Among the horde entry

6 months, 22 days ago

Explicit Violence

During the month of October, I participated in an event where I wrote this and one other story! This is my first time showing my writing to the public but I'll appreciate criticism!


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The wind brushed past the trees and bushes. A whistle echoing around the forest as the blood moon reflected its dark red glow among the leaves. A grey and black lumythew, Animus, sitting on a rock as he finished putting the skull on his face. The cloak with bone like markings trailing down their back, covering their wings. A round orb of red connecting it together at the chest. "This should be good enough...the undead aren't that smart after all" they said to themselves as they stood and stretched before starting to walk and find the undead horde that was in these parts. Before he knew it he could smell rotting flesh and blood along with hearing the groans of the undead. He started shuffling, trying to blend in well with the undead as he joined the crowd. Noticing undead of all different colors and of different decaying rates. Along with some from solar and lunar and primal mutations. There was so much bone and missing flesh it seemed like this was the end of a deadly battle. Animus having to stifle a gag at the smell and scene. Among some of the tallest rocks stood some undead with soul orbs. The smarter of them were the ones with soul orbs, being the ones more likely to notice an imposter among them. But if he stayed quiet maybe he could get by unnoticed.

“Welcome to the meeting, emerald.” A large lumythew called from the group standing on the rock formation. “Sienna” the other lumy replied, footsteps of corrosive acid following them as their tail swayed, the movement of the radioactivity almost hypnotic. “We are gathered here to gain another foot hold in solar territory!” An undead with bright purple eyes roared to the undead horde. The horde shifting and groaning as the others watched them. Animus blending in with some of them. As one of the radiothew noticed Animus he was submerged in the dark shadows as the moon shifted. He shuffled behind a large undead but nearly fell over when it went to look at him. The head shifting on the spine as it stared at the lumythew with glazed, dark eyes. It groaned, its breath stinking of death, blood, and rot. Animus stood mortified at the monstrosity infront of him before he realized that some of the fallen aligned lumy’s were walking among the horde now. Barely able to see them among the fog settling in the air and the red light reflecting. He started moving faster to avoid the sentient lumythew. Slowly making his way to the outskirts of the horde before being stopped by some undead who didn’t seem to pleased that the meeting stopped happening. Broken teeth and blood pouring from their mouths as they tried to eat at a dead solar lumy nearby. 

“Poor soul…”animus wispered before cold breath came from behind him. “Your a new undead” a void said from behind him, cold, sticky, oily breath brushing his fur. Mouth hell fire, and from the sounds of it, a different lumy. He slowly shifted his head as he tried to see who and nearly fell to the ground. A skull with dark blue eyes with a white pupil stared at him. A long, large lumythew standing there. Animus faked a groan as he shifted his weight, trying to not show that he was shaking and his fur was bristling. The air felt even more cold as some undead turned to the duo. “Won’t even look me in the eyes, good. Means you know your place.” The large beast bristled out as he looked to the other undeads and noticed the ones trying to eat the dead lumythew. “Who said you could eat in this meeting!” The beast roared as he slinked over to the group. The undead all looking at him with a glazed look, it looked like they looked right through his form as they kept munching on the flesh. The long lumythew grabbed one of he undead by the scruff and threw them into a tree. A sickening crack echoing as he snarled at the other undeads. “You are nothing compared to us fallen!” he snapped as the undead thrown slowly got up, its spine sticking out of the flesh and its back legs being dragged against the ground. 

Animus shook slightly at the sight, hoping nobody would notice him among them and he ended up like the undead that was thrown. Or the dead solar lumy. Sienna suddenly lifting her head, her tail hitting the ground violently. “I smell an imposter among the horde, monster!” she called as the tall lumy licked his maw. “Fresh food sounds good right about now…doesnt it” he laughed out as the other undead realized. Animus looking around quickly, he needed to leave. And quickly or he was fresh food for the lunar army. He quickly jumped on a smaller undead that tried to attack him as he used the horns of the goat skull to move another undead. Quickly leaping back into the grass and running. “You really think you can get away!” a undead roared as animus sprinted into the trees, jumping and squeezing past limbs, branches, and roots. He knew where the nearest village was. All he had to do was get to it, he heard groans as he looked into the trees. Realizing some of the undead with soul orbs had wings and panting as he kept running. Paw steps stanpeading across the bioluminecent grass as he ran as fast as he could. He was ehuasting himself but it was either fight for his death or let it catch up to him. And he wasn’t dying today or any time soon. As he emerged out of the trees he saw some undead trying to prevent him, maws and teeth trying to bite at him. He growled as he threw his cloak over some of the undead and thew the skull at another. Sprinting for the entrance of the village and entering. A voice echoing as he entered. “Tartarus will one day consume your soul!” a new voice echoed in the wind as he collapsed to the ground. Some lumys rushing up to him to help him inside.