Masquerade Brawl

10 months, 19 days ago

Hey, it started out okay until the punch.

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In Vera's defense, she had fully planned on just enjoying the masquerade, not ending up in the middle of a ball-wide brawl.

But she's getting ahead of herself. Let's rewind a bit-

It all started with that damn punch.


Vel and Skully were absolutely buzzed to be here, Vera could tell. Between the both of them, she's pretty sure they'd explored every inch of available flyspace they could cram themselves into (and with how tiny Vel is, turns out there's a lot). A lot of the flying or floating mons around them were either giving the hyper pair the stink eye, or swaying rapidly out of their path in a pretty amusing way. Vera wasn't too worried. Vel and Skully were silly, but they could hold their own. And most importantly, they could multi-task.

See, Vera had told the team already that she fully planned to enjoy the masquerade, and they should as well! But they are still here on a job, so they can't really skimp out just for the heck of it. So, the plan. Vel and Skully were to keep an eye out above it all, make sure nothing weird was going on in hard to spot places. They were the scouts. Meanwhile, Vera, Hallow and Tombi were the ground team, checking that everything was going smoothly and nobody was at each other's throats.

It was going pretty well! Vera was rather proud of herself for thinking it up. She was with Hallow now, who was wearing such a fancy mask over both their eyes (all swirls and rhinestones and glitter that turns ombre), Tombi having split off from them a bit ago as he struck up a conversation about cave ecosystems and mystery dungeons or something, Vera couldn't parse it out- bit too technical for her. Regardless, he was having fun over yonder with that Vampire Gliscor, so she focused her energy in keeping up with Hallows overzealous introduction spree that had them zig zagging through the entire ball floor.

Vera held in a laugh as Hallow popped up besides a now rather startled ware applin and started off her usual 'Hello I'm Hallow, a pleasure to meetcha!' Ramble. It was very fun to listen to, but it was also about the 200th time she's done it, so Vera thinks she's just gonna slip away to the snack table while Hallow has her fun.

Now. There is one small problem.
Vera is rather small. And that snack table? Is humongous. What???? Why is it so big?? Why is it so tall. It makes no sense!

But Vera... oh Vera. She won't let that slide.

Vera backs up, hopping a lil in place to loosen up.

She leans down to a runner's pose.

She wiggles her tail a bit, and......

OFF LIKE A SHOT SHE GOES and hops onto the mantle of the snack table!

Success! So much for being tall. She hadn't even called for Hallow's shadows to lift her.

As Vera stands triumphant over the snack table, the unthinkable happens.

She trips.

Straight into the punch bowl. Which topples over itself right onto a shocked and absolutely huge and important looking duduo skarmory fusion vampire.
They look at Vera. Vera stares back.  They start to look mad.

Ah shoot.

All hell breaks loose.

It seemed as if Vera had accidentally soaked the catalyst of everything going to hell in some really tasty punch. And they tried to throw more her way, but she ducked, and it hit a waremon nearby. The waremon, in turn, threw the first thing it could reach, which just so happened to be another mon, in their general direction.

And, well. Here they are now.

In a big ass brawl that's sure to be hilarious.  Let's gooooo.