Reef's shell bell

7 months, 4 days ago

Vulpix Isles quest! Nava searches for a shell.

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“Ah hey there! I seemed to have lost my precious pink shell! Could you help me find it?”

"Aye aye captain! I'll be back before you know it!" Nava exclaimed with a yip and pranced back to where she came from, digging her snout into the sand as she trotted.

Nava's ears drew back as sand filled her nostrils unexpectedly. She sneezed up towards the sky and shook her head with murmurs of 'stupid sand ... stupid beach ...'. After narrowing her eyes at the grainy, sharp attacker, Nava was back on her journey and decided to rely on her sight going forward. The young Vulpix found her way to the edge of the beach, grass and dirt spilled out into parts of the sandstone littering the boundary of beach and town. Her eyes caught sight of something pink drooping hastily back into the sand. Nava flashed her canines with a victorious grin and pounced on the object, shoving her teeth into the sand unceremoniously, using her paws to grasp at the object. With a final tug, Nava tumbled back with the object between her teeth, a wiggly, pink ... worm?

Nava sighed in defeat and set the worm back on the ground.

Nava sulked for a good thirty seconds till her attention was drawn to the sea behind her. She turned her head and listened to the waves crashing softly upon the shore till the corners of her mouth twitched and her paws took her speedily to the water. She sniffed around the shore cautiously like her aunt had taught her, but remained distracted. Her eyes caught sight of something shiny in the water, and soon the brave Vulpix was wafting through the shallow water and into the clear sea for a search and rescue mission. Her fur weighed her down just enough for Nava to feel confident enough to dive down into the water, her eyes squinted and searching. Amidst her blurry surroundings, she caught sight of something pink floating past her. With a kick of her hind legs, Nava grabbed the object in-between her jaws gently. It wriggled fiercely and Nava focused her vision to see a ... fish?

Nava let the pink fish go apologetically and flashed a sheepish smile, the fish buzzed around her for a moment in anger and swam away. Nava surfaced the water and groaned in frustration. Her frown deepened as she walked back out of the water, her fur clinging heavily to her and the sand underneath her paws. Nava walked past something pink buried in the sand, and almost ignored it till she stopped abruptly. With a cautious push of her paw, Nava uncovered the glittering object and laid her eyes upon ... the shell!

Nava almost jumped in excitement and picked the shell up in her jaws, sprinting back to Reef, making sure to be gentle with the shell. She laid the object down at Reef's paws once she had found him, and panted with a smile. 

"I've found it!" She exclaimed proudly.