Beneath the Crown

7 months, 1 day ago

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Sitting beside Nivistiak, the Queen is uncommpanied by other guards which is unusual for the Queen.

"Thank you all for joining us today. I know it's not every day you hear from me personally, but Niviatsiak and I have some very important news to share with you. I don't want to take any words out of her mouth, so--" she looks to the young Talon expectantly, a soft small gracing her maw as she waits for Niviatsiak to explain her proposition.


The Talon say next to the Queen. Posture proper and attention focusing on the cats in front of them. Feeling pride well in her chest at taking a spot next to the Queen, even if for a moment. "What we're about to discuss can not leave the cats in this hall." For if it did execution would likely be the result.

”A couple cycles back the four of you caught our attention and we’ve been monitoring you since." She looked on to the four, Nanna, Osk, Aud, and her own novice, Even. It had been a long time coming. With herself —and Queen Rota— both having children in that time. Niviatsiak was proud to know that with Rota's children she would have more use for their team of Valkyries. There was now more need for their specialised team. "Queen Rota and I have come together to put a highly specialized team together with the plan to work behind the scenes. We will be neutralising targets in secrecy to keep the royal family safe." With the addition of the Princesses the job had gained more importance. When she had suggested it she had only thought of waht could've been done if they had a proper team to take Vidar out. instead of put together by citizens and children.
Even to stop the original rebellion that had taken the life of Princess Suvituuli. They would prevent that from happening.

"We will be acting for the benefit of the crown as Valkyries."


To say she was nervous about what all this was about would be an understatement. This wasn't something that happened - being summoned by the Queen - and at first, Aud was certain she had done something wrong. It was one of those things, like when you knew you had put away your knife, but you couldn't talk yourself out of the idea that you had brought a knife to the library and would stab someone on accident with the knife you don't even have.

So Aud stood primly with the group together, eyes drifting from her sister, to her friend, to one of her inspirations. And she was silent as the two great mollies spoke to her, to the group of them, pupils little and unwavering despite their intensity.

To keep the royal family safe.

Her heart shuddered in her chest, and she breathed heavy for just a beat. That was why she had us do those things- Aud thought back to all those moons ago. Nivitsiak hadn't really been the type to sort of plan things like that, so it had to have been a test, hadn't it?

Goosebumps covered her forelegs.

"It's an honor," Aud says, voice sounding louder in the space than she meant it to. "Yer Majesty, Miss Nivitsiak-" She dips her head once, and shivers it down a second time. A purpose, Her mind shrieks with delight. We've been given a purpose! A good one- We can do something with ourself! Aud chances a glance over at the other three, hoping that, for all the world, they accept. (They had no other choice, right? Probably.)


Ósk had never been called upon by the Queen before. She really had no idea what to expect, and such could have no expectations for better or for worse about why they had all been called together like this. Her expression was blank and unperturbed as usual, plodding along next to her friends and Miss Nana. She didn’t really know what she was supposed to even say to a Queen. Like the whole social rules and fancy titles and stuff. Welp. Probably best to keep quiet until I get called on directly. She decides, listening as the Queen and Niviatsiak speak.

As the Talon starts explaining, Ósk frowns slightly as she tries to process what’s being said. She isn’t exactly sure but she and the others must have done something pretty impressive to get the queen’s attention like that. She had never exactly thought of herself as a good student, so it was something of a surprise to hear. Praise was nice though, ‘specially from cats who seemed like they probably didn’t give it out too often. There were some big words in there that she didn’t really get. Neutralizing? Specialized? It sounded kinda tough but pretty important too. Valkyries… like in the stories and stuff?

Hearing Aud speak up in response first, had Ósk blinking in attention, realizing she was gonna have to make a decision too. She glanced down briefly at the scar on her shoulder. Protecting…

”If…if you think I can help Miss…and er… your-your Majesty-ness…” Ósk fumbled for words, her low voice straining slightly as she spoke. ”I’ll…try my best.”


Whatever this meeting is about, it must be important if the Queen is involved. Even has never been face-to-face with her at such a close level, and although she's addressing a few cats and not just her, it still feels more intimate than anything she's ever experienced.

Stiff and awkward, Even stretches her limbs as her mentor Niviatsiak explains what was going on. A top secret conversation? No one can know? Luckily Aud and Osk are both here- two cats she would've wanted to confide in anyway. But what about Yvaine? She really has to keep a secret from her?

Well, whatever the Queen desires... Whatever Even prepares for, it certainly isn't enough for the revelation that's revealed to the chosen cats: Valkyrie...?

Even does a double-take in a desperate attempt to register what was said. Something that she only could've dreamed up as a kitten is actually taking place- top secret missions assigned to her by the Monarchy?

Protection has always been important to Even. No matter the cat- small or large- they will be defended by Even until her dying breath. She thrives on that, it's why she wanted to be a talon in the first place. Now her job is somehow becoming more serious. Even loves this opportunity.

"Yes, right, it's an honor." Even stumbles with her words, mimicking Aud and bowing her head. "Thank you. I'd love to be apart of this, anything for the Queen." When she lifts her head, her gaze excitedly bounces from Aud to Ósk, then she peers over to Nanna.


To be called before the Queen personally, Thor's beard she could hardly believe it... but here she stood, alongside three of the younger mollies, an audience to her majesty. Considering the ages of her company she'd almost gone on to think she'd gotten swept up in some fledgling prank gone monumentally wrong. Yet, she knew... or at least she thought she knew that these three were not the troublemaking type. Aud, while a little, well, odd... was definitely not the type to cause problems. She'd hate to find out this way that she'd been some kind of ruffian all along... and Even and Ósk were, from what she'd seen of them, mostly upstanding nestlings. Quite the fighters too.

Though, if it were like that... why the secrecy... would she not just flatten their dear familiars in public like that wretched hybrid. Nanna's small ears flicked stiffly, her soul-link scuttling down the base of her neck doing little to lighten her concerns.

The words of Rota and then Niviatsiak were quick to wash away the growing tensions in her hard-set jaw. Hard hail pellets of anxiety and pressure in her mind whisked away by words of affirmation and high-regards. Even if the thought of being watched without her knowledge made her pelt feel hot and uncomfortable.

Her dark eyes peering over to each of the younger cats as they all vow themselves as quickly as they could, her new colleagues in this venture. New classified information to tuck under her metaphorical wings, to hold safely... along with all the others. A respectful bow of her head towards the queen, as well as a quiet nod, "It would be an honor, to carry out her majesty's will. I am grateful for the privilege to be considered for such."

One by one, the chosen cats accepted the call and the Queen was pleased. With two kittens to protect, what better time to have an elite group of talons and raptors that she could call to at a moment's notice? It would be good for her family.

"Thank you all for accepting, I knew that you would. Your skills are invaluable, especially as a team. Even though some of you are still novices, you have shown your worth to the crown," she replied. "Niviatsiak will be your captain and main line of contact, so anything will go through her before it comes to me. We appreciate your discretion now until you have joined Valhalla." With that, the Queen gave everyone a bow. Not a shallow one as she normally did when she concluded a city meeting, but a true bow to the point where her nose almost touched the ground.

"Thank you."

Author's Notes

NNIVIATSIAK 249    ROTA/FONN 233    AUD 269    ÓSK 264    EVEN 259    NANNA 296