Relax, Just Do It

7 months, 10 days ago

Tawny & Holly spar!

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Author's Notes

CHARACTERS: Tawnysnarl & Hollyhop
WORDS: 622

“It’ll be fine,” The calico molly mewed, her bobtail flicking back and forth as she walked alongside the other warrior. 

Hollyhop flattened his ears, side-eyeing her with slight anxiety brimming in them. He wasn’t entirely sure Tawnysnarl even knew the meaning of ‘fine’, especially with that not-so-subtle mischievous expression.

As if she could hear his thoughts, the square cat scoffed in mock offence, “Why’re ya doubtin’ me? I already promised I wouldn’t hurt ya.” She raised her chin in defiance, shaking her head with playfully furrowed eyebrows.

This didn’t alleviate any worries for him. His paws felt a little unsteady, though he didn’t want Tawnysnarl to actually know how much this was really affecting him. It wasn’t like he was a pacifist or anything, but conflict… Well, it made his skin itch like he had fleas. The valley would be a much better place without fighting, if you asked him.

Yet he’d befriended a cat like Tawnysnarl anyway. She had the best of intentions, he was certain, though her boisterous nature often caused him to be on edge. The molly had a habit of rushing into things, and egged on any conflict (especially if it involved defending her favourite senior warrior, Dripdroop). Hollyhop didn’t think she actively meant any harm, but…

“Right! Are ya ready?”

Her question burst his bubble, and it was like the ground shook around him as he realised that they had arrived at the training hollow in no time at all. His skin warmed under his pelt and he shuffled his paws together, scuffling some dirt up his leg (which he ignored). A quick moment passed before he raised his head and puffed up his chest. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Ya sure ya not gonna chick—”

“I said I’m ready, didn’t I?” He cuts her off, feeling bad for a second before setting his eyes on his ‘opponent’. “Hit me with all you’ve got!” Tawnysnarl had managed to find his weak spot: his competitiveness. The tom’s tail flourished behind him as he put all his energy into standing his ground, ready for the robust impact of the molly.

A chuckle escaped Tawnysnarl before she, too, sets herself into a semi-crouched position, ready to charge. “That’s more like it, Hops!” Her muzzle spread into a sly grin, heart pumping from the challenge. She knew that Hollyhop was susceptible to a challenge, and that was one of her favourite features about him. It was the same sort of energy that she and Bat shared during their pranks, though with a hint of rivalry. With Bat, it was usually more of a team effort.

She charged, the ground turning into a blur underneath her. The pair ensured that their claws stayed sheathed— Tawnysnarl wouldn’t hesitate to use them in a real battle, though this was only a play spare. Even if it didn’t feel like a game. 

Meanwhile, Hollyhop’s stomach had dropped for a fraction of a moment as the other warrior charged full-force at him, though he courageously stood his ground. His foreleps ached as they took on most of the body slam, grinding his teeth as his back paws slid a millimetre. 

In a flurry of movement, the two cats scrabbled, trying to overcome the other.

The breath was knocked out of the calico molly as her back slammed into the dirt beneath them. It took her a few mouse-lengths before she had realised what had happened, and she cocked an eyebrow at Hollyhop, though her confused expression was soon broken as she broke into laughter.

Jumping to her paws as her cheeks began to ache, she playfully pushed a paw into the tom’s shoulder in prideful disbelief. “Fuck yeah, Holly! You’ll hafta teach me that move. Let’s go again.”