
6 months, 7 days ago
14 days, 1 hour ago
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Entry 1
Published 14 days, 1 hour ago

A compendium of various short, one-shot stories which are not canon to my characters' lore.

This is also where you will find my written entries for closed species events.

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May 2024 Skire Finding Home

Ice cubes tumbled straight to the bottom of the glass, swiftly submerged by a pale amber beverage that announced itself in a carbonated hiss. Sparkling bubbles rushed to the surface, and seconds before they threatened to overwhelm the rim, a clawed hand laid hold of the cup.

"A toast," came the rich, melodic timbre of Delainey's voice as he extended out his drink, "to my dear friend, Endemion, and to new connections that unite us, through Hive and Protection."

"Cheers." Endemion cordially raised his own glass and touched it to his. "Well said."


Withdrawing hands, they both took a sip of their fizzling beverage, savoring the sweet tang of the non-alcoholic cider. The bottle itself, now half-empty, was placed on the center of a traditional, wooden high-top table, the light of an ornate chandelier overhead glinting off its smooth surface. It was silent, aside from the occasional creak of polished floorboards and the crackling from an imported stone fireplace situated further inside the building.

"I must say, what a pleasure it is to have you here this evening. Few have been granted the opportunity to take a tour of my estate. A real tour—exclusive—not like the parties, events, and what have you," Delainey continued while his multiple eyes fell down upon the guest before him.

"It's a nice place, Del. A private retreat like this must have set you back a fortune," Endemion commented before taking a swig of his drink, allowing his gaze to wander to the nearby kitchen.

A low chuckle rolled from the back of the Crook's throat and he idly flicked his tail in amusement.

"A damn nice place, but a man of real taste never slacks on quality. Every detail of the millwork here is tailored to my own preferences, cut and carved by the hands of the best local artisans."

Delainey gestured with an open palm at the furniture, lips curved upward in a subtle smirk.

"But that's not what sold me on this property," he added with a beckoning tilt of the head just as he began to walk toward the upper left corner of the room where it attached to a wide hallway.

Endemion's crowns perked in curiosity and he rose from his seat, swiftly straightening the front of his suit jacket with a free hand while the other held onto his drink. Without hesitation, he followed close behind, matching his taller comrade's pace with his own leisurely strides.

The pair would soon pass by a small, intricate bookshelf and several antique paintings lining the tan walls before Delainey led them out into an open living space with a lofty ceiling. Sturdy wood beams crossed high above at the top of the room, further accentuating the rustic appearance that could be seen throughout the entirety of the estate. Luxurious, plush chairs were placed toward the back of the room around a rectangular rug, and at the very end sat a sprawling couch decorated with pillows in various dulled shades of red, brown, and green. Moonlight streamed in through towering windows swept across the entire back wall, striking the sides of support columns and casting long shadows across the floor where the warm, flickering glow of the nearby fireplace could not reach.

Endemion followed him up to those windows at the end, peering out at the sight that lied just beyond the glass. Far out in the distance was an enormous mountain ridge, rising far above the dark treeline with its snow-tipped peaks reaching up toward stars shining in the night sky above.

"This," Delainey began, motioning to the scenery, "is what captured my attention."

"I always wanted to live out in the mountains. Not isolated, but someplace quiet. Powerful. Free. A home where you could look out toward the horizon and feel like you really made it somewhere in this world, no matter your history, your setbacks, or whatever trouble might await you at the bottom."

Delainey turned his head back to Endemion with a sliver of pride in his blue and yellow eyes, his fur and tendrils sparkling and shimmering below the radiance of the moon.

"Not a single nice thing could ever compare to how important this view is to me."