Willows BG

6 months, 25 days ago

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In the heart of the mountainous landscapes of Slovakia, nestled in a secluded rural town, Willow was Born to a red-eyed outcasted prostitute who met her demise during childbirth, Willow inherited the same blood-piercing eyes that marked her as an outcast from the very beginning. As a child and teenager, The townspeople, superstitious and fearful, regarded her as impure and a bearer of ill fortune prompting her to don grey contacts to conceal her distinctive eyes.

Raised in the shadows of the town's dominant religion, Willow found solace in the teachings of Calypso, the goddess worshipped by the community, and remained a devout follower, steadfast in her belief that Calypso would one day deliver her from the societal scorn she endured.

Over time, she ascended through the ranks of maidenhood, finding a semblance of belonging within the church. Her ascent within the church brought her closer to the head priest, a man who harbored a secret he feared to unveil. Willow's true lineage threatened his status and power. When her contacts betrayed her, revealing her true eyes that reminded him of the woman he met, the priest's self-preservation eclipsed any paternal affection he might have felt. To protect himself, he painted her as a demon, exploiting fear to orchestrate her sacrificial demise in Calypso's name. The community she had grown up with turned against her, and she was taken from her usual prayer spot next to the calypso statue and placed on the altar.

In her final moments, betrayed and condemned, Willow sought solace in her faith. As the blade pierced her and flames engulfed her, a voice, deep and soothing, whispered in her consciousness, revealing itself as Calypso. The very deity she'd devoutly worshiped now spoke to her, offering a cruel salvation.

Awakening to a scene of devastation, Willow found herself an unwitting vessel for Calypso, the demon of chaos and destruction. Though not known to Willow, Calypso felt an uncontrollable pull towards Willow and now with fates intertwined, the deity found an unexpected vessel in the girl shunned by her own faith. Willow's unwavering beliefs clashed with the reality thrust upon her, yet Calypso (regrettably..) chose her as a vessel to reclaim her once powerful throne. with Willows's faith now entangled with a force that saw potential where others saw impurity, Willow embarked on a perilous journey alongside Calypso, navigating the treacherous path of demons and demon vessels, all seeking to hinder their quest for power and redemption.