Mind Scribbles

6 months, 17 days ago
6 months, 17 days ago
8 1844

Chapter 6
Published 6 months, 17 days ago

A series of short Drabbles or One Shots more accurately labeled as Scenarios centered or involving Demi Akuma

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Expect the unexpected

To say Demi was suprised would be an understatement, if someone had told him that his days would evolve from writing boring and stone faced reports with a blank face to blatantly lying in the faces of thousands of people he had never meet even once in his life, he would've laughed them straight in the face. 

Running a small scale rebellious Organisation is easy they said. We are all professionals, of course we know what we are doing! They said. He should've known better than leaving his bed this morning, oh how he would love a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee,- in no way was his mind awake enough to face an angry mob...wait.

,,W...why are you mad at me though?", cocking his head to the side in a relaxed manner, the demon lifted one of his brows to stare at the mob with a confused yet tired expression displayed on his face. 

The leader of the angry mob however did not utter a single word, instead they just began to groan annoedly with one of their free hands monitioning towards a gigantic hole of a building several meters above ground. 

The redhead in turn could on stare at the damage in wonder. ,,You're renovating? I'm sorry but if it's an approval you want for any modifications to the layout of your home I would advice you to speak with our Leader instead, I don,-"

,,Renovation?! Your people are the cause of this!" 

,,I'm sorry, I haven't been informed of any recent ink sightings within this area. How exactly are my teammates responsible?"

,,Are you kidding me? This is the third time this week your werewolf demolished one of our houses by messing with the cats and bird." 

So professional.