
6 months, 26 days ago
6 months, 26 days ago
1 1178 3 1

Chapter 1
Published 6 months, 26 days ago
1178 1


Sorano reflects on his past, which includes how he came to be who he is today.

Was it all worth it?

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Chapter One


Well, I suppose it went something like this..

"Life and death? Why bare them together?" 

The creator had no bounds; he knew between right and wrong. And yet, he seemed to smile. "They will accompany each other through the best and the worst of their issues. As we've seen over many years of battle and hardships, Xerneas and Yveltal never seem to get along due to how their psychology taints the image of the other.." 

Arc pressed his palm to the blue orb below him, cradling it with such care. "It'd be nice for a change if we could mend at least one more rivalry between the legendaries who must hold our world whole. After all..." His eyes closed, a certain tightness growing in his grasp. "We cannot afford to lose Yveltal again."

"The Xerneas and Yveltal before you two were.. something more. They loved one another dearly, till Verrat, the Yveltal, felt his heart had been betrayed. He attacked his love Frieden out of hate, only for Ärger to intervene.. but the battle killed them all. Arc had been notified in time to purify Verrat before his soul could disappear - which saved all of us still standing today.. but- it is how things are." 

Serenidade closed the book on her lap, looking at the two sitting before her. "But, Sorano and Yvor.. you two are the best of friends. I doubt anything would ever come between you two that would ever form what happened to Frieden and Verrat." Her kind smile was enough to melt winter blizzards away, which is something I enjoyed about her while we were in her care.

 Yvor flapped the claws on his back, his tail waving from side to side. He almost seemed... excited with the tale of Frieden and Varrat; despite the reality of it. "Woah!! Verrat was so strong!" He mimicked a move mentioned in the story, swiping his hands in the air like he'd been fighting a monster. "I wish I could've met him... mm." He sat back down, slumped out of disappointment. "Maybe he woulda taught me something.."

I shook my head, sighing. "You know, both of you couldn't exist in the same time and place no matter how hard you try. It isn't bound to the nature of this world.. Neither are we allowed the experience of time travel.."

Serenidade's smile somehow managed to carve into something more beautiful alongside her facial features as she'd place a hand on my hair, carefully caressing my head. "Ah, Sorano.. I'm glad you stay true to yourself. There are a lot of people who can't balance the plane between reality and fantasy in this world, which is why we need people like you." Her hand slid down to my face, where she rubbed my skin delicately. "Never change, okay?"

 Her presence was always the sweetest thing. 

I walked alongside Yvor as we left Serenidade to herself in the garden, the whistles of high winds ringing in the air as the tree's leaves would rustle. 

It had been years since we heard of another tale regarding Frieden and Verrat, but we never bothered to ask the more we grew. 

Yvor stretched his arms over his head, letting out a soft yawn. "Sereni's stories are always sooo boring.." He looked over towards me, nudging myself with his elbow. "And you always look forward to these things, ever since you were a fawn! Are ya starting to grow boring?"

It wasn't that I couldn't stand Yvor, I just happened to get irritated by how he treated Serenidade despite how well and providing she's taken care of us for many years. I started walking ahead of him, huffing in distaste. "Perceive me as you wish, Yvor. There are no such things as good or bad people when everyone taints one person different in every eye.. I don't care if I'm amusing for you, but you must make the most regard for the person who's been keeping us safe."

And Yvor didn't take that response well, but all he could do was roll his eyes and follow. "Pff, fine. Look, Sorano-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"Hey-" He walked alongside me now, before reaching to rest his hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. "I.. do take a lot of things for granted, but Serenidade is not one of them. I care for her like you do, okay?" He winced, inching a bit closer while grabbing my hands and holding them between his palms gently. "Do you remember what she told us back then? She knew nothing would come in between us to end up like they did- so we gotta make sure her words stay true. Okay?.."

I could only force myself to look up at Yvor as he spoke, but I felt how sincere he'd been through his words. It settled my previous frustration with his behavior, too.

Yvor gave me a kind smile, before bumping his forehead to mine gently and backing away. He placed his hands in his pockets, beginning to walk alongside the path again. "I thought of something we could do later, then! Once you're done with your training with Liko-.." 

 We came across the fields surrounding Pomace Mountain a few months after that day, Yvor carelessly scavenging the earth and trees for anything interesting while I documented my findings upon the preservation and nature of the environment.. it fascinated me, in one way or another. I was young to this world, and yet the roots of life that sunk within the earth to form the beauty of the trees and nature made me feel like I'd been alive for hundreds of years. Of course, I didn't dwell on it for more than I should've.. but it altered my thought process in moments like these.


"Hey, Sorano!" 

The deer ears on the side of my head flickered as I looked up from observing a sapling, noticing Yvor standing on a tree stump just steps ahead. He seemed out of breath, and.. almost panicked. After he regained himself, he turned his back on me but turned his head around. "There's this cave that has something nerdy you'd like! It's kind of gross though!!" He started rushing towards where he came, while I'd collect the items I used to write my notes before swiftly heading after him. It hadn't particularly caught my interest on something he found; at least until I'd seen it for myself.

Descending down the cave, I happened to notice the amount of bright glowing crystals within the cave. Some were familiar sights upon my study of mega evolution, but I never expected finding this many down here. Mega Evolution was illegal as ruled by Morpheus- it'd be unfortunate if bandits of any kind happened to discover this cave..

"Look at this nerdy shit man-" 

A bright green glow that outshines the glow of the mega crystals.. 

Slime that covers a body enveloped in green fluid..

We'd heard about it in Serenidade's stories.. but it sank my heart seeing him in person.
