Tora's enterring test to dunkle pack

5 years, 16 days ago

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It's been about a week since i was staying in the Dunkle territory. I mainly pass time on my own looking at the others or running in the forest near my last residence. Kyoto told me it was a dangerous place, since its was a old mining human spot. Living with a pack seemed a bit overwhelming. There's a lot of people so a lot of different actions and socials interactions. I don't know if i would be able too survive all of that. After all, im just a running dog all i know is too run.

Kyoto told me i had too pass the test to be a part of the pack. So here i am, blindedfolded, going somewhere. I don't see a thing, everything is black. I hear what seems to be rex and a female talking about pups. Im not sure but after a while we stop. -Good luck Tora, says Rex Then nothing else, everything is silent. I guess its time to start the challenge. I need to find a green scarf, it should be easy since im pretty tall. Doesn't it? First i need to remove that piece of fabric of my head. I try with my paws but i feel on the ground, my balance is lost since im blind. I get up pretty fast and try to find something to help me remove it. BANG!

Outch! What was that!My poor head, it hurt. It was a hard surface right in front of me. I scratch my head on it and the fabric come off. I blink once, twice. The piercing light is hard for my eyes.I see the culprit of my headache. Goddamn tree! Of all it could be it was a tree! I hope no one saw or else i would look even shittier than i am. I sigh, why am i so clumsy and stupid? I should be racing right now, not stuck in the wild. Right now im not even sure i could survive living in the wild. I did some months all alone but still, its nothing compare too how much time i got left to live. I started walking trough the forest, looking around for that green scarf.

After sometimes i finally find some place i know. At least living near the forest gave me the advantage of knowing it a bit. At least i dont have to stress about finding my way out. I started to trot trough the forest looking for that green fabric. I could have passed right by it without seeing it. I gotta admit its a good idea since green and grass and leaves. Yeah, props to the one who come up with that idea. Its been what? Hours? Since im searching, gotta say its pretty boring. I still had some time before the sun start to settle down. What is that? I was looking at some leaves when i heard some growling. I turned around and saw a big and muscular dog. Automatically i started running away. It was like one of my old races, the faster the better. If i could stay away from everyone and mind my own buisness. There was some barking and more growling i even hearded a ''shit i hoped i was getting some fighting! Instead i got a coward!''. I am a coward, i prefer running away then facing the reality, its how i learned to do i dont know anything more than that. We ran for about 5-10 minutes before he gave up. Or at least i think because i didnt see him anymore. At least my running is good for getting me away. And BANG!

Again!!! Ugh i should have look in front of me. Im so used of my flat and without obstacle course ring. O my dear ring i miss you so much. Back then it was easy. Now look at me, i got a big headacke. I look up, again a tree. I sigh, i might never find that scarf. I looked around me and O dear lord! There it is, in a branch. At least it look like it, its a scarf and its green!!! I tried getting it by stretching but it didnt work. Second option was jumping, it took me two shots before getting it. I was relieved and happy i finally founded it. I looked around, trying to know were i was. I heard some growling again, oh no! Not him again!?! I didn't have that much to do anymore except going back to Kyoto. I strech a bit my paws, fermely grabbed in my mouth the scarf and ran. I ran like i never did before. The fresh smell of the forest, the cold wind slapping my face and the birds chirping was awesome. Ive never feel this good before. I jumped on top of branches, dodged some obstacle in the way. In fact this was way more fun than the races. I was racing for myself, with the forest and they always gave me some more difficulties in the way. At the races, i would beat my opponents easily without even trying. Now i was putting all my energy in it and it is so reliving. The feeling of getting tired for the first time in a long time was so good.

Ive arrived at the plainpretty fast. I continued without stopping. I looked back and saw the big dog at the edge of the forest. I was far ahead of me but i didnt mind. This ground was mine, it was my play ground. No one could beat me in a race on a flat ground. I felt so free, for once in my life i felt happy again. But at the same time it hurted, thinking back at the relationship i had with tiny human. It hurt so bad but i still continued. Maybe i would find a friend or two that i can live happily with. Maybe someone would love me like i am. I stopped abruptly in front of Kyoto. She was sitting there. I looked down at the ground and gave her the scarf. - Here, i said - I had grand hopes about you and you didnt deceive me, started Kyoto, Welcome to the Dunkle Pack Tora I never looked at her, scared. I was now part of this pack. I have a new family now. I nod in silence and started walking back to the camp. I looked back at my collar. I small smile emerged from my mouth, that gorgeous great white shark theet and that collar where given to me after my first race i won. I remember Tiny Human was so happy and hugged me. I was Raptor, i was a beast at the race ive beat them even if i was the one of the smallest in that category. With time i grew bigger, i was the tallest and beat them all easily. The last race i went i won, it was harder since i had to push myself more than usual but still. I needed that food for the next race or else i would have lose real bad. Now that everything is behind me i dont know if ill be able to live a normal life.