Sorcery in Monochrome

6 months, 23 days ago
6 months, 23 days ago
1 2838

Chapter 1
Published 6 months, 23 days ago

Explicit Violence

[FOR PMD:TC] The Story of Team 1 of Team Walpurgis as they journey through mysterious lands, discover magic untold, and go against sinister forces.

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Author's Notes

[Dungeon Diving: Torrential Monument]

Galdr's repeating nightmare has driven the pokemon to suggest that his team go to the Torrential Monument; The place he is almost certain his nightmare takes place in.

The group, though hesitant due to Blanche's fear of the dungeons, agree for Galdr's sake and their own curiosity.

Dungeon Diving and Dream Deciphering

The sounds of crashing waves, the feeling of water in his lungs. The sound of laughter that echoed through the deepest part of the ocean. A set of glowing red eyes at seemed to make the water boil. That wouldn't turn their gaze from Galdr as he sank deeper and deeper. He tried to ignore them, he tried to turn away. He tried to stop looking.

The shuckle continued to sink down. Clinging onto whatever he was holding. It was important, he knew it was important to him but he didn't know what it was. He couldn't see it. He couldn't see anything but the glowing red eyes above him as he sank deeper and deeper as the world grew darker around him.

He couldn't do anything. He couldn't swim away. Galdr just sank down as the world faded around him....

And then. He woke up. Gasping as he sat up in his bed within the Icicle tower. Looking around frantically for any sign of those eyes. But....He found nothing. Again.



"Presto-! Presto just, consider! Consider for just a moment-"

"No, Galdr. We aren't doing that again. Not after the trouble we our dearest Blanche had to go through getting us out."

Presto, Galdr, Blanche, and Desdemona were all gathered around the magic circle table; Partaking in their usual team discussion. A discussion that sadly already seemed like it was going south thanks to the topic at hand. The topic of another dungeon dive; And not just any dungeon dive either. Galdr was suggesting they head into the place known as the Torrential Monument. A dungeon located entirely under the water which by the by, Galdr was already WEAK to. The other three knew that well, but Galdr himself seemed to not care about that fact.

Presto didn't care to know why he wasn't focusing on that disadvantage however. Their focus was mostly on the one sitting beside them, Blanche. The spell book sorcerer had already expressed her uncomfortable feelings with the dungeons plenty and had made it clear she didn't wish to enter another. And their section had already agreed to leave the dungeon work to Team B for the time being after their disaster of a mission the first time. So why on Arceus' green earth was Galdr bringing this up?

"Listen I! I realize the gravity of this request but-!"

"Oh do you now, my friend?" Presto interrupted the shuckle, an unusual tone of rage growing their voice. "It doesn't seem like it to me! If you truly understood, then you wouldn't even be suggesting something like this at all! Especially not to a place that is completely underwater mind you!"

The buneary could feel the uncomfortable feeling of anger bubbling in their chest, rising out in the form of venom that seemed to lace every word they spat out at their friend. They weren't used to this sort of feeling; They had usually stayed quiet when rage tried to overtake them. Let it burn their insides and fizzle out slowly but surely. But since they had came to this world, since they now had someone to defend with the rage....Well. They couldn't keep it in anymore.

Luckily they had someone to cool their rage. A cold, frosty breeze that always knew how to lessen the flames.

Blanche placed their hand on Presto's shoulder. A firm, but shaky hand that tried to assure the other that everything was going to be alright. He then turns his gaze to Galdr, eyes full of curiosity and fear.

"Galdr....Why are you suggesting we go to such a dungeon? We would all be at...A tactical disadvantage." Blanche asks, their voice as cool as ever.

"Y-Yeah...Galdr this um...Sounds like....Uh! Suicide....And I really don't want to....Have to try and get your spirit from under the water its uh....Very wet. And I would be. Sad...." Desdemona piped up. Poor thing hated when things got tense.

The shuckle sat there for a moment, arms resting on the table as they prepared their response. It was going to sound crazy. He know he was going to sound crazy! But...Well.
"...I. Had a dream. A dream about something down there. Something! Important, I think."

"You think?! Are you telling me you're suggesting we go on a whim?!" Presto tried to stand up, but Blanche's grip remained firm on their shoulder. The buneary lets out a huff and sits back down.

'Such a temper....How odd. They aren't usually this reactive.' The thought crossed Blanches mind for a moment before they pushed it aside. That was a thought for another time; There were more pressing matters at the moment. Their attention shifts back to Galdr.
"Galdr...You realize how foolish this sounds correct? And how.... Dangerous the dungeon you're suggesting is? I...Wouldn't-"

"Blanche, please. I! I know how you feel about dungeons. I know how much it took you to help us the first time and that's why I'm asking now! It know it's dangerous and I know I can't do it alone....But I can't just drop this either." Galdr lowered his head, all four of his eyes staring down at the carved table. "This dream...This isn't the first time I've had it. And it's the same each and every time! The water, the item, the eyes: It's all just! repeating and repeating and I'm...Afraid that if I don't go investigate, then this dream will haunt me for the rest of my days."

He looks back up, looking to his teammates with pleading eyes.
"So...Please. Please come with me. Please at least....Help me get some peace of mind."

The silence that followed the plea seemed to last an eternity. The other three pokemon all exchanging looks of confusion, sympathy, and still a bit of anger on Presto's part. And then, Blanche's voice broke though the silence.

"....Alright. We'll go."

Galdr was...Absolutely flabbergasted at that response. Tears brimming at the edge of their eyes. Blanche...actually agreed? They were going to go? On the other hand; Presto nearly jumped out of their seat again.

 "Wait, seriously? Dearest Blanche; You realize what you're-"

Another squeeze of the buneary's shoulder. "Yes I realize...And I'm willing to go down there if it means setting Galdr's mind at ease. And. Well..." The gothorita looks away sheepishly. "...Also because I'm now curious about this dream in general and what it means. Dream magic has been something I've actually been looking into lately after all and. That...Speaks for itself."
If it was one thing that overpowered Blanche's fear; It was Blanche's curiosity in the strange and possibly arcane. Besides...This wasn't Hoarfrost Peak. Sure it was some place more risky but....It wasn't there.

"...Alright. If you're sure." Presto got up onto the table and kicked the map scroll open. If they were doing this might as well start planning! "Okay; If we're doing this then we're going to do it the safest way possible! Here's what we're going to do!"


A tunnel made of ice wasn't the best of plans for an underwater journey from an outsider's perspective; But it was the best plan in Team Walpurgis' case. Blanche would keep the tunnel up, giving the pokemon a way to breathe while Presto and Galdr stayed on the offensive. Desdemona had decided to stay back at Icicle Tower, just in case a distress signal had to be received. So far everything was going as planned. Sure Blanche was shaking like a leaf as soon as they entered the dungeon, but otherwise things seemed to be going rather swimmingly!

Galdr was leading the group in the front; Looking out of the ice walls, past the holes in the walls of monument itself, and into the deep blue ocean beyond them. It was....Oddly peaceful this time. Nothing like how it had seemed in his dreams. No crashing waves or echoing laughter that deafened him. He could breath, possibly peacefully this time, as he traveled underneath the water's surface.

Presto was staying close to Blanche this time. Usually; The magician of the veil would be all for adventure and exploring, searching for the magic they so crave. But this time was different. This time; Blanche was scared. No, scared wouldn't even begin to describe what Blanche was feeling. Blanche was terrified of being in a place like this, even if they did take the upmost precaution. So, Presto would be his shield. Presto was going to make sure their closest.....Companion, could make it through this place without much worry.

The group continued forward, slowly making their way through the oddly quiet dungeon without much issue. Which was an immediate red flag to the small group. Blanche and Presto were already expecting the worst and Galdr...Well. He had been having nightmares about the worst. So...Where was it? Where was the danger this dungeon held? The question was sadly answer sooner than later as something suddenly rushed by their ice wall, causing all three pokemon to stumble as the wall shook around them.

Presto grabbed onto Blanche and Galdr tried to get a clear view of what had just passed them, but the torrent of water had stirred up a blanket of bubbles that blocked the view of anything outside of their ice haven. This! Wasn't good! If their view was blocked then they couldn't see any sort of attack coming-!

The ice wall shook again as something collided into it, the harsh sound of a laugh echoing through the ice with each thud. The bubbles cleared, revealing a sharpedo and an omastar on either side of the wall, ramming into it with their each of their bodies. And in front of their ice tunnel....A Tapu Fini stood. The corner of its eyes going up slightly as it let out another taunting laugh.

"Well well...If it isn't the Harvest Moon thief! Back again to try and steal this dungeons treasures?" The Tapu Fini snickered as it launched forward, hitting the ice wall as well with a play rough attack.

"T-The Harvest Moon thief? Who-" The sudden sound of cracking ice cut of Galdr's words. The ice wall..!

Blanche was doing their best to keep the ice in place, refreezing the cracks and creating more ice on the outside to reinforce them. They were trying so hard and yet it felt like the air was getting thinner, warmer. Like their entire body was on fire as they struggled to breathe. She wouldn't be able to keep the wall up forever, she knew that. And yet she couldn't move. She couldn't run back up the tunnel Blanche himself had made as a safety net. She was...For a better term, frozen in place.

Presto never left Blanche's side; Holding onto them as the walls continued to crack apart and water started to leak in. Their entire body lit up in a red energy, preparing to endure whatever was about to happen to them.
"Galdr, my dearest and closest friend, what the FLUFF is it talking about?!" They asked urgently.

"I-I dunno! I dunno any-"

"Save your lies thief! I may have gone easy on you and your little boytoy last time, but not this time!" Another play rough hit the barrier, creating a large crack on the surface.

Galdr didn't know what any of this meant. He didn't know why they were attacking, what boytoy it mentioned, or what 'Harvest Moon Thief' this Tapu Fini spoke of....But he did know one thing. He had dragged Presto and Blanche into this mess....And now he had to make sure they got out. At any cost.

Even if that cost was himself.

Galdr hit him tail on the ground, preparing to attack with venoshock as he looked back to Presto and Blanche.
"Presto! Take Blanche and head back towards the tunnel! Block yourself off or get the shore, either works! Just, get out of here!"

"But Galdr! We're not just going to leave you down here to fight by yourself!" Presto protested.
"...Y-Yeah. We....We can't-"

"Trust me!" Galdr cut Blanche off, another large crack in the ice forming. "I can handle this! You both helped me when I was in trouble before, so please let me do the same now!" Another crackle of ice, the cold ocean water starting to leak into the tunnel at a rapid pace. "Hurry! You don't have much time!!!"

The two pokemon looked at each other for a moment, before giving Galdr an understanding nod. Presto tugged on Blanche's arm; Pulling them back through the tunnel and into another part of the dungeon as the tunnel began to collapse around their shuckle friend. And as it did...As the sharpedo and omastar used another giga impact on the wall, and  Tapu Fini hit the wall with a final scald attack to break through the ice; Galdr hit it back with a super effective venoshock.

Tapu Fini wasn't expecting Galdr to face them alone, and certainly wasn't expecting such an attack. It hit them dead on and pushes them back into the water. Though sadly, because he had focused his move on the Tapu Fini; Galdr had been left directly open to the two giga impact attacks. Presto and Blanche had let both let out of the cry as the giga impacts landed a direct hit on their shuckle friend; Sending him flying in one direction and then another, finally hitting one of the walls of the dungeon. But he wouldn't give up...Not this time. He wouldn't let this continue to haunt him. He wouldn't let this drag him down into the depths. He swam back up, ready to attack once more.

But before he could; The Tapu Fini raised her fin, signaling for the others and Galdr to halt their attack.

"Hold on...Harvest Moon Thief. Did you...Just sacrifice yourself for you companions?" It asked, floating closer to the punch wizard.

"....And? So what if I did?" Galdr snapped back, keeping his guard up.

The Tapu Fini was now directly in front of him, floating downwards to meet his gaze. Looking into his eyes as if it was staring into Galdr's very soul. As if it were almost judging his worth. His soul, his sins compared to the weight of the ocean itself.
And then....It reaches up, covering Galdr's eyes with it's fin. Galdr opened his mouth to protest and perhaps to fire a warning sludge bomb, but instead feels something placed upon his head.

"...You have no filth for me to wash away this time. Your soul is as clean as the clear blue sea....For now at least. So...I I think you earned what you attempted to take in the first place. Since you came all the way back for it I'm assuming anyway...." The Tapu Fini said, a slight teasing tone in their voice. "Please....Try and keep your soul that way, alright? "

Galdr could feel the water being moved around him and when the fin was removed from his eyes; He was in front of the ice wall. In front of Presto and Blanche. The Tapu Fini no longer in sight. He looked up to see what was on his head and saw a strange looking cap. This...This was it! The item he had been dreaming about! It would be useless to to him yes but in the right hands-!

Blanche wasted no time opening a small hole for Galdr as Presto pulled him in, the ice wall shutting behind him.
"You absolute fluffing crazy son of a lycanroc! What were you thinking about going in there by yourself?! You stupid, STUPID-!" Presto held him close to them, arms tightly wrapped around the shuckle.
"...Don't do that again you hear me? Never, EVER, do that again! We are a team and we handle things together and we do NOT do stupid sewer slide stuff like that!"

"...Yeah. What...Presto Said." Blanche added on. She was...Clearly both mentally and psychically drained at this point. From the ice wall, the panic attack, and the mental notes he had taken.

Galdr hugged their buneary friend back, hat falling slightly over their top set of eyes.
"I...I promise I won't Presto. I swear it on the moon itself. But! It was all worth it! I! Got the thing!" He says, pulling back to show off the hat.

"The....Hat? You been worried sick over a...Hat?" Presto inquires.

"Not just any hat! I myself can't show you but! Okay okay; Let just! Head home. Horobi would actually be the best person to show you what this hat does!"
Without another word; Galdr began to make his way up the tunnel excitedly, ready to go home and show off his treasure to the team.

The two remaining pokemon sigh. They were by no means going to let this incident go....But they'll let Galdr enjoy his little victory. For now.