One shot - Examples

6 months, 12 days ago
6 months, 12 days ago
4 9322

Chapter 1
Published 6 months, 12 days ago

A collection of one-shot pieces of various lengths and genres to give you a taste of my writing!

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Some of my favorite pieces of writing--  Best enjoyed with a relaxing cup of tea!

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Try the directory instead to browse through all my writing!!

#NameAboutWord CountTags
1.What Doesn't Kill You
Ren has trouble accepting her battle scars-- Kara is determined to show her how beautiful she is regardless.
3,244 words
WlW, Hurt-comfort, Non-sexual intimacy, fluff, OC 
2.Pieces of a Whole
An arrow, a slash, and a shower of glass and glitter as their arm fragmented into the air. Lapis was left to piece Citrine back together.
1,210 words
Fandom, Curing Wounds, hurt comfort, OC x Canon ship (Land of the Lustrous) nblnb
3.Of Young Love and Curry
There are two cute baristas behind the bar at Café LeBlanc, and Goro Akechi wants to date them both
4,119 words
Fandom, Getting together, love confessions, hurt comfort, fluff, Polyship (Persona 5)