Haunted nights entry

6 months, 22 days ago

The second story is from October. As stated in the other, criticism is appreciated!

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The wind howled as the fog settled on the dark grass. Animus picking up a paw as he looked around. Fog was never a good sign when it came to the forests of luminoir. Especially when a blood moon was in the sky. As the forest fell silent he felt himself shiver, as if he could sense other souls near him. He started walking again, using his tail to shift the fog so he could see the ground he was trotting. As he passed the trees, trying to find the herbs he was searching for he noticed the fog shifting around small areas. Like someone else was walking beside him. Before he could say anything, there was a large lumy where the fog was moving. Looking at the glowing grey lumy who’s eyes were closed he felt the air grow cold. “Do not be afraid..i do not mean any harm” the lumy said, the spirit breath wisping off their maw as he noticed the tear streaks from their eyes. “Who…who are you?” animus asked carefully, looking around quickly. “I am Rahim. I can help guide you to the herbs your looking for” The spirit said, tail curling around them as a small ghostly figure peeked out from behind their leg. “Th-thank you…”Animus said with a small bow to the lumythew. As he turned, starting to head through the forest. Sometimes hearing laughter from the leaves or the dead trees. As he kept walking, with rahim beside him he noticed another small familiar watching from a tree. Rahim looking over with a small smile. “Hello friend…Any hostile revenants around?” He asked, walking over to the tree as a smaller lumythew walked around. Fur a shimmering silver blue and eyes a dulled orange. “There’s a group hidning around thats mean…but thats it. May i ask what we are looking for?” The lumy asked, tilting their head. “I’m looking for soul dew and howlite petals” Animus said quietly as the silver lumy nodded. “Thats quite deep in this forest, you will run into a prankster and a group of hostiles. Be careful” They said as they turned and walked away into the fog. Animus shivering as he continued walking again, continuing on his path deeper into the forest. 

After awhile he looked around, realizing rahim was gone now. ‘So much for a guide’ He thought before he heard laughter. Quickly turning back to his path and nearly jumping out of his fur at the small spirit before him. It clearly wasn’t a revenant nor was it a lumy. As he approched he nearly screamed when a tail touched his own, falling over as he looked behind him, claws out and snarling. The purple lumy laughing at him, “i didn’t mean to scare you that bad! Lumythews really need to losen up now days” they said as they sat down, the small spirit coming over to the purple lumy. “Dear stars…” Animus said as he breathed, tail swishing against the grass. “I thought i was about to be undead food” he said as he stood up, stretching his paws as he turned and started walking away. The purple lumy huffing as they watched the lumy leave.

Animus groaned as he sniffed at the ground, trying to see if he could smell what he was looking for. He sighed as he sat down, not scent and he was getting tired of searching for these items. But he needed them to help the tavern’s kits if they got sick in the incoming winter months. He stood up as he started trotting again before he heard running pawsteps near by. He looked behind him and saw red eyes. His fur standing on end as he started spriting deeper into the trees. “Come here~” A voice said with a chuckle, close to him as he kept running. And then ran into something rough. He coughed as he fell back, looking up to see what he hit and nearly yowled. Shiny white teeth and dark blue eyes starting at him, a chain around his neck and some bracers around his paws. Bat wings spread as he grinned down at the smaller lumy. “And what do we have here? A lost, poor soul that i can take from this plane.” They said as their breath hit Animus maw. Animus quickly getting up with help from his wings before he started sprinting again. Another lumy coming from the trees with dark fur, red eyes, and an hourglass symbol on their chest. The blue lumythew growling as he ran at Animus. The dark furred lumy running beside him and weveing through the trees quickly, their tail dripping of radioactivity as the esscense around them swirled. Animus kept running into the bushes and trees. Trying to get away, as he ran he noticed a opening in a cavern near by. He changed his direction, heading to the opening quickly and running into the cavern. Losing the two revenants on his tail as he panted, sitting down for a few minutes. “Gods almighty…”he said to himself as he stood back up, walking deeper into the cavern. He could smell the items he was looking for deeper in the cave and was determined to get them back to the tavern. He arrived in the clearing and saw the flowers he was looking for, along with the dew gently sitting on some grass in the blue glowing clearing. He smiled softly as he took the containers out of his bag and started collecting the howlite petals and used a vial to collect the soul dew. After putting them back in his case he stood and started trying to find a way out. When he emerged from the cavern the fog had mostly dissipated as he started walking back the way he came from. After a bit he saw the dark furred lumy that was chasing him earlier and dipped behind a tree, watching the lumy move as he waited. The other lumy heard a twig cracked and sprinted in the direction. Allowing Animus to quickly get out of the forest. Heading back to the nearest village to rest before heading back to the tavern.