Written traits

9 months, 25 days ago
9 months, 25 days ago
13 1484

Entry 12
Published 9 months, 25 days ago

Open traits are traits that can be used anytime to make an Eláfimas

Breeding traits are traits only earned when Breeding a Eláfimas couple together, these traits are randomly given when filling out the #Breeding Quest form, and rolling a random trait.

Unusual Traits are traits earned when completing quests, and being randomly awarded

Magical Traits are traits earned from special quests, Events, and Writing/drawing prompts.


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Eláfimas Mane and Tail Colors

Eláfimas Mane and Tail Colors

●Open Female Eláfimas Traits

Matching Mane and Tail

- Female Eláfimas commonly have matching Mane and tail patterns

●Breeding Female Eláfimas Traits

Different Markings

- its rare for a  Female Eláfimas to have a Mane and tail that doesn't match

●Open Male Eláfimas Trait

Different Marking

-its Common for Male Eláfimas to have manes, and tails that don't match

●Breeding Male Eláfimas Traits

- It's rare for a Male Eláfimas to have matching Mane and tail
