NSFW stories

5 years, 24 days ago
5 years, 24 days ago
3 10058

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 24 days ago

Explicit Sexual Content

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Blind Date (ChaosFox/XausR32)

"Okay, things will be okay, I got this,"

Kasey looked at her phone, wondering when her friend from that online app was going to show up. Kasey wanted to try meeting new people again, she found out about an app through some friends, but it had a catch. You didn't know how the person you get matched with looks. It was exciting to Kasey and at the same time, made her nerves very uneasy. She went back and forth from fiddling with her phone and her hands. The last time her potential friend messaged her was an hour ago.

Kasey had been talking to the mystery girl for about a week now. The girl only said her name was Sophie, but the only thing she hinted at to Kasey was being a little pushy about things. Like the day they were going to meet, she was quite stern and was very vague about what would happen.

They exchanged actual phone numbers and gave each other their addresses so they could visit when the time comes, but Sophie made it very apparent that she wanted to visit Kasey's place first. So they organized a day to meet and now Kasey was waiting on Sophie to actually show up. While she was waiting, she tried not thinking about Sophie not really being who she thought she could be, or maybe if they even show up at all. As she sat on her couch lost in thought, she sighed heavily. Kasey kept shuffling her feet paws around, her hands between her thighs. Her face blushed, she had been pent up during the week of messaging Sophie, she was trying her best to keep such urges away.

As she looked at her phone in her lap, she wondered if it was just her loneliness making her feel so strange and pent up. She kept bouncing back and forth between wanting a fling and wanting something more. Her indecisiveness always did frustrate her. But before she could get lost in thought again, she heard a knock on the door. She slowly got up, fixing her tank top and shorts. She took a deep breath, looked at her phone and saw in the alerts that Sophie left a message. "I'm here!"

Kasey smirked as she walked to the door. She had no idea what to expect from Sophie or what she would look like. She closed her eyes as she turned the doorknob. But upon opening the door, she was greeted to a vixen that was quite tall compared to her. She looked up to see the vixen looking back at her. "You must be Kasey," she said, resting her hand on her hip. "And I gotta say, you're far cuter than I thought you'd be," she said with a devious smirk. Sophie was dressed very casually, sporting a red tank top and navy blue sweatpants.

Kasey had no idea what to say, she had a large, curvy and busty vixen walking into her home. Sophie walked in and stood by the couch. "Well? You haven't said anything yet, you alright?" Sophie said, easing off on her sultry tone. Kasey blushed, nervously playing with hands before finally blurting out something. "Oi, well hello," she said, then covering her muzzle. Sophie's ears perked. "Oh my god, no way? You have an Aussie accent? Okay, you really just amped up your cool factor," Sophie said, her soft tail swishing about. She walked up to Kasey and leaned down to her ear, "I'm about it," she said to her, giving Kasey a wink.

Kasey kept her hands on her muzzle, her shyness was getting the better of her. Her tail nervously wagging back and forth, Sophie stood in front of Kasey with her hands on her very wide hips. "Look, you're cute as a button 'n all, but you alright?" Sophie asked. Kasey stood pigeon toed as her tail wagged more. "I, uh, I think?" she replied nervously, looking up to the tall vixen. Sophie moves her bangs away from her face, "How about we chill on the couch? Good? I think so," she says to Kasey. But before the small shepard could say anything, Sophie leaned down and scooped up Kasey.

"Woah, hey!" Kasey said, but Sophie didn't hesitate at all. Walking right over to the couch, Sophie gently sat her down, then sitting next to her. Crossing her legs and putting one arm around Kasey, she looked at the small shepard and winked at her once more. Kasey was unsure of what even to say, trying to remember what they talked about through text messages before. But as Kasey was wondering what to talk about, she remembered one detail that Kasey left on her profile on that fancy dating app. Sophie smirks, as she recalls to herself that important tidbit of info, 'I have a weakness for confident and flirty folks, ohmygoshokay' as Kasey left on her info.

"Say, Kasey. You mind if I make myself comfortable? I rather like your place, it's cozy and quite nice. I wanna really feel comfy here, ya know?" Sophie says. Kasey nods, "Y-Yeah, please do! A-Anything you need to do to feel a-at home," she replied to Sophie. With that, the voluptuous vixen stands back up, grinning quite deviously. "Hey, you gave me the okay, remember that," Sophie says. Kasey with a confused look tries to say something but before she could, Sophie takes off her tank top. Kasey's eyes widened, as Sophie pushes her bangs away from her face, she then goes to unhook her bra next. Kasey's face lights up bright red, she was in awe of how brazen Sophie was and how utterly casual she was about stripping down in front of her.

Sophie frees her bra from her large breasts, as they flop free from their restraints. She giggles as she looked at Kasey, who was still blushing and now covering her muzzle once again. "Never seen good lookin' fat girl undress before?" she says in a sultry way. She wiggles her pudgy belly, amused by her own softness. Her hands move from her belly to her hips, sliding her thumbs behind her pants, with another giggle, she continues to tease her new companion. "Certainly don't need these anymore, wasn't one for clothes anyway, they're always gettin' in the way, don't you agree?" Sophie says, tossing her sweatpants and panties on the couch next to Kasey.

Sophie walked over to the other side of the room, admiring the pictures on the walls and various trinkets of Kasey's on the shelves. All the while keeping her backside facing Kasey, her tail kept swishing about, but far more upwards, giving a better view of Sophie's, well, assets. Kasey was like a deer in headlights, her surprise date went from alright to intense in just a few minutes. Sophie continued exploring the living room, with Kasey not saying a word. Sophie looked back at Kasey, she wanted to tease her but hearing not a peep was a bit boring. She turned back around, facing Kasey and hands on her hips once more. As she did so, her belly gurgled, making Sophie's ears perk up. She smacked her belly in response quite quickly. "Hey, no! Bad!"

Kasey was now confused by Sophie yelling at her tummy, "Uh, what?" she said. Sophie looked up and pouts, "Well, I'm hungry? Yeah, my fat ass is hungry, you got anythin' good to eat?" Sophie asked. She walked over to the kitchen, poking around for something to eat in the cabinets. "Say, Kasey, how 'bout you get comfy too?" Sophie says rather loudly, so Kasey could hear her in the living room. But Sophie finds a snack for herself, "Oh word, you got pop tarts? Hell yeah," she says with a chuckle. She snags a pouch out of the box and puts the box away. Closing the cabinet, she walks back into the living room, Kasey still nervously fiddling with her hands.

Sophie sits back down next to Kasey, opening up the pouch of pop tarts. biting off a quarter of the first one. Sophie with half a mouthful of food, decides to pick up the conversation. "Kasey, I like ya, but you're shy as hell. I know I don't get that stuff n' all, but you should get outta that shell of yours! Shake things up! I dunno, do somethin' cool, ya know?" she said, finishing off her pop tart. Kasey felt like this whole thing was surreal, a girl she met on a blind dating app, got to know somewhat and now here they are, at her house and she's naked eating a pop tart next to her, thinking nothing of it!

As Sophie at the other pop tart, Kasey leaned over and laid down on Sophie's lap. Sophie made quick work of the second pop tart, wiping her hands on a paper towel she brought from the kitchen. She rested her hand on Kasey's shoulder, "Hey, you alright?" Sophie asked. Kasey stirred, but didn't look up at Sophie. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. Sophie didn't quite believe her, she kept rubbing Kasey's shoulder as she laid down on her lap. "Hey, if something is on your mind, you can tell me," Sophie said. Kasey took a deep breath and leaned back up. She looked to Sophie, her face began to blush again and her eyes darted about. "S-Sophie, I've been kinda p-pent up, I'm really getting f-fond of you and I-" Kasey is cut off as Sophie gently put her finger on Kasey's lips.

"Hey, I kinda had the feeling. I mean, we did start talking on a hook up site. But I like ya, somebody like you I don't like having fun and never seeing again. Just something sweet and charming about ya, you're awfully cute too so that's a big plus," said Sophie, she chuckled as she watched Kasey nervously fidget with her hands again. Sophie gently put her hand on top of Kasey's hands, "Hey, did you want me to help you feel less pent up? I can help, sweetheart," Sophie said gently. Just like that, Sophie's sassy, carefree attitude switched to a gentle yet in control one. Kasey looked back her, her face still blushing. "P-Please?" Kasey asked softly. Sophie nodded.

Sophie got up, but she turned back to Kasey and gently put her arms underneath Kasey's legs and back, picking her up and holding her close to her chest. Kasey had a bewildered look on her face, being in the arms of a gentle, yet strong vixen. Sophie similed softly at her, "Let's go to your bedroom, shall we?" Kasey nodded, her heart raced, knowing that she was going to have some fun with her new companion. But it didn't feel empty, she was excited because it felt like it was going to be memorable.

Sophie walked into the bedroom, but she placed Kasey down, leaving her standing in front of her bed. Kasey looked at Sophie in a very confused way. Sophie made herself comfortable on Kasey's bed and lied down, tummy first as she rested her chin on her hands while looking back at Kasey. "Kasey, I'm gonna tell ya what I think would be cool. I can tell you're anxious, nervous and got the jitters. I can also tell you dig me and that's hella cool. But tonight? It's gonna be about you. Darlin' I like ya and I'm gonna help ya out," Sophie says. Kasey was still in disbelief of how Sophie was making the night go along.

Kasey fiddles with her hands once again, unsure of what to do next. Sophie giggles, "Hun, if you haven't figured it out yet, I want you to get naked," she says, sticking her tongue at Kasey playfully. "O-Oh!" Kasey says with surprise. After all, Sophie's been naked for awhile now. Kasey quickly pulls off her tank top, she wasn't wearing a bra. Sophie raises an eyebrow seeing her companion not wearing a bra. "Well, somebody's proud of how perky they naturally are," she says to Kasey.

"H-Hey! They're just, small, okay?" Kasey says, pouting. Sophie laughs as she rolls over. She put her arms underneath her breasts and pushed them up, she then leaned her head back, hanging over the edge of the bed as she looked at Kasey upside down. "Hey good lookin', ya still got shorts on too," Sophie says with a smirk. Kasey pouts again as she pulls down her shorts and kicks them away from her feet. She was still covering her breasts but out of reaction. However Sophie giggles once more, "Wow, no bra and no panties? Full on commando? I like your style," she says, rolling back over on the bed and back to resting her chin on her hands. Kasey, still pouting but now blushing too, stomped one of her feet paws. "It's heckin summer! It's hot out!" but Sophie only giggles more.

Kasey taps her foot out of a bit of frustration as Sophie changes position again. She sits up and sits cross legged and calls out to Kasey once more. "Hey hun, come over to the bed, hmm? I'm not gonna tease ya anymore," Sophie said in a soft tone. Kasey looked over, no longer pouting as she noticed Sophie's expression wasn't like before. She nods and walks over to the bed, she sits next to Sophie, sitting upright like her. "Well, what did you have in mind?" Kasey asked. Sophie moved her hair away from her face and smiled warmly at Kasey.

"I said I wanted you to feel nice, so I'm gonna do that. Tonight, it's about you. I don't want you to worry about me or anything for me. It's just you tonight, button," Sophie said as she gently tapped her finger on the end of Kasey's nose. As Kasey put one hand over her muzzle, she looked puzzled. "Wait, button? Why'd you call me that?" Kasey asked. Sophie giggled again, as she rested one hand on Kasey's shoulder. She eased her friend back onto the bed, Sophie's free hand holding onto one of Kasey's hands. "Well it's pretty obvious, darlin'. You're cute as a button, that's why!" Sophie said, giving her a wink.

Kasey laid back on the bed, with one hand still holding onto Sophie's hand, her other covered her muzzle from shyness. Sophie leaned down to Kasey's face and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Let's have some fun," she whispers softly. With Kasey on her back, the size difference between the two now was very obvious. Sophie lifted one of her legs over Kasey's body as she positioned herself on top of her companion. Kasey was quite overwhelmed with Sophie's presence, her large, soft breasts hung gracefully from Sophie's chest, her hair though messy, was still pushed over to one side as she always liked having it. But Kasey also noticed the sheer heat coming from Sophie's crotch. She wondered if that was her doing to Sophie.

Sophie moved back a bit, Kasey's sex was now quite hot too, now. Sophie gently grazed her fingers across Kasey's sensitive bits. Her hand that was resting on the pillow she laid down on, she griped it tight from feeling the touch of Sophie's hand. She used her other hand to cover her muzzle, Kasey had forgotten the last time she had somebody else touch her in an intimate way. Sophie continued to graze her finger tips around Kasey's worked up sex, her tummy and her hips. Seeing Kasey feel good brought a grin to Sophie's face. She hasn't lost her touch, quite literally.

Sophie's hand grazes all the way back to Kasey's sensitive bits, where she starts to let her finger do some investigating. "Ah, somebody is really excited, this is lovely," Sophie says softly. As soon as she says that, she rubs Kasey's clit, making her body tense up while she let out a yelp of pleasure. Her back arches upwards, she clings to her pillow behind her head with one hand and her other free hand gropes her left breast. Kasey bites her lower lip as Sophie continues to massage her clit. Kasey's breathing quickens, but as Sophie started to get into a bit of a groove with making her feel good, Kasey clenched up and squeezed her thighs, her hips thrust upwards as she quickly hit her first orgasm. Sophie chuckled, "Wow, that's didn't take long. But we're not done yet," she said to Kasey.

As Kasey's orgasm subsided, Sophie's hands grazed along her companion's sides and hips. Kasey breathes heavily, her body still hypersensitive from orgasm, unable to speak. But Sophie grins deviously, as she licks her chops at her exhausted companion. As Kasey tried to catch her breath, she felt Sophie's hands latch onto her hips. Her eyes widen once more as she tries to figure out what Sophie planned on doing next. "Now that you're warmed up, I think it's time for a nice, lovely meal from my cute little button," Sophie says seductively. Kasey's heart races as she awaits Sophie to bury her muzzle between her thighs, but Sophie doesn't do any such thing. She stays latched onto Kasey's thighs and rolls her onto her stomach.

Kasey looked behind to see Sophie's hands still on her hips, as Sophie pulled Kasey's hips upwards. Quickly getting on her hands and knees as Sophie positioned her, Kasey's heart raced. Sophie spread Kasey's small and perky butt to see Kasey's sensitive bits were still very much wet and excited. Wanting to make sure Kasey was excited, Sophie first gave Kasey's entire pussy one swift lick of her tongue. Feeling Kasey's legs and hips quiver, Sophie knows her companion still has more in her. Sophie goes back in, first the tip of her nose pokes the lips of Kasey's pussy before she moves her muzzle up and her tongue once again licks the outer lips once more. Sophie moves her hand up, spreading Kasey's pussy open ever so gently, she darts her tongue inside, feeling around until she feels Kasey's clit once more.

Sophie's tongue moves in a circular motion, switching direction every so often. Kasey's tail frantically wags as her arms start to feel more and more weak, but as Sophie continued to work on her, her arms give out. All this did was make Kasey more presented for Sophie. Face down, Kasey's muffled moans were making Sophie quite excited herself. As Sophie still continued to tenderly lick Kasey's sensitive clit, she used her free hand to touch herself a bit. While Sophie said she was going to make Kasey feel good, that didn't mean she couldn't get some release herself. But before Sophie could get herself warmed up as she began touching herself, Kasey's body quivered once more. Her juices met Sophie's tongue, leaving her scent all over it and the end of Sophie's nose.

Kasey was out of breath, she muffled her loud moans into the pillow. As Sophie backed away from Kasey, her legs slumped down from exhaustion. Unable to speak or really do much else, Kasey breathed heavily, her mind lost in bliss after hitting her second orgasm. Her body still tingly, her arms and legs sore, however she still managed to smile knowing she got to be taken care of tonight. She closes her eyes, only wanting to relax, but ends up falling asleep due to her exhaustion. Sophie got up from the bed, walking over to the other side to see if Kasey was alright, only to find her companion passed out. She grins, knowing she helped make her new friend feel amazing was quite the satisfying feeling for her.

Kasey now asleep, Sophie still felt frisky. But she also wanted to clean up, she walked out of the bedroom, across from the bedroom door she sees the bathroom. Poking her head in and turning on the light, she sees that Kasey's bathroom was your typical one, normal looking shower and all. She sighs, she wanted to really have fun with Kasey rather than make it seem like one sided, but Sophie followed her instincts to make her companion feel good. She grabbed a towed from the backside of the bathroom door and readied the shower. As the water quickly warmed up, she grins as she stepped inside. "Guess ol' Sophie is gonna have to go solo once more,"


Kasey stirs, it was 11pm and she was still naked, but feeling much more refreshed, But at the end of the bed was Sophie, dressed up and freshly cleaned looking. "Hey hun, you're awake. I wanted to wait until you got back up. I took a shower earlier and got myself cleaned up. It's late but I wanted to wait until you woke back up," said Sophie. Kasey rubbed her eyes, she tiredly gave Sophie a smile, "Y-You didn't have to wait," she said very quietly. Sophie put her finger on Kasey's lips, "Hey, I wanted to. Now that you're awake, you should shower up too. I'm gonna head home, alright little button?"

Kasey nods, she leans in and hugs Sophie very tight. "T-Thanks for coming b-by," she says, still tired. Sophie rubs the back of Kasey's head and kisses her forehead. "I'll send a text when I'm home. We'll meet again," Sophie says as Kasey lets go. Sophie gets up from the bed and looks behind at Kasey one last time before waving and walking out of the room. Kasey doesn't get up as she hears Sophie leave her apartment. A few small streams of tears run down Kasey's face, "W-What did I ever do to deserve to find her?"

Kasey gets up and starts the shower, she smiles as she kept thinking about Sophie's warm smile. Knowing they will meet again, she finally feels some happiness in her crazy world.