; Thou who falls under his shell.

7 months, 12 days ago

Quick blurb of writing dedicated to the character attached to this literature; This was meant to be practice.

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 No matter how many times this particular Gellumi tried he was never able to fully adjust when it came to socializing. 

 Yotimo had an inability to properly interact with others due to having quite a low amount of self-esteem. The only true friend he had was a cat that followed him everywhere- having gained it's trust. This inability caused Yotimo many misunderstandings which included some believing they were being ignored. His non-verbal tendencies were the result of having grown up in a closed off environment. It was an extreme chore for the man to speak just a single word without a stutter.

 Yotimo would watch others laugh and converse with one another as a feeling of loneliness washed over him. Sometimes he wondered what it would be like to have these sorts of relationships. The ability to talk and have fun with another person was foreign to him. His mind was unable to comprehend something he thought was not achievable for him. With the anxieties that flowed through his body like a raging river, he could never aquire that sort of confidence.

 The sigh that left Yotimo's lips was loud but held a large set of emotion with it. It was as heavy as the invisible anvil that sat upon his shoulders. His cat lay idle atop his lap as he watched the other Gellumi continue on with their event filled lives. Yotimo had given up trying to break through that dense wall that shielded his confidence to interact with those around him. For now all he could do was rely on the comfort of his protective feline until the day someone with the patience of a saint came around to try and help Yotimo in his time of need.

 As the fall wind blew with the rhythm of a full blown musical, Yotimo reminisced about how different his life was now compared to his childhood. He was once a loud and rambunctious child, but the passage of time was not kind to him in the slightest. He had become the complete opposite of what his family had expected of him and he was no longer the confident youngster he used to be. 

 His ears twitched and a pained grimace appeared on his face. The thought of his disappointment parents was too much for his emotional being. Yotimo tried his best to keep his composure but it seemed his efforts were in vain. 

 He doubled over on the bench he was sitting on, holding his cat close to his chest. As the first tear fell all Yotimo could think about were the last words his parents had told him. His beloved feline tried to calm him by purring but even that wasn't enough for his heart.

 For the first time in years, the tanuki Gellumi cried. His sobbing went completely unheard as everyone within the park had long since left. Yotimo's tears soaked his cats fur as he buried his head into the soft hairs, unable to stop himself from crying.

 Even now as he held his feline, Yotimo still felt as alone as he always did...