Rogue Gryphon

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Moving carefully along the bridges that connect the floating islands of Vitalus, the trio have been briskly working their way towards their target, a rogue Gryphon that’s been causing havoc across local farmlands, attacking cattle and other livestock, seemingly for fun, since it’s scarcely been eating anything it kills.

Kezek, while not one to particularly care for such trivial things, has decided to use this opportunity to his advantage. He had come to Vitalus in order to obtain the parts and materials of these mythical animals, with a Gryphon being on his list of targets. His companions, Zephyr and Valor, are decent enough company for this task, with Zephyr being one he’s worked with previously… though Valor is someone new to him, so he finds himself a bit wary of her presence.

It’s a mutual feeling of distrust, though, with Valor having come to provide backup for her fellow guildmate. While she knows Zephyr is a crafty sort, he is also… tiny… and a Gryphon is very much not so, and the added risk of this unknown Vayron? Tagging along was an easy decision for her.

“We’re close… its nest is said to be on that island there,” Zephyr nods his head, gesturing to a somewhat distant floating island, a bridge connecting to it. “We should be careful, though, in case it spots us and tries to attack while we’re crossing.” There’s been a few reports of such incidents happening, the beast having no qualms about playing dirty. 

Kezek hums at the warning, his tail swishing behind him in anticipation as they reach another island, one with the bridge that leads to their destination. “There’s a chance it may not even be there,” that would work to their advantage, it would allow them to safely setup and then lay in wait for it.

“Don’t count on it,” Valor comments as they move across the island, it’s a small one, so they won’t be here long. Her blue gaze focused on their destination, there’s a tall rock formation, one that houses the nest of the Gryphon, and while she can’t currently see anything… she knows better than to drop her guard. 

As the trio reaches the bridge, with Zephyr leading the group and keeping his eyes on the skies, they begin to cross, moving carefully and quietly as a precaution, the bridge swaying underneath their paws as the wind blows past them, a slight creaking reaching their ears with each step.

It’s precarious, with Zephyr feeling his heart drop when one of his paws go right through one of the wooden planks, his body lurching forward as he nearly falls, but a hard snap of Kezeks jaws on his scruff is keeping him from going down.

Kezeks pulling him back up to his feet, only releasing him from his grasp once Zephyr plants his paw on a more stable plank, a small scrape running along the lower portion of his leg from going through, “you alright?” Kezek asks.

“Y-Yeah,” Zephyr clears his throat, “thanks.” If he’s going through planks, that means they’ll go through, too, something he doesn’t need to say aloud for Valor and Kezek to now be wary of. 

Valor lets out a sigh and when the group begins moving forward once more, they’re far more cautious with each step, experimentally testing each plank before allowing themselves to place their full weight onto them.

When they finally reach the island, while a relief to their nerves, they can’t rest easy yet, especially when a screech is reaching their ears.

A shadow is cast over the trio as the Gryphon flies above them, with Kezek and Valor taking defensive positions as they bare their fangs up at the encircling beast.

“Looks like it’s been waiting,” Valor growls, “Zeph, you know what to do.”

“Ughh…” Zephyr groans, but he’s darting away from Kezek and Valor in that instant, rushing towards the Gryphons nesting site. A clear provocation to bait the Gryphon into getting closer to the ground, or, ideally, landing.

It hisses at Zephyrs audacity as it turns mid-air to dive at the Runner, its talons outstretching towards him with the intent to grab.

Its attempt to grab him is interrupted as Valor suddenly appears beside it, her jaws latching onto its extended arm as she drives her paws into the earth, yanking her head back as hard as she can to slam the Gryphon down against the rocky ground.

Its wings flail out, beating down upon her before Zephyr is leaping onto its back, grabbing one of those powerful wings in his teeth as he bites down, an audible crack reaching Valors ears as he breaks one of its bones, a screech escaping its beak as it kicks and slashes, its talons scraping across Valors chest, earning a muffled growl from the female.

Its struggling does not last much longer, though, as Kezek reaches them. He dodges a wild swipe of its claws as he goes in for its neck, biting down with as much force as he can muster to cut off its airway as Zephyr and Valor help keep it pinned.

A gargled wheezing noise is the only thing that can leave the dying beast now as its flailing weakens, until finally, at long last, the last of its strength leaves it as it falls limp within the jaws of its hunters.

Zephyr is the first to hop off of it, his nose scrunching as he spits out blood from his mouth, wiping at his muzzle with the back of his arm. His pale eyes land on the bleeding wound of Valor as she drops the Gryphons leg, “you alright?”

“I’ll be fine,” she huffs, she’s endured far more harrowing injuries, this is nothing.

Kezek scoffs at the beasts corpse, “with how much trouble it’s been causing… you would think it would be a greater threat,” a weak fight, those who previously attempted, and failed, to kill this thing must’ve been inexperienced fools. 

Zephyr flicks an ear, his head turning up towards the rock formation, “do you think… maybe it’s the wrong one?” 

Valor frowns at the thought, brows furrowing as she follows his gaze.

“Almost certainly,” Kezek grunts, “I’m going to bury this one and mask its scent, you two setup around the nest, we’ll stake it out for a while, just in case.” He grabs a stray leg, before beginning to trudge off with it, dragging the corpse along him as he seeks out a decent spot to bury it.

Zephyr blows out a puff of air, “well, shit, alright… let me patch you up quick, the smell of your blood would give us away.”

“Sure, guess we got a long day ahead of us.”


Vays: Zephyr 15376, Valor 12655, and Kezek 16150

WC: 1120