forest around them. A second spotlight zeroes in on them.

Soluha squints into the light. Her eyes widen as she recognizes the clone standing in the open sliding doorway of the ship. “No, Wink,” she chokes.

Wink hefts a massive gun onto his dark green painted shoulder and places his hand on the trigger.

“Go, Melchi! Go!” Soluha leaps into the forest, dodging the spray of lasers with Melchi not far behind. They disappear into the underbrush, switching between hiding and running to escape the onslaught of clones. They find a fallen tree and take shelter underneath it.

“We should be alright here for now,” Soluha murmurs between gasps.

Melchi fiddles with Chickie’s comm. A log of recently recorded messages appears and he selects the most recent incoming call. A holoimage of a hooded figure appears. “Execute Order 66,” it says. And then it glitches, and repeats. Melchi adjusts the comm again, tuning into the regular clone radio. The same voice repeats the same phrase, over and over.

Soluha stares in horror at the device.

Melchi shuts off the holocomm.