November Prompts

7 months, 17 days ago
7 months, 3 days ago
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Entry 1
Published 7 months, 17 days ago

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Author's Notes

Your pokemon are exploring when they run into a Salandit/Basic. It's stealing berries from your clan's teritory! It needs to be stopped! How do your pokemon get rid of the Salandit/Basic?

Berry Thief

It was a beautiful fall evening Dreamcatcher was on her usual patrol, keeping an eye on the clan's precious berry bushes. The scent of ripe berries filled the air as she moved silently through the trees, ever watchful.

As Dreamcatcher emerged from the underbrush, she was startled to find a young rogue Salandit named Bramble perched atop a berry bush, plucking berries with rapid, hungry movements. Startled, Bramble dropped a berry and looked up, fear in his wide eyes as he met the gaze of the Rosaliclan warrior.

In that moment, Dreamcatcher could see the desperation in Bramble's eyes, the gnawing hunger that drove him to steal. Her instincts as a warrior told her to chase him away, to protect her clan's precious bounty. But there was something about the vulnerability in the young Salandit's expression that gave her pause.

Instead of aggression, Dreamcatcher approached Bramble cautiously. She spoke in a calm, soothing tone, "Hey there, little one. You seem pretty hungry. Why are you taking our berries?"

Bramble hesitated, unsure of Dreamcatcher's intentions. He replied with a touch of defiance, "I'm a rogue, okay? I have to fend for myself. Your clan's berries are the juiciest..."

Dreamcatcher nodded, understanding the struggle that rogues often faced. "I get it. But you don't have to steal. Rosaliclan is generous, and we can share our berries with you. No one should go hungry."

Bramble regarded Dreamcatcher with a mix of skepticism and hope. "You'd really share with me?"

Dreamcatcher nodded again, a genuine smile spreading across her face. "Absolutely. But there's one condition. You have to promise to stop stealing from us and to never harm our territory. We can coexist peacefully if you're willing."

Bramble hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I promise. Thank you."

From that day forward, Dreamcatcher helped Bramble find his place in the forest, offering guidance and protection. The young rogue found a sense of belonging he had never known, and the two became unlikely friends. The berry bush once coveted and guarded by Dreamcatcher was now shared with Bramble, serving as a symbol of the harmony that could be achieved in the forest when compassion and understanding prevailed over fear and suspicion.