An Oath or a Curse?

10 months, 18 days ago

The exact wording of the Oath that Alastair has written into his skin. Based on the Oath of Devotion from DnD 5e and inspired by the Old Code from Dragonheart.

Art in the thumbnail by Undergroundparade.

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My soul is sworn to valour,

Fear shall never stay my hand,

And should I ever falter,

This vow will be my brand.

My heart knows only virtue,

My word speaks only truth,

My resolve shall not be shaken,

My deeds will be my proof.

My blade defends the helpless,

My strength upholds the weak,

My wrath undoes the wicked,

Yet mercy shall I seek.

My acts show ever honour,

My promise I’ll not  betray,

I bow to just authority,

My Lord I will obey.