The Dungeon Descent

5 months, 19 days ago
5 months, 10 days ago
3 1630

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 19 days ago

Mild Violence
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Green Hill Zone | First Visit

When they were told about the best dungeon to start with, they expected it to be more... Dungeony. Instead, it was a pleasant hilled expanse with lush greens and vibrant yellow sunflowers. For such a nice area, it didn't have many pokemon. They spotted a mankey by the river, and for the first part of the exploration, that's all they saw.

The previously comforting silence became unnerving. Clouds were blocking parts of the sun, and the flowers swayed ominously in the breeze. The two pokemon reluctantly explored the seemingly desolate paradise, one by air- Vultchar- and one by land- Ignis. The duo travelled through the hills, following narrow and twisting paths, walking alongside the river when those mysteriously ended.

The sun never seemed to set, or rather, it was hard to tell how long they'd been in here. For all they know, it could've been an hour, or a day. They really should've brought a stopwatch. Now they were on edge, Ignis moreso than Vultchar. And that paired with this being his first mystery dungeon, made for an inevitably ill fated encounter.

An eevee had been lying in a grove of sunflowers, which the team had walked by. Unwittingly, they frightened the poor feral, and in return, startled Ignis.

He truly didn't mean to react the way he did. He hadn't been a cyndaquil very long, and many abilities were discovered spur of the moment. Moments like this. Fire erupted from his back, singeing the eevee and setting the sunflowers alight. The meadow lit up in flames, and Ignis could only watch on in horror.

The flames spread, startling a sandshrew out of it's burrow in the hills. The eevee seemed panicked, and rather confused. But the mankey from before, the one by the river, seemed to be the only pokemon who did something to help. Using a basket made of weaved grass from the hills, they fill it with water and run over, managing to douse most of the blaze.

With Ignis snapped back to reality, they used their body to stamp out the remaining flames. Him and Vultchar looked at the three pokemon. Ignis with guilt, and Vultchar with general disregard. Vultchar had been convinced to carry the eevee, and Ignis persauded the sandshrew. The mankey seemed to follow as well, if only to make sure there were no more fires.

Finally, an exit to the dungeon appeared, and the team left- Having found three new companions, in the strangest place.

Author's Notes

413 Words