the zest chronicles

lokeii rreave
7 months, 24 days ago
4 months, 18 days ago
6 14912

Chapter 6
Published 5 months, 6 days ago

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bonus chapter (post red party zest)

Lokeii and Warpus left the venue a bit earlier than the other attendees, having had their fill of reunions for the night. Warpus walked on slightly unsteady feet, and Lokeii had to guide them carefully down the stairs in their drunken state. Luckily, their home was only a few paces away from the party, so they didn't have to walk far to get home. Lokeii decided to save his lecture about drinking for another night, as he doubted they'd remember much once the night was over.

He felt a bit loopy himself, but managed to lead them inside and onto their bed before they tripped and hurt themself. Warpus sat down on the edge of the bed and Lokeii sat beside them, catching them when they went limp into his arms.

"What are you doing?" he giggled softly, his hand brushing through their hair. After going the whole party being unable to touch them, he found it hard to keep his hands off of them now. Warpus mumbled unintelligibly into his chest, reaching pathetically to wrap their arms around his chest. Lokeii kissed the top of their head gently, humming softly and giggling at their drunken mumblings.

He eventually convinced them to take off the dress shirt they were wearing and lay down properly in the bed, and he joined them under the covers once he had removed himself of the stuffy corset and shirt he had worn that night. He peppered their face in feathery kisses, to which they half-heartedly protested, burying themself in the blankets. He smiled softly at them, pulling them close to his chest and wrapping his arms around their waist.

"How are you feeling, liefje?" he mumbled quietly into the top of their head, feeling protective of them in their state. They replied with a sigh and a loopy, "Sleepy," before burying their face into his chest again. Lokeii smiled to himself and tangled his legs with theirs, feeling the warmth of their body bleeding into his.

They laid knotted up for a bit longer before they both drifted off, the sun rising a few hours after the party had ended. Lokeii held onto them throughout their sleep, his chin resting atop their head and his arms protectively resting around their waist. He slept deep that night, and the comfort of Warpus there in his arms led him to pleasant dreams.