Avalon: Home, Sweet Home

11 months, 18 days ago

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Avalon took in a deep breath as she relaxed back into her beanie bag chair, a cup of warm tea cradled in her hands. A soft blanket was folded across her waist, providing an additional spot of warm as she snuggled further into the chair.

Greer lazily floated around the window, and Avalon smiled as she watched her companion bob around the closed window. Reaching over, she managed to pry up the bottom of the window, allowing a soft, refreshing breeze to blow through the room. Greer seemed to give a happy bob at the breeze, and Avalon found herself smiling as she pulled the blanket a little further up her body. It was a small blessing her companion was able to float easily around her room, with the amount of clutter that currently occupied it. Avalon winced as she glanced around her room, somewhat guilty of the current mess. It was not terrible – but there were certainly clothes strewn in areas they should not be, and the top of her desk was currently a mix of random drawing materials, papers, and various other small items she hadn’t bothered to put away yet.

Though, despite the mess, she knew it was still certainly better than her sibling’s rooms. Celene and Castor, the youngest twins in the family, still shared a room down the hall – a room that was notorious for being torn apart minutes after cleaning it. Admittedly, her twin sister’s room was almost always neat and tidy – Avalon still wasn’t completely sure how Adelaide managed it. Then of course there was her parents’ room, just up the hallway, that was almost always in a state of organized chaos. The general tidiness of the place was not helped by the many pets they had all together – in fact, Avalon was fairly certainly the pets now outnumbered the family members currently living in the household…

Although she had been given the option of finding her own home, for now at least, she preferred staying close to her family. Falling through the rift had shaken them all quite significantly, especially in the first few months when they had been unable to find each other. After they had all been reunited, no one had been particularly keen on moving further away than they had to. Even her older sister, Melody, and her partners and children had only settled in a home up the road from them.

Although she had selected one of the smaller rooms in the house, she had put effort into making it feel like her own. The room was lined with shelves filled with various books – ranging from fantasy novels to nature guides, to random notebooks and sketchbooks filled with drawings from her travels. One shelf was filled with various pet supplies, for Alfie and the other companions she had taken on, and there were several pets beds scattered around the room – not that any of them ever used them.

She hadn’t quite figured out what Greer’s favourite things were; the little orboros seemed happy to just accompany her and float around the room, never seemingly eating or drinking like their other companions. Once she had figured out the little orb’s favourites, she was sure they would be added to the chaos of the shelves as well.

Draining her now cooled tea, Avalon pushed herself to her feet and smiled as Greer instantly bobbed to her shoulder, accompanying her as she padded into the kitchen.

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