A New Friend?

7 months, 7 days ago


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[ Cinderfall ]

Over the past few days, Cinderfall had kept mostly to herself, not out of preferring isolation, but she was still trying to gauge the group's overall vibes and usual antics. Everything was still new to her here, so she didn't want to overstep.  Plus, despite still having her reservations, she was able to finally relax a bit when compared to being out on her own while traveling. Being attentive about the surroundings didn't only fall on herself anymore.

For now, she tried to take it easy, letting herself recover her strength as she stretched out near a small patch of plush grass, she had claimed for herself to sleep on while the clan stayed during the temporary stay near the river. She wasn't sure how keen the other adult cats were with her sleeping closer to them since they didn't know her either, so she kept a respectable distance out of respect. If she chose to stay, things would work out one way or another.

[ Petuniaswan ]

Petuniaswan had just gotten back from his patrol, his thrilling scary, but also somewhat lovely patrol. Well lovely at first, and now the Tom was standing in the open camp. The tom had looked a lot worse for wear before, but that didn’t stop the ache as his shoulders bled from the scars caused by the bird. And while Petuniaswan would love to sleep off everything that had happened, the small tom still had work to do. Although as he glanced across camp, his eyes met Cinders and he felt his head slightly tilt in confusion. It was safe to say, Petuniaswan had no idea who this cat was.

They must be a newer addition Petuniaswan blinked slowly at the she-cat as he planned his next set of actions. Whisking his short tail in the air, Petuniaswan trekked nervously over to the she-cat. He’d gotten better at talking people, definitely, but that didn’t stop the burning anxiety he got whenever he saw someone new, but he continued- he had to make sure new cats felt welcome!! If they didn’t have eachothers backs who would? And pricking his ears as he stepped closer to the she-cat he gave a hopeful kind smile to her while waving his tail in a greeting gesture.  “H-Hey, Hi, uh he-hello… I d-dont believe w-we’ve met?”

[ Cinderfall ]

Cinderfall had heard the tom before she saw him, as he had walked from the direction in her blind spot, her ears swiveling towards the stuttering voice before she turned her head around. Her eye narrowed for a moment as she looked Petuniaswan up and down—a cat she didn’t recognized, she realized. ”No, I don’t believe we have.” She spoke simply, casually nodding for him to sit if he wished to do so as she rasped her tongue over her paw before rubbing it across her face.

”And what do they call you?” She spoke in between her washing the side of her face. ”Something normal, I assume?” Cinderfall’s tone had hints of sarcasm, but it wasn’t out of any kind of maliciousness. Sometimes the she-cat simply spoke that way, plus she honestly was still trying to get used to the over complicated names the clan cats seemed to give themselves. It all seemed a bit strange, but not unpleasant.

Author's Notes

[ Cinderfall ]
Words: 325

[ Petuniaswan ]
Words: 220