
7 months, 10 days ago
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In the midst of his frantic escape from his aunt's shop, he finally stopped, his breath finally catching up to him. The gasps for air wasn't just from all the running, but from the crushing guilt that weighed upon him for what he had just done to his dearest friend, Hiroshi.

"I... I got him. He's actually... gone?" He muttered, his voice shaky as he tried to process the sense of this situation. As he grappled with the enormity of his actions, he stood there, staring at the blood on his hands.. he didn't want to accept this new reality at all. His best friend, Hiroshi, had vanished from his life, and the pain pierced deeper than any thorn. He was trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, struggling to grasp the heavy weight on his shoulders.

With uncertainty taking over his mind, he pondered on what to do next. All he truly longed for was to go back home, despite knowing his parents would without a doubt, punish him for vanishing for so long without a word. Despite his hatred for his family's strict rules and crazy expectations, he yearned for the familiarity of his actual home and the little solace it had once provided. Deep down, Takuya hoped that things could somehow revert to the way they used to be, where he only needed to study and not worry about friends.

But Takuya found out a side of himself that had remained hidden, It was his other side, one that he hadn't truly recognized until now. As the weight of what he had done pressed down on him, a strange, unsettling relief washed over him, a feeling he dared not admit to himself - relief that Hiroshi was gone. Deep down, Takuya found himself never truly caring for him, at least that's what he thinks he's feeling. Despite being desperate to reconcile his actions and the guilt that consumed him, the shock of everything had convinced himself that hes always loved him... but the idea of longing for him to come back was more about seeking normalcy than actually cherishing his best friend. It was easier to hold onto the illusion of their close friendship than to admit the unsettling truth that he had never really felt love, nor did he really understood what it really was.

Now that he thought about it, he had always had a deep irritation at how mysterious his friend was, viewing it as annoying to him. Suddenly, he started to laugh painfully, echoing through the empty streets. He couldn't believe the monster he had become...he didn't believe that it was self-defense anymore now that he knows how he feels. His actions are irreversible, and there is no going back. However, panic soon rose. What if his aunt returned to the flower shop and discovered the aftermath of his actions? The thought sent chills down his spine. In a desperate bid to buy time, Takuya remembered that his aunt was probably at the grocery store, as it was her usual weekly routine.

With thoughts rushing through his mind, thinking of a way for his aunt to not go to the shop, he thought of a quick family vacation in mind, just the two of them. He then dashed to the grocery store as quickly as his legs could carry him.. hoping that his plan works out. As he quickly tried to wash off the blood off his hands, he went inside of the store. He then spotted his aunt as she reached the shelves for products. Taking a deep breath, Takuya approached her, showing a weak smile.

"A-Auntie!," he began, "Hello, um, doesn't it feel a bit.. tiring working at the shop? How about we went on a little vacation! Just the two.. of us.. Just some time together? It sounds fun!" He said, gasping for air a little bit.

"A vacation huh? That sounds lovely! Do you know a place in mind?"

Takuya's heart raced as he didn't really plan out the exact place, so he had to come up with something on the spot. "Um- how about a cozy cabin? It's always snowy here so a warm place should be relaxing don't you think?"

"That sounds nice! I could use a break from the flower shop for a bit.. I should probably pack my things right away then! Lets head to the sho-"

"A-AUNTIE! You don't need to worry about a t-thing! Ive got it all covered.. you've been working so hard at the shop and you deserve a break. I'll handle the packing, and I'll even cover all the expenses," he reassured her as much as possible, his voice getting shakier.

His aunt's brow went down with worried as she hesitated. "But.. dear, are you sure? It's not fair for you to take on all this responsibility y'know! How about we split the mo-"

"Nono! I insist. You need this break more than anyone don't you think? Just leave everything to me okay?" He shook his head.

"If you're sure, dear.. just promise me not to overwork yourself!" His aunt finally agreed.

As they walked out into the eerie night, Takuya whispered to auntie, urging her to head to the nearest cafe while he took care of everything she needed. Suspicion crept into her eyes, and she noticed his odd behavior and the hint of injury. Auntie reached out to grab his arm, but Takuya quickly flinched away, his anxiety starting to escalate.

"D-don't touch me!! Please... don't.." Takuya almost yelled out, his fear becoming more apparent. It wasn't the discovery of his injuries that scared him, but the haunting flashback of Hiroshi grabbing him all over the place in that shop.

Concerned, she asked if he was okay, but Takuya quickly composed himself, brushing it off. "Don't worry, auntie! I'll get everything... just stay here, please."

Takuya rushed to the shop, his heart pounding. His mind raced with thoughts worried if a random customer saw the mess by now. Yet, as he arrived, he saw nobody. He quickly snatched Hiroshi, dragging it to a secluded spot where he would remain hidden. Overwhelmed, he broke into tears, regret and confusion mingling within him. "I should've never come here today... I... I don't even know how to feel anymore," he whispered, before dashing back to the shop.

Grabbing everything his auntie needed, Takuya hurried back, his nerves on edge. But as he made his way, someone approached, questioning some of the blood smudges on his clothes. Panicking, Takuya managed to escape, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over him as he realized he had forgotten to clean himself up after hiding him earlier. He quickly went to a hidden area, changed, then headed back.

Returning from the cafe, Takuya greeted his auntie with a forced smile, urging her to leave immediately, the weight of Hiroshi still heavy on his conscience. The night grew darker as they left, the air thick with an unspoken unease...

Author's Notes
