a welcomed change

6 months, 4 days ago

short drabble about their life pre-budding

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Author's Notes

sprouted from a short writing prompt on the amoebuds discord :-)

Jacob's life was on a downwards climb before his infection. 

One could argue that this gradual decline in health, both mental and physical, is what caused him to be so susceptible to infection, as staying at home all day, doing nothing but sitting at a glowing fluorescent screen snd eating nothing but fastfood and takeout can't possibly be good for the immune system.

Jacob Petrel so desperately wanted to leave his life behind. He didn't understand why the world had to be so difficult, nor did he understand why he had to be born in his body. His life was dull, boring. He was unemployed. He had no real friends. He couldn't even find a lover, and that's what he felt he was missing the most. He felt he was cursed with all this hell simply for the body and life he was given by the world, just an average guy. What he desperately wanted to do more than anything was leave the world altogether.

You could say he got his wish.

After a long while of what he only initially considered a pesky, simple sickness, something he guessed to be akin to just the common cold- he began to notice changes in his body. A numbness here, a patch of lost fur there. And then he began to lose himself. Lose his mind. In the mirror he would notice small sprouts coming out the top of his head, almost like tumors, but they had the pigment of a strange alien fungus. Then, his body began to move on its own. Twitches of muscle while he was awake, and when he decided to sleep in his bed or went otherwise unconscious, his body would wake somewhere completely new. The process, something most would consider excruciating, losing your sense of self, any type of control over your own life or body, it was the best thing in the world to him.

He was being offered a second chance.

And eventually, he would willingly take it's full offer.

His body is only a mindless husk of what it once was, now the only thing taking up space in his brain is the amoe that infected him.

He couldn't be happier.

Author's Notes

such a serious story, and to think I gave them such a silly name liks Booger... Geez!

At least their last name isn't Cobblemore.