
6 months, 3 days ago

Mild Violence
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Obsessive behavior, manipulation, kinda gore?/ Violence. Iguess

Obsession wouldn't be the word Laurent would use for his feelings toward reyr. It'd be devotion.

Every god has followers. Every god has devotion from the their followers and devout the people will be. Just like that Laurent is no different, why would he be. Reyr is his god and reyr is whom he'll serve.

He was a fool in his earlier days he'll admit, out of college and down on his luck in procuring gigs in town had led him to the cult, a stop to all the problems in life ,they promised him .

Reyr was beautiful, no one can deny that, an odd sense of other wordly beauty and an aura of power. But again the first time Laurent saw them they couldn't have been over 18. Why would a cult center around a pretty little thing? Besides the only reason he was in this cult was to play for reyr, as entertainment for this god. The god was even somewhat nice to him-And so he questioned reyr, that was a grave mistake.

The divining room, a place reyr used for confessionals of faith and occasional questions, was where they were across from eachother. Reyr in a wooden throne , eyes closed and posture that proud Laurent found it hard to think this god was human.

Reyr smiled always, but the darkness of their eyes always felt hollow- void like this was all just another moment for them no matter the bloodshed, the woes, the threats, the happiness, it was all for nothing but for them to witness. However when they looked at him after he asked, it was chilling, like instead of witnessing ,reyrs eyes were prying the very sinew off his bones even if his body was still attached in one piece- like his organs were full of ice.

They laughed at the question.

Reyr tilted their head , crossed their legs and stared at him. The words that left them afterwards ring soundly in his ears even in the silence of the dead in the night. The silence echoes deep into the he marrow of his bones, like a brand.

"When the dog bites the hand that feeds it, it shall know the punishment that comes with those actions. Are you going to go against me , dog?"

His silence must have been far too long as he's pushed to the ground by the cult leader or maybe the oppressing feeling of reyrs own power- and forced to his knees. The man is silent as Laurent feels the tip of reyrs boot under his chin, forcing his head up. Despite the position Laurent doesn't feel unsafe- this is how gods are to be worshipped, on his knees and begging.

" Will you defy me ,dog, speak." Reyr had spoken with a smile on their face , gripping Laurent's hair back to keep the eye contact. With their other hand they began to trace over the left side of his face. The saccharine sweetness of how reyr looks at him contrasting how uncaringly reyr grabs at him, how demeaningly they call for him , Laurent feels a hint of warmth in his own twisted way. Reyr is beautiful like this, domineering, omnipotent and overpowering- just like god to be.

Reyr frowns at the lack of answer. The sight of Laurent sightlessly staring at them without answer and his mouth open yet no words of his innocence, it drives reyr to madness- the annoyance reyr feels at followers like these are the worst.

"Not an answer in you is there, dog, no defiance.. but the seedling of doubt is still there isn't there. I see.. I'll treat you mercifully.. it just seems you've lost your path, come.." reyr hums tapping his cheek.

The scene feels unreal like there's something more and suddenly reyrs hand is burning hand as they swirl it over his skin. Pain floods his senses as reyr continues to mark the side of his face. Reyr let's go after some moments and Laurent is on all fours as his head hangs low, desperate to catch his breath and the situation so unbearingly restrictive, reyrs presence looming over him causes an odd churning. The smell of burning fell causes his to gag however reyr seems uneffected- like a god would, unaffected by mortal offenses.

" How lovely... Do you like my present , dog? Oh ofcourse you do.. bowing your head as a good dog would you it's master... How good~" reyr hums to themself, a tone of satisfaction in their voice as they look over Laurent. Laurent glances back at them again from his position on the floor and there's an odd feeling in his gut as he looks at reyr on the chair , sitting with their legs crossed and staring intently, amused at *him*. Like he was the entertainment, not the entertainer. Like this entire ordeal was simply amusing to reyr and nothing more.

The term present feels special to Laurent. Though coming from reyr it can mean it so much more demeaning, it's a brand on him that he's of this cult - in a twisted funny little way it's a gift for Laurent and Laurent cherishes the entire thought of it far too much for the norm.

"You may speak now dog, good dogs only spoke when they're spoken to." Reyr tilts their head

"has my devout not told you about this? My, and to think our precious protector of god had plentifuly told of the consequences if any transgressions were to happen." Reyr smiles, uncrossing their legs to shift them alongside themself and tuck them underneath their frame. Reyr looks at him expectantly like Laurent is standing in a trial to prove his innocence lest there be another punishment for him. The smells that accompany the witnessing can only be described as terror filling for laurent.

" I have been merciful now dog, though if this happens again I'm already telling you it will be much worse, this is only a warning. Keep your piano well now, if you don't I might simply have to throw you." Reyr says, lips curling to a smile but not a shred of it to be found on their face. "I .." Laurent heaves heavily. He tries to calm his thoughts, reorganizing his cards in his head to get the one that reyr wants him to.

"I ... P... Please accept the error of my ways m-my lord. I was mistaken- I.. I lost the path " he manages out and reyr closes their eyes nodding along

"Ofcourse you were , dog" Reyr smiles, dark ,hollow and godly

" I'm never wrong.. yet here you were doubting me.. oh I should have you tried and thrown to the bottom of a frozen lake..maybe atonement could've saved you.. yet I so mercifully gave you a gift." They shake their head after a moment

"You have your faith back though from your moments of misclarity , sinners can even reclaim their faith like you have yours"

They wave their hand a moment , likely casting some spell but Laurent's eyes are too unfocused to even realize what's happening , the pain on his face fizzles out and before he knows it he's simply passed out.