Special Delivery: Team Relic

7 months, 2 days ago

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Myth huffed in mild annoyance as she trudged behind the others. She really had no idea why Crystal had asked her to come along to deliver an egg of all things. Her eyes trailed to Element, who was carefully holding the egg away from Negative. The minccino had a frown on her face as she watched the lugia fusion wearily. From Element's other side Crystal glared at Negative, but said nothing since technically they weren't doing anything. It was odd seeing Crystal really be openly hostile; Myth had only seen it a few times when they encountered for particularly cruel criminals after all. To see Crystal turn the same looks she used only on the worst of criminals really made Myth wonder. The two had seemed familiar when they'd first run into Negative, but both vehemently claimed to not know the other.

She shook her head. There's really no reason to be thinking about that right now. Right now she'd much prefer to continue wondering why she was even here. Crystal had managed to turn most of the more menial tasks into a teaching moment, in fact the zoroark was so good in her teaching that Myth had started to be able to figure out these lessons on her own sometimes. Here though she was struggling to figure out why. There were so many other teams better suited for this. Why them? As she continued to stare at the three in front of her, Negative had actively started pestering Element and trying to take the egg while Crystal easily fended them off, she failed to notice Cosmic fall in step beside her. "You seem... oddly lost in thought." Cosmic hummed, trying to sound wise perhaps but they sounded slightly nervous. She wisely decided to not comment on this as it would likely completely derail any meaningful conversation.

"Well there is not much else to do as it stands besides think or participate in their... messing around." Myth with a frown on her muzzle, gestured with her head to where Negative grinned smugly as he held Element and the egg aloft with psychic. Crystal was barring her teeth and demanding he put them down. Element for her part simply looked tired. She was mildly surprised that the trio were still moving forward, though perhaps she should be used to this by now.

Cosmic sighed and nodded, seemingly dropping some of their false confidence. "That is fair." The two walked in silence for a while, only the now far more quiet arguing from Negative and Crystal breaking the awkward silence. "I have to ask, why do you stay with us?"

Myth actually staggered in surprise. Of all the people on her team to ask that she'd not been expecting it to be Cosmic. "What?" That was all she could really manage as she did her best to reign in her surprise. She glanced over at the three in front of them for a distraction. Crystal had situated herself between Negative and Element. From what Myth could see of her expression she also looked tired, but there was also amusement there. Element now walked with more of a bounce in her step, the egg clutched in her paws seemingly at no risk of damage. Negative was only occasionally giving a mildly bewildered side eye to Element. Clearly she'd missed something, which was a shame. It was probably quite entertaining.

The arceus looked down. "You... very rarely seem to enjoy any of our company. There are plenty of teams with strong pokemon. Why remain by our side?" Why had she stayed after her initial recruitment they didn't say, but Myth understood the unsaid question.

She did have to think about it for a moment, it wasn't something she'd really felt the need to think about. "I don't know, truthfully." She hummed. There was no reason to lie. Cosmic seemed to slump slightly. "Though, I have no intentions of leaving this team."

Cosmic peered over at her and seemed to let the momentary show of their true feelings fall behind their typical mask of false confidence. "I see, excellent news." Cosmic nodded. "I'll leave you to your thoughts then." With that they stiffly walked off and over to the others. Myth simply sighed, she really did have some things to think about.


Crystal hummed as the town came into view finally. She glanced over at Element who still carefully held onto the egg they were delivering. Thankfully this trip would be over soon, she was seriously starting to regret taking Negative along. Though she was still glad she'd convinced them all to take on the job, even if she could tell most of those she brought along weren't exactly happy. It was good though to keep her teammates humble. It helped keep her team able to understand the struggles of others and made them more likely to help those who's problems may seem small. This job could certainly be seen as one of those lesser struggles. "You ok?" Element glanced up at her in concern. Negative looked over in curiosity but said nothing.

"I'm fine yeah." Crystal sighed deeply and Negative snorted, as if they could sense her lie. "Just tired and hoping these parents will appreciate the trip we made to get their egg to them."

"They better." Negative had a slight growl to their voice. "What kind of parents leave behind an egg anyway?"

Crystal was mildly surprised at the subject of Negative's anger but didn't say anything about it. "Ones who were in a hurry I guess." She shrugged, though it did sort of bother her as well. Element frowned but said nothing. It was clear she wasn't too happy about the situation either.

"You know we could-" Negative was sharply cut off as Crystal rose a hand.

"We're not stealing the egg that we were entrusted to deliver so don't you dare finish that sentence." Crystal narrowed her eyes. "We have no idea what the parent's situation is. We don't need to be making assumptions."

Negative watched her for a while. They had an uncanny ability to almost read her thoughts, pick up on her own weaknesses mentally. It was sort of off putting. "And if my suspicions are proven right?" They asked, a fake sweetness in their voice.

"We'll cross that bridge if we come to it." Crystal sighed through her nose. Thankfully further speculation about the whole situation was cut off as they reached the village. She checked to make sure Myth and Cosmic were still behind them before looking for the house they'd been told the parents should be at. Crystal quickly knocked, Element settled in front of her and her other teammates behind. After a few moments a tired looking noivern answered the door. They blinked tiredly at the before their eyes locked onto the egg clutched in Element's paws.

"Ah yes, Team... Relic correct?" The noivern asked. Her gaze traveling to each of Crystal's teammates briefly. Crystal was slightly caught off guard that the noivern mother didn't seem to eager to get her egg back. Perhaps she was just letting Negative's earlier comments get to her. He was good at that.

"That's right ma'am." Crystal nodded. "We're happy to deliver your egg safe and sound to you." She nodded down at Element who held the egg out, albeit a little reluctantly.

The noivern blinked and eventually nodded, reaching out for the egg and nearly fumbling taking it. Crystal cringed internally at the lack of care the mother showed. "Thank you." There wasn't much actually gratitude behind her voice and Crystal had to fight down the sinking feeling she was getting. The noivern mother awkwardly nodded her head and closed the door.

Once the door was closed Element turned to her with a look of mild terror, not for herself but for the egg. Crystal didn't love that she felt the same. She turned around and locked eyes with Negative. A grin spread across their face. "Want me to do my thing?"

Myth and Cosmic looked at each other in mild concern as Crystal nodded. "I hate to admit when you're right but..."

"Don't worry, your discomfort is payment enough for this. Consider that egg snatched, though I'll need to wait until tonight to do things... properly." Negative had a frankly terrifying smile on their face. Crystal felt like maybe she'd regret this.


Negative slid into the house noiselessly despite his size. It was something he was used to working with. He cast his gaze around the house and listened out for any signs of movement. There was nothing but the faint sound of soft breathing. It didn't take long for them to locate the egg, carelessly abandoned on a couch. Negative felt anger flare up in them, but they kept it carefully reigned in for now. They knew that anger was a tool best used if tempered, not released in an explosive rage. Gently they wrapped a tail around the egg. It was co to the touch though they weren't sure if it was because of being left alone or if the pokemon inside was an ice type. They'd only seen one parent after all. Though they were fairly certain it was the former.

Negative glared in the direction of where the breathing was coming from. They wished terrible nightmares on the neglectful mother even with no ability to actually cause them. It was hard to leave the house, only because they really wanted to do something to that noivern. They would hold back for now, going against Crystal's wishes would only make it harder to earn her trust. They slipped out, the egg still carefully clutched in their tail. At least the little one would grow up around those that cared.