Camping! - Vulpix Isles

6 months, 30 days ago

Event for Vulpix Isles! Nava and Kallichore go camping!

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“Goodness! Graha, what’s got you so excited?” Kallichore asked with a raised paw as if they were taken aback. Nava groaned at the other Vulpix. 

“For the fifteenhundredthousandmillionth time, my name is Nava!” She rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh before hopping back to her feet, looking up at Kallichore with wide, excited eyes. “Auntie told me one of her big-city clients cancelled on her, do you know what that means?!” She squeaked, her eyes sparkling. Kallichore glanced to the side with a pause.

“No?” They uttered in confusion, and Nava cut them off with a loud cheer.

“We’re going camping!” She squealed and spun excitedly, her tail whipping her own face in the process. Kallichore laughed in a friendly manner as they sat down gently, their tail wafting fondly. 

“Camping? Why, I have not been camping for a good few years, and the lighthouse area has always been popular.” Kallichore stated, speaking to themselves more than Nava, who was basically vibrating off the grass with excitement.

After Nava and Kallichore spent the day gathering supplies - mainly Kallichore while Nava played and ran after frogs - the two Vulpix had made their way to the lighthouse, the sun was just beginning to set. 

“Woah! Look at how cool the view is!” Nava yelled and ran forward to get a better view.

“Look how gorgeous the view is.” Kallichore corrected with a smile, knowing there’s no changing Nava. 

Nava practically flung herself back to Kallichore, running in place and hurrying the other Vulpix up, wanting to get the marshmallows out so they can eat. Kallichore scoffed lightly and made sure to set up the campsite first, asking Nava for help and raising an eyebrow challengingly when the child hesitated, she gave in and sighed with a muttered ‘fine …’

Nava helped Kallichore set the striped blanket out, and proceeded to set up their individual pillows. Kallichore set up the fireplace, asking Nava to fetch some sticks in between setting up the stones. After getting the fire started, Nava sat on her pillow and stared wide-eyed at the fire, her eyes embracing the warmth and making them spark. Kallichore on the other hand was staring longingly up at the sky, their eyes glittered.

“Okay! Now let’s eat!” Nava grabbed a marshmallow in her jaws and stuck it on a stick, grabbing the stick in between her teeth to hold it over the fire.

“Careful now.” Kallichore reminded with a chuckle and did the same, sitting neatly by the fire. Kallichore took the marshmallow from the fire once it began to soften, and smiled at the treat. Nava raised a quizzical eyebrow at Kallichore, holding her marshmallow over the fire till it turned brown. She smiled pridefully and set the marshmallow between her paws, ready to dig in.

“I see you like your marshmallows burnt.” Kallichore stated. Nava gasped.

“It’s not burnt! It's golden!” She explained, taking a gooey bite out of the marshmallow. Kallichore nodded in understanding, chuckling to themselves. Kallichore waited for their marshmallow to cool down before taking a bite.

The sun set and the fire danced, the two Vulpix finished their snacks. Kollishore reprimanded Nava about too many sweets, but of course, Nava did not listen and ate six more marshmallows before settling down.

“Why do you always call me Graha?” Nava asked suddenly, fixing her gaze to Kallichore. Kallichore gulped down the last of their bite. “I mean, I get nicknames and everything” She clarified quickly. “Auntie calls me Navy, My friends call me bumblebee - cause I'm always buzzin’ - , Navi, Nav, whatever! Why do you call me Graha?” She asked with confusion.

“When I first met you and your aunt told me your name was Nava, I recognized the Sanskrit meaning of the word, nine.” Kallichore explained.

“So why not nine? Why Graha?” Nava asked eagerly, Kallichore rolled their eyes with a grin.

“Patience.” They said before continuing. “There’s a belief about the world, Navagraha. The nine heavenly bodies.” Kallichore explained fondly, Nava seemed impatient, wanting Kallichore to get to the point. “Despite what I knew, I thought of something else. Graha, meaning planets or seizing.” They smiled. “You know that I'm a moon, and well, you remind me of myself, in a way.” 

Me? I remind you of me? I don't buy it!” Nava exclaimed. Kallichore smiled.

“You’re tough, and you seize every opportunity. Navagraha, I think of planets, I think of opportunity.” They explained with a smile. Nava looked back at Kallichore and smiled sheepishly, looking into the fire.

“Thanks.” Nava muttered. Kallichore smiled. 

“Now how about I tell you a ghost story?” Kallichore suggested making Nava jump in glee, getting curled up on her pillow as a means of getting ready for the spooky tale. “I never did get this ghost story stuff, do kids these days enjoy being scared?” Kallichore asked with wonder.

“Ughhh! Just tell the story!” Nava groaned and both Vulpix laughed.