Peace Offering

6 months, 9 days ago

Blue Medigriff has an interesting encounter with the Red Team Heavygriff

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Breathing rapidly as she scrabbled up the side of the wooden building, hoping the sound of her claws raking against the wood boards didn’t make too much noise to alert the reds to her location. The battle was over, but humiliation phrase had begun, and she had barely been able to escape the happy-go-lucky pyromaniac that had been pressuring her. She had to ditch her medipack to give herself more speed.....though its against company policy to do so, she honestly didn’t give a dang.  

When your running for your life, you do whatever you can to escaped.

Blue MediGriffin pressed her body down against the roof of the building, trying to make herself as small as possible to reduce the likely hood that she would be seen. She resisted the urge to just fly back to base, her primal instinct demanding her to just spread her wings and head to safety, but she knew better. The skies were less safe than the dusty ground below as she had learnt the hard way, back in the early days of her recruitment.  

‘By the stars she missed Coldfront!’ at least there she could hide herself in the snow with no trouble, but here in this stupid desert she was an easy target. Blue Medigrffin froze as she could hear the the sounds of hurried foot steps below, heading towards where she had climbed up. A sickening thought crossing her mind, as Blue Medigriffin realized she may have left claw marks leading to her location on the wooden boards on the side of the building. She could only hope the strange magic on the buildings in these battle fields had already repaired the damage before who ever came closer noticed the scratches.

Sure it had cross her mind to just to give up and let the Reds finish her off, and she’d done it a few times before when this phrase occurred, but with the recent information she had discovered with how Re-spawn failure may be caused by....she rather not risk dying for real if she could help it.

The footsteps came to a sudden stop near where she had climb up.

She was screwed, if it was a Red then they’ll be coming up soon or alerting the others to where she was, or by some miracle it was a surviving Blue teammate, then they were about to give away her position if they asked her for help or wanted to hide with her.

But she didn’t have long to figure out her next move, as whoever was below made a sort of grunting noise before suddenly finding herself shadowed by the Red Team HeavyGriffin who was now perched in front of her.

Blue Medigriffin made a hissing noise, arching her back and stepping away from the large griffin who seemed to have ditched the mini-gun he usually carried...and was now holding out a sandvich towards her?

She stared at him like with a look of disbelief and ‘What the heck is going on here?’ before eye-balling the sandvich with suspicion.    

“What you playing at?” She hissed at the Heavy, honestly this was the first battle she had ever seen this particular red before, and had no idea how things could turn out being left alone with him.  

“Don’t worry I have no intention of killing you” He said pleasantly before offering the food towards her again “Here take Sandvich, it should make you feel better” he then smiled.  

“So you intend to capture me instead! and that food is obviously drugged!!” she growled her wings fluffy up defensively while the HeavyGriffin smile turned to a sad frown.

It wasn’t unheard of, of Red or Blue’s taking a enemy’s hostage in the Humiliation phrase, but she was in no mood to be that hostage today thank you very much!!.

“No, I do not want to hurt you, just give sandvich and in hopes you will feel better, your team did very well out their today and you were a great credit to team as Heavy Horse would say, saw how hard you try keep teammates alive, sides I have no interested in silly Humiliation phrase see no point in hunting down defeated Blues” He spoke calmly giving a smile at the end and again presenting the Sandvich to her.

She had been watching him the entire time trying to spot any sort of hint that this was a trick, but she honestly couldn’t tell, the demeanour he was giving off was ‘pleasant and friendly’ something that even among her kind would seem strange.

He was a strange Griffin and she couldn’t trust him, even if he was telling the truth she just couldn’t risk it. And it seemed he was finally getting the message that she wasn’t going to take it, he frowned sadly again his body seemingly deflate at the small rejection.

At that moment some tiny part of Blue MediGriffin, felt a little bad, but she quickly mushed those feelings away, this was a strange private war and she refused to die or be captured because she was willing to give the enemy the ‘benefit of the doubt’ but then she smelt a whiff of the sandvich in question.

“Do...I smell Ham?” she was more asking her self then the griffin in front of her, the Blue team had been eating mostly rations as punishment for their recent loses to the Reds. And the sudden smell of something that didn’t look like bird seed was starting to change her mind about rejecting this rare offering.  

“Indeed you do!!” He said cheerily as he slowly opened and parted some of the sandvich to show off the slice of meat hidden under cheese.

Medigriffin could feel some part of her resolve slipping away at the site. Could she really risk trust this Red Heavy?

Well she’ll get her answer soon enough she guessed, as Medigriffin grabbed for the sandvich.