Two Bros Chillin in a Bedroom

Cat-Bennie Vesuvi
5 months, 29 days ago

SC Log (June 11th 2023) ((READ AUTHOR'S NOTE))

One on the floor cuz he's "not gay"

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Author's Notes

Ok so like this rp started way back in June 11th, and was completed the day after. But where this takes place timewise in universe is sometime before the Season 1 finale.


I might've forgot that we wanted to hc and now i have hc vibes but not many ideas
but they are home now! so!


Yes hi hello
And they are home! Woo!
The bois are so happy to be out from under that sun tho
I’m not sure what to HC atm either admittedly. Maybe something for the next day because Hugo’s just at his clunky old laptop playing Minecraft in his pjs rn.


Nah Cami causally busting in on this man in his pjs




scares the shit out of him cause Cami just hovers outside his window staring like "..... what tf are you doing-?"




He probably was coming back from a ride
and was just gonna say hi
ya know


As one does
Gosh it’d spook the mess out of Hugo
Just hears a voice and sees Cami’s silhouette at the window
Gotta exit his world so he doesn’t die and goes to the window whispering like “Why are you at my window??


Cami trying not to laugh too hard and wake up the entire floor but cant help it "I went out for a ride cause the room was stuffy and thought I'd say hi since your light was on. Why are you up, anyways? Not past your bed time yet?"


“I was just gonna stay up and play some games till I felt tired enough to knock out.” He admits.


"Thats fun?" Cami is clearly not a gamer "How long are you gonna be up then?"


“Till I’m tired.” He shrugs. “Otherwise I’m just gonna be staring in the dark till I do pass out.”


"Yeah, thats what I usually do..." He sighs


Hugo would nod, then glance back at his roommate, Mialani, who’s probably also in there sleeping. He looks back at Cami. “Can we move this downstairs? I don’t wanna wake her up.” He points past his shoulder at the other end of the room.


"Hm?..." he glances over and sees Mia "Oh-... yeah, my roommates not back yet so. Meet you down there?"


“Sure thing.” He nods, slipping the window back down and looking at his shirt. Should he change or..? It’s probably fine. Not like anyone here hasn’t seen it before, so he heads downstairs and waits by Cami and Heather’s door.


After a moment, and a somewhat loud crash coming from behind the door, Cami appears and opens it to meet the other while huffing slightly. "Come in... sorry, it's kinda messy."


The sudden crash causes Hugo to flinch and stare at the door with a lot of concern. The moment Cami opens the door, though, it’s not hard to tell what happened.  
“Wouldn’t using the elevator have been easier?” Hugo hesitates to ask before coming in. He forgot there was so much green on Cami’s end.


"I still would've had to land somewhere first. Would you rather I crashed in your room?" He smirks as if he won something in this exchange. He then leads the other more into the room before sitting on his bed. A lot of his stuff seems to be either packed up or never unpacked from the trip.


Hugo was about to retort by questioning if Cami knows how to land a broom he’s probably used for years, but he doesn’t really wanna start anything tonight so he’ll leave it be. “Fair enough.”  
He finds himself a spot on the floor, and can’t help but notice the luggage still sitting around. “Haven’t unpacked yet?”


Cami rolled his eyes a bit when Hugo chose the floor. "Afraid of the bed? Promise I won't try anything, if your worried~" he teased, laughing. "Oh.. im not unpacking it. I'm thinking about moving when we have like, personal time again. This rooms gotten so cramped and suffocating lately.." he doesn't seem that enthused


For some reason, the comment has Hugo feeling odd. He ignores it. “I just don’t wanna risk passing out on it. Looks a little too comfy.” 

His brows raise a bit with interest. “Oh, sweet.“ But the look on Cami’s face feels off. “You don’t look too hyped about it though.” 


"Mhm, suuuuuure that's why~" 

Cami shrugs a bit "I... haven't lived on my own in a long time. So I guess the idea of it has me thrown for a loop." He sighs and lands on his back on the bed "I need out of here cause sharing a space with her isn't doing me any good, but believe it or not I kinda hate living alone. It's boring..."


By the sounds of it, he and Heather aren’t as close to liking each other as they had been when he first saw the state of their room after a certain someone’s tantrum. “Yeah, I can see why that’s a rough spot to be in.”  
Hugo props his chin over a hand. “I kinda dealt with the same with coming over here, but it was the opposite. Had to get used to sharing my space with someone else.”
“It’s probably just a matter of time and letting yourself adjust.” 


"Doubt it." Cami crosses one of his legs over the other "I know it's just not my thing to be alone that often. But at least getting strangers who know nothing about me but my pretty face works well enough..."


That last bit has Hugo inwardly wincing. “Yeah. Can you imagine how different it’d be if they saw how you land?” He jokes, trying to ease some of the tension.


"Trust me, the broom isn't the thing they're concerned about me riding." Cami jokes in return then sighs "Though flings aren't even as interesting as they used to be. I swear SC is making me go soft."


"Maybe the charm of it's just worn off." Hugo suggests, choosing to be careful with his words. To him, losing interest in throwing your body around for strangers is a good thing in his eyes, but for Cami, he's not so sure.
"Could always try out other hobbies?"


Cami scoffs "Like what? Fucking knitting? I don't really have any star qualities unless it has to do with sex or magic and both aren't feeling that great recently. So." He huffs and rolls to his side. "Whatever... im done complaining."


“Could do knitting. Or painting, writing, reading, gaming, jogging-“ He lists random things off on his fingers. “Being good at it isn’t really the point. The point is doing it because you enjoy it.” Hugo shrugs, but if Cami wants to drop it, he’ll drop it for now.


"How is being bad at something fun?" Cami gripes back "What's the point in doing it if you suck?"


“Because you’re.. doing it?” Hugo shrugs, not really sure how to explain. “Kinda hard to put into words. Like, playing an instrument for example. You’re not gonna be good right off the bat, but at least you’ve got it, right there. You can pick it up and practice it at any time or just make a bunch of noise if that’s your thing. And if you keep it up, you got a chance at getting better.” He pauses for a beat. “Unless it’s a recorder. There’s no hope for those.” 

“And if it’s not your thing, well now you know. You don’t have to leave yourself guessing if it’s something you can or even wanna do.” Gosh this has to be the most Hugo’s ever talked in a while, he thinks. He’s definitely gonna pay for it in the morning.


"... Sounds like a bit waste of time for something your not gonna use practically ever..." He speaks lowly, in a way that sounds like he's copying someone. After a period of silence, he quietly continued. ".... how did you learn your music stuff?..."


The first comment goes unheard. The second one, though, it brings back a memory. “Man.. Whenever I would stay with my Nan, she’d take me to a music shop down the road and let me mess with the guitars since she was friends with the owner. He showed me things like how to read music, where the notes are, basic stuff. I wasn’t that great at reading music, though, so I had to learn everything by ear.” And then he shrugs. “I just kept playing, and eventually I got better.”


"Just like that, huh..." He seems weirdly jealous "I've done music stuff, but it was for- someone else- so I just ended up stressed out. Thar was like singing lessons, though. I imagine instrument's are harder."


“All depends on the person and the instrument honestly.”
 When Cami mentions he used to take singing lessons, his interest is piqued. “You sing?” But another thing he notes is how they imply it was for someone else, and he thinks back at that night in Vegas.. That’ll go on the back burner for now.


"I can sing, like almost everyone in the world can. I just have the advantage of knowing how to breath effectively." he cackles a bit while mockingly speaking in a posh accent.


The accent catches Hugo off guard for a moment, long enough for an amused huff to escape. “You’ve got superior lungs.”


Cami laughs a bit and sits up "I know. Super useful, right?" 


Hugo puts on a fake posh accent of his own. “Exemplary.  ”


Cami was really not expecting Hugo to try the accent on, and accidently snorted trying not to laugh. "Pffffff- What was that??"


Cami's reaction only eggs him on, and Hugo continues to speak in the very poorly delivered accent, if it means cheering his friend up.