Hallow's Eve Mascarade

7 months, 14 days ago
7 months, 14 days ago
2 1885

Chapter 1
Published 7 months, 14 days ago

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Soku and Kage

"This feels like a bad idea." Kage hummed as he glanced around the fancily decorated halls.

"That's why we're here. To make sure when things inevitably go wrong we can make sure people are safe." Soku grabbed Kage's hand. "Until that happens we can enjoy ourselves."

A small smile tugged at Kage's face. "I suppose."

Admittedly the party was pretty nice. Good food, wonderfully decorated, and most importantly no one was trying to kill each other. Soku did think he spotted some familiar faces amongst the weremon and vampires in attendance, but he wasn't sure. There were a lot of people there. It was nice to spend some quality time with Kage though. Sure Kit and Kyu were somewhere at the party as well but the team had decided it would be best to split up; easier to keep an eye on things that way.

Eventually though the somewhat pleasant evening had to be ruined, because of course. A heavy hand fell on Soku's shoulder and he heard Kage literally hiss beside him. That was new. Soku glanced up to see a familiar face; the kommo-o that had originally turned him. The one that apparently led the pack their team kept running into. "Glad you could make it." Eclipse bared his teeth in a sort of threatening smile.

"You." Soku couldn't help the growl that slipped into his voice. He knew there was a chance of encountering the pack but he had hoped they would have stayed away.

"No need to be hostile now." Another voice cut in. Soku glances over to see the weavile that had turned Kage. "We're all here to have fun." The grin the weavile shot his way had his fur standing on end.

Kage narrowed his eyes. "Is there a reason you've come over here?" His voice was calm but Soku could tell he was nervous as the grip on his hand tightened.

"Is there any harm in saying hello to those we know?" The weavile's grin grew wider.

Soku squeezed his partner's hand reassuringly. "Normally no, but for you two yes." Soku huffed. "Why don't you cut to the chase and tell us why you're here."

"You don't get to demand anything from me pup." There was a slight growl in Eclipse's voice, but Soku could tell he was doing his best to remain "civil". "Though if you must know I brought the pack here by request of the king and queen. As for why we came up to you…" He hummed. "Well why waste a good opportunity when you get one?"

"Don't worry, we won't let things come to violence tonight." The weavile showed off his fangs. "You and your guild friends would be outnumbered anyway."

Eclipse glared at the weavile and he shrunk away slightly. "Remember your place Styx. Do not go making threats when there are no intentions to follow through."

"Very well." Some of Styx's earlier confidence was back already.

"Since we're remaining… civil." The last word seemed hard for Kage to say. He locked eyes with Styx. "How do you know me?"

Styx's grin grew back to what it was before. "Still don't remember? How sad for you." He was practically purring. "Perhaps you'll never remember. Wouldn't that be an unfair kindness to you." The weavile's voice had a bitter tint to it.

"You have no intentions of telling me do you?" Kage huffed, eyes narrowing.

"Why would I ruin the fun?" Styx once more had a grin on his face. "As much as I wish to speed up the process a bit, I'm also content to watch you squirm for a while longer."

If Soku had to guess Eclipse didn't know the two's history either. That guess mostly based on the way the kommo-o was looking between the two in mild confusion. Soku got the feeling that Styx might be interrogated later and he almost wished he could see how the weavile would react. "I find it hard to believe that you have no ulterior motives." Kage broke the odd stare off.

"Believe or not, that's on your head." Eclipse scoffed. "I have no desire to continue that back and forth."

"Yes, is it really so hard to believe that we're all just here to enjoy ourselves?" Styx grinned, showing off his fangs.

"Yes." Soku snorted. "Every other time we've come across any of you it's been a fight."

"That is true." Eclipse easily agreed. "But this shall be the one exception. Believe me when we cross paths next it will not be so nice."

"We'll just have to beat you and your little group back again." Soku waved off the vague threat. "Not like we haven't done it before."

"Don't think it will be so easy pup." Eclipse growled lowly. "We know of your allies now."

"Yet we know of yours as well." Kage shot back, glaring. "There will be no surprises."

Styx laughed. "So you think." He folded his arms behind his back. "You will lose, it's only a matter of time."

"You would think that wouldn't you?" Soku shot the weavile a confident grin. "Yet we'll keep winning. It's a bonus if we can keep annoying you."

Styx growled, but was cut off by Eclipse. "Your confidence shall be your downfall. For now we shall take our leave. I look forward to our next encounter."

Soku watched as Eclipse literally dragged Styx off. Clearly the weavile wasn't done yet. He glanced over at Kage. His partner was tense, that much was obvious. He laid his head on Kage's shoulder. "Don't let them get to you. We'll take care of them whenever we find them."

Kage relaxed slightly. "I suppose so." He squeezed Soku's hand.

"Well, now that those two have decided to leave us alone, shall we try and enjoy ourselves some more?" Soku let a more genuine smile slip onto his face.

Kage sighed but returned the smile. "Fine, but I'll be trying to keep an eye on them."

"I wouldn't expect anything else from you." Soku led him into the party, just hoping nothing would go wrong.