Training - First Ride

7 months, 16 hours ago

Beginning written Sep 25, 2019

Step 4/5; required by species standards.
Since Chasa is from V1, she really only needed her three original steps.
But for plot reasons, upon my obtaining co-ownership,
I decided it'd be fun to write her new training from Rondell's POV.

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Several things happened over the course of the next few months that would change Chasa's life forever. Not to mention mine. For starters, I began taking the mare along on trail rides with Mr. Monk and myself. This was so she could get used to the idea of me mounting and dismounting, as well as my being Nera-back. With any luck, it would also help her get to know more of the property, and thus feel more relaxed with her surroundings in general. I didn't ride her of course - I didn't even use her as a pack animal. I just... brought her along for the heck of it. And after the first trip or so, she really seemed to be getting into it! This made me happier than you can know, especially since she'd been so down in the dumps lately.

That leads us to the second thing: Meera began to fade out of the picture more and more. She still dropped by, sure, but less and less frequently. Maybe once a month instead of once a week. She still loved Chasa, to be sure! She'd always love Chasa! But the ranch was such a large responsibility, and our properties were so far apart, that frequent trips were becoming a strain on her life. It just... wasn't going to work out. Meera either had to let her ranch run without her - which wasn't an option as so many were counting on her leadership and knowledge - or she had to distance herself from us. The mare noticed her absence, and took to sulking about most days. She missed her friend! And when I mentioned this to Meera, it really seemed to hurt the woman. Yet she insisted that Chasa stay with me. She'd seen how happy the mare was here, how the quiet allowed her to relax more fully and how she'd grown attached to Monk. She firmly believed that moving her back to the ranch would be a mistake.

Instead, she began sending someone in her stead. Someone that could more easily make the trip to my property, someone she trusted, and someone who knew Nera. A young man named A; roughly 22 years of age, medium height, dark hair, -- eyes. A complete and total stranger.

I was initially not too fond of the idea (read: I intensely disliked it). Did Chasa know him? No. Would she like him? Sure! Did he know about her needs? Definitely. Meera wouldn't send anyone who was uninformed! Yes, despite my objections Meera was insistent, and eventually talked me down. Thus the appointment was made. A would be here on Monday.

All I asked in return for opening the gate was that he be forewarned of my not being... precisely... human.